Legend (Arizona Vengeance #3)(46)

Pointing a finger at the pigs, I direct my question only to Pepper. “What in the hell is that?”

“Flower planters,” she says matter of factly. “And I think they look fabulous.”

“They look pink,” I grumble.

    “They add pizazz to your drab abode,” she counters.

I study her for a moment, before shooting a glance at Lucy. She’s got her head dropped, cooing at Charlie, but I can see the grin on her face that she’s enjoying this.

My attention goes back to Pepper. “You want the palm of my hand, don’t you?”

I get what I want. Pepper’s face flames crimson that I’d make a sexual joke in front of Lucy. It’s not that Lucy doesn’t know we’re sleeping together, because she totally figured that out a while ago, but she doesn’t know that there’s ass slapping going on behind closed doors.

Or, well…she didn’t know until now.

Pepper catches me off guard by pushing up from her seat and walking up to me. She puts her hands on my hips and gazes up at me. “I knew these would amuse you, and I wanted to cheer you up today. But I’m happy to move them over to my yard.”

She wanted to cheer me up.

Because today is Lance’s funeral and I can’t be there. None of us can because we were playing a game yesterday, and we have one tomorrow. Dax got permission from management to stay in New York this week because he had to handle some things for Lance’s estate, but he’s catching a late flight back tonight. I’ve talked to him a few times but he’s been weirdly distant and vague when I ask him how things are going. I figure this is hitting him really hard.

I slide my hand to the back of Pepper’s neck, loving the feel of her soft skin on my palm and her short hair tickling the back of my hand. I bend toward her and brush my lips against hers. “That is a very sweet gesture and I am indeed amused.”

    “I thought you might be,” she smirks as she blinks up at me.

Twisting my neck, I look back at the pigs for a moment before making a bold proclamation. “You know…I do think they lend a bit of whimsy to the place. I think I’ll keep them. I mean…it’s good for Charlie to be exposed to all types of styles, right?”

Pepper snorts and steps away from me, going to one of the pig flowerpots where she moves the vines and pinches off a few dead flowers. I turn to my other girl and Lucy’s already standing to hand my daughter to me.

“She’s been such a good girl this morning,” she tells me as I settle Charlie into the crook of my arm.

Her eyes widen slightly as she recognizes me—and yes, she does recognize me—and the corners of her tiny little mouth pull slightly upward. More than anything, I can see the smile she bestows me right in her eyes. It’s sort of a light that has come on because she’s happy to see her daddy.

“How’s my little Charlie girl?” I ask her in a singsongy voice as I rub my finger along her chin. She gurgles and the smile fully forms on her mouth.

And fuck…nothing better in this world than having your child smile at you.

I bounce slightly on my feet. “Want to go for a walk, pretty girl? Maybe to the park or a stroll around the ’hood? We’ll ask that other pretty girl playing around with the pink pigs if she wants to go with us, what do you think? Then I’ll have the two prettiest girls in the world flanking me.”

    I turn to look at Pepper to see if I’m charming her in any way as I baby talk to my daughter, but she’s not looking at us. Instead, she’s looking at something over my shoulder and the expression on her face puts me instantly on guard.

“Legend,” Pepper says in a warning tone.

I turn quickly around and gape as Lida comes walking from the neighbor’s yard to my left. I don’t for a minute think she was there visiting but rather probably parked her car down the street and cut through.

And she’s not casually meandering our way. She’s stalking with long, purposeful strides—her face twisted in anger.

My instincts go into protection mode and I turn to Pepper, handing her my daughter. I lower my voice to a murmur. “Take Charlie and Lucy inside. Lock the doors and call the police.”

Pepper gives a firm nod and walks swiftly up the steps. Lucy already has the door open for her and they all disappear inside. I hear the snick of the lock as I turn back to face Lida.

She’s pointing her finger at the door. “That’s my daughter and I want to see her.”

There’s no doubt…something has changed within her. She’s still graced with heavenly beauty and an amazing body that makes it hard to believe she had a baby just six weeks ago. She’s got on a pair of tight white pants that hit just at her ankles, high-heeled wedge shoes, and a blue pinstripe button-down shirt that’s cut to fit her torso like a second skin. Her long dark hair, parted down the middle is curled in waves and her makeup is flawless.

    But it’s on her face…in the depths of her eyes.

A bit of crazy.

I spread my feet wide and cross my arms over my chest, making myself a wall that she would have to get through to even get to the front door. “You’re not seeing her, Lida. Not like this. You have to go through the proper channels.”

She snarls at me. “I shouldn’t have to do shit to be able to see my child. I’m the one that gave birth to her. We share a bond you couldn’t understand.”

Sawyer Bennett's Books