Legend (Arizona Vengeance #3)(57)

The night really got good when Pepper stepped out of the bathroom after finishing her makeup. She was wearing a very simple, sleeveless black dress that dipped really low in the front, exposing the rounded swells of her breasts. The hem came more sedately to her knees but the dress fit her form all the way down. The killer black heels with thick straps around her ankles added more sex appeal.

    Most astonishing was her face. Pepper rarely wears makeup because she doesn’t need it, but fuck when she puts it on, she wears it well. Her eyes were dark and smoky, her cheekbones highlighted and her lips were full, wet, and luscious. I wanted to throw her onto the bed and have more fast, sloppy sex with her.

Pepper accepts the valet’s hand to exit the car. I get out on my side and hand a ten-dollar bill to the attendant that will park the car. It’s overkill on the tip but I remember what it was like to work a job where you depended on tips. I waited tables through high school and I know how important they are.

I tuck Pepper’s hand in my arm and when we enter the restaurant, we find Gray and Ryker waiting for us just inside.

Gray standing tall and statuesque with flaming red hair and crystal blue eyes, she looks like she should be modeling in Paris rather than managing a professional hockey team. Gray is tall but her husband Ryker towers over her. When he was playing, his nickname was The Brick because he was built like a brick wall. Even though he retired a year ago to become the goalie coach for the Cold Fury, he still clearly works out to maintain his physique.

“Legend,” Ryker says in greeting with a beaming grin.

We clasp hands and hug with a few back slaps. I turn to Gray, who I have met on one other occasion at an awards show, and give her a light kiss on the cheek.

    I pull Pepper in and introduce her. “This is my girlfriend, Pepper Nantais.”

Handshakes are made and polite greetings, then I’m amused when Gray turns to her purse, which I note is quite large, and pulls out Pepper’s first children’s book she published. The original Grand Adventures of Penelope and Bert.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Gray explains as she holds the book out to Pepper along with a pen. “But when Ryker told me who you were, I just had to bring this for you to sign. Our middle kid Ruby loves these books so much.”

A surge of pride wells up in me so fierce, I actually feel my eyes sting, which is not manly at all. I blink hard and watch as Pepper—who is clearly embarrassed and pleased at the same time—signs the book for Gray.

The ma?tre d’ interrupts us to lead us to our table. We chitchat while our drinks are being served. Gray sits next to Pepper and is asking her all kinds of questions about being a children’s author and even suggests she write a children’s book about hockey. Ryker and I catch up on the season, and because he’s a coach now, he also gives me pointers. I trust his wisdom and experience, so I listen carefully.

Over appetizers, the talk turns to children. Ryker has two girls, Violet and Ruby, from a former marriage, but they live full time with Ryker and Gray. Gray just had a baby boy in May.

Out comes her phone and she’s sharing photos with us of little Milo Evans. Even at only eight months old, you can tell he’s going to be big like his dad. I wonder what Charlie will look like at that age.

    Gray looks at one of Milo’s pictures with a sweet smile and I can see that she’s missing her little guy. When she catches me looking at her, she seems a little embarrassed. “Just wait until you have one, Legend.”

Pepper looks at me and I look at Pepper. Charlie has not been revealed to the media yet and for good reason. Things are too fragile and unknown and I don’t want the press digging into our personal lives with Lida acting all crazy.

But this is Ryker and Gray and I know they can keep a secret. “Actually…I have a daughter. She’s two months old.”

Gray and Ryker just blink for a few moments until they seem to jolt into action. “That’s wonderful,” Gray says as Ryker slaps my back.

“What the hell, buddy,” Ryker laughs and then looks at Pepper. “You could have told us, you know.”

Pepper starts shaking her head and I laugh. “Sorry…she’s not Pepper’s.”

Confusion takes over their expressions and I find myself starting the story from the beginning so they understand what’s going on, including my legal woes with Lida and how I want to keep this out of the press.

I finish by saying, “Charlie’s at my parents’ so they can get some grandparent time, or else you’d be meeting her.”

Gray shakes her head. “I have to say, Legend, I’m truly impressed by you. You’ve taken to fatherhood extremely well.”

“And in the midst of a lot of baby mama drama,” Ryker adds on with a grimace. “Wish there was something we could do to help you.”

    I laugh and reach out to take Pepper’s hand. “Pepper and I were just joking yesterday that we should just move to South America to get away from Lida.”

Ryker laughs but Gray’s eyes go serious. “Or,” she says with a mischievous glint. “You could come to Raleigh, North Carolina.”

The smile on my face dies off as I realize she’s not joking. I tilt my head and keep my tone light. “You making me a job offer, Gray?”

“Yes,” she says simply and I’m stunned.

Sawyer Bennett's Books