Kiss and Break Up (Magnolia Cove, #1)(75)

I rolled to my back, closing my eyes against the brawl taking place inside my head. “You should go before Mom gets home.”

“Not so fast, Freckles.”

“Stop calling me that.”

He huffed, his voice rough from sleep. “Like you can ever stop me.”

I said nothing, wishing he’d leave and wishing he’d stay and tell me this had all been one messed-up nightmare.

“Do you remember kissing that guy last night?”

“Of course, I do.” I didn’t care that it would probably hurt him to say that. I wanted to hurt him. “He was sweet, and he—”

“Okay, claws in.” He yawned. “I’m not going to lie, it felt like I’d swallowed a bouquet of knives when I saw that.”

Ignoring the nausea his words ignited, I tried to think back to how he’d even known I was there. An image of Raven popped into my head. God. Duh.

“What do you want me to say, Dash?”

“Well, that you were at least thinking of me. I’m pissed, Peggy, but I’m trying with everything I’ve got here.”

“Trying?” I sighed, not in the mood to fight with him.

“Trying to ignore it long enough to focus on the long-term goal.”

I barked out a disgusted laugh. “Long term. And what is that?”

His voice roughened. “Your lips on mine for eternity, and no one else’s ever.”

Flutters filled my chest cavity, taking flight. I tried to squash them. “I’m not sorry.” I wasn’t.

“I know you’re not. That’s why I’m still here. I know you only did it because you’re fucked up over me.”

“Your ego knows no bounds.” I pushed the sheets off, wanting away from him.

“Call it what you like, but we both know it’s true, Peggy Sue.”

I adjusted my panties, which were stuck between my ass cheeks, knowing he was watching, and smirked at my opened drawer as I plucked out a fresh pair.

“You’re going to fucking kill me.”

“Nope, I’m going to shower. Be gone when I get out.”

I washed my hair, taking my time under the hot spray to make sure I erased every bad decision I’d made the night before. After brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth, fog trailed me to my room, and my stomach dropped as I saw Dash with his hand around himself.

“What are you doing?”

He grunted. “What’s it look like?”

I threw my damp towel at him. “Stop it.”

He caught it with his free hand, then groaned as his eyes skirted over my body. “Thanks. Now lose the other towel.”

My stomach flipped, and my lips parted. “No.”

He smiled at the soft tone of my voice. “No?”

I couldn’t take my eyes off his length. Entranced, I stood there, feeling myself grow wet as he pumped himself faster, squeezing and groaning while he looked at me.

He’d taken his shirt off, his jeans and briefs bunched at the tops of his thighs. “Dash.”

“Come here.”

I did. Lord help me, I couldn’t stop myself from closing and locking the door, then moving to the bed.

“There’s my girl.”

His words wrapped around me like a warm embrace, sending lava through every vein and directly between my legs. Grabbing my hand, he removed the other from his length and took my face with it. “Now let me kiss away the memory of every asshole who’s dared to put his lips on yours.”

I fell over him, my lips ravenous as I gripped his cheeks, then sank my fingers into his hair, my legs sliding over to straddle him.

His tongue was hot, and I tasted mint. “Did you brush your teeth?”

“Stole some mouthwash,” he said, ragged, then bit my lip. Air hit my skin as he tugged on the towel I’d wrapped around myself. “Holy hell, I think I’m about to blow.”

I started rocking into him, rationale dissipating with the promise of pleasure and everything I wanted but couldn’t have lying right beneath me.

“I can feel you,” he whispered, his hand digging into the back of my head as the other one palmed my breast. “So hot and wet over my dick.”

I whimpered, shockwaves of bliss exploding as my hips moved faster and his tongue moved from my mouth to my neck, licking before his teeth scraped at my skin, then pulled. I gasped, and he soothed the sting with his lips. “Shit, it’s like I’m fucking thirteen again. Gonna come.”

My hand held his head to my neck, my eyes mashed shut as I chased the magic coursing through me. “Me too.”

A deep throated groan was my only warning before I felt warmth coat my stomach, my panties, and his teeth clamped onto my skin.

It sent me over, and his fingers found the dip of my spine, tracing the curve as I swayed over him, riding it out, our heavy breathing the only sound other than the birds outside my bedroom window.

I fell on top of him, and he laughed as his spunk stuck to both of us. I didn’t care. I didn’t even care that I couldn’t be with him. Right now, I was at peace. And that peace, accompanied by his hands outlining every dip and line of my back, became enough to have my heavy, swollen eyes fluttering closed.


Time moved slowly yet way too fast as I listened to the sound of Peggy’s quiet breaths and felt them heating my skin.

Ella Fields's Books