Legend (Arizona Vengeance #3)(22)

Charlie was a perfect angel while I shopped. I set her car carrier up on one of the counters and an elderly sales lady cooed and fussed over her while another lady helped me pick out a necklace for Pepper.

It was no easy decision. I had nothing to go on as Pepper wears little jewelry. Sometimes earrings or a little silver ring on her hand, but mostly nothing and I didn’t know her style.

In the end, I found what I think is both meaningful and beautiful.

I didn’t think twice about it.

Getting a Christmas present for Pepper.

It’s true we’ve gone from enemies to lovers in about a nanosecond—which is how long it took for me to become a first-time father—but in a short period, she’s mostly become a good friend. I seriously don’t think I could have made it these past few days without her help and support.

My doorbell rings and it jolts me out of my thoughts. I trot though the living room to the foyer and swing the front door open. Dax stands there with a dopey grin on his face, a Santa hat on his head, and a bottle of scotch in his hand.

“Merry Christmas,” he booms.

Tacker is standing just behind him with a surly expression and his hands stuffed down in his pockets. His eyes come to mine and he mutters, “Merry Christmas.”

I look to Dax and give a nod toward Tacker. “Is he going to be a bah humbug kind of guest all night?”

    Dax holds the bottle of liquor up and waves it. He shoots Tacker a nasty grin. “Not after I get some of this in him, he won’t. Right, Tack?”

“What the fuck ever,” Tacker grumbles and snatches the bottle from Dax’s hand. “Let’s just pour some drinks.”

I snicker as I step back, opening the doorway for them to enter. I’ll give Tacker a pass, even if his mood gets pissier. I know Christmas has to be extremely tough since his fiancée was killed in a plane crash last year.

In a plane that Tacker was piloting.

The man has been fairly closed off and removed from the rest of the team, at least on a personal basis. On the ice, he’s a good leader as our captain.

Off the ice, he’s elusive and standoffish. He rarely comes to team parties or get-togethers unless it’s mandated, and I’m surprised he accepted my offer to come hang with me and Dax.

Dax knows his way around my house but this is Tacker’s first time, so he merely follows Dax as he leads the way to the kitchen. I follow in their wake.

“Where’s the baby?” Dax asks as he sits the bottle on the countertop and turns to my cabinet for some glasses.

“Sleeping right now,” I tell him as I move to the bags of food from Whole Foods. It’s still warm enough that I’m not even going to bother zapping any of it in the microwave. “She’ll be up soon, though, for her bottle.”

Dax snorts and shakes his head. “I cannot wait to see you feed her. Oh, and change her diaper. This is going to be epic.”

    I don’t even bother with an eye roll. He can be juvenile at times, but secretly…I can’t wait for Charlie to wake up so I can show her off.

Dax pours drinks and passes them around. Tacker takes a seat on a stool on the other side of the counter. I stop unpacking food a moment as Dax pushes a glass toward me and raises his own. “A quick toast. Merry Christmas, dudes. And congrats on being a dad, Legend.”

Tacker’s face actually softens slightly and he holds his glass up. “Yeah…congrats, man.”

“Cheers,” I say and we lift our glasses to our lips. I savor the flavor going down as that’s some good fucking scotch, but this will be my only drink. Not going to be drunk on any night where I have responsibility for Charlie.

I dish out savory food on my good plates, which are my only plates, but they’re good. I thought about buying paper plates but thought I should try to be a good host for my guests.

Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, green beans, and cranberry sauce. I got the basics but I got a lot of it, because the three of us can pack away some food. Dax takes a stool next to Tacker and I eat on the opposite side of the counter standing up.

“So how is fatherhood really going?” Dax asks.

“It’s actually not that bad,” I admit to him. “Charlie sleeps a lot. About the worst thing is changing shitty diapers and the odd hours that she wakes up. Like tonight, she’ll probably be up around 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. She’s pretty regular in her sleep and eating schedule.”

Dax shakes his head and shoots me a wry grin. “A fucking baby ends up on your doorstep and it’s the world’s best baby. Dude, you lucked out.”

    I laugh and turn to the fridge, pulling out three bottles of water. “Don’t I know it. And Pepper has also been helping me.”

“Helping you?” Dax asks. “How?”

I shrug and hand the waters across the counter. As I twist the cap of mine off, I reply, “You know…with just stuff.”

“Stuff?” This from Dax.

“Shopping,” I tell him with a nod. “She helped me buy all the supplies. And she watched Charlie last night. Oh, and she helped me interview the nannies.”

Tacker watches me thoughtfully while Dax’s grin goes evil. “You’re totally into her, aren’t you?”

Dax laughs—really, it’s a cackle—and slaps his hand on the counter. He looks at Tacker but points at me. “Week before last, he couldn’t stand her, and now he’s all googly-eyed over her.”

Sawyer Bennett's Books