Kiss and Break Up (Magnolia Cove, #1)(28)

“Wider,” he rasped, and I shifted them apart even more. “Good. And I believe the word you were looking for is cunt, pussy, vag—”

I shoved my tongue inside his mouth, and he groaned, meeting me sweep for breathless sweep. “Do it,” I said on a pleading exhale, pulling at his lip with my teeth. “Please.”

His eyes opened, hooded and dilated. Then, keeping them on me as we breathed each other’s next breaths, his finger skimmed over the wet patch of my panties.

Something moved over his face, and his grip on my chin became firmer, as did the hardness I could feel digging into my lower back.

I shivered as his fingers crawled over the fabric, tickling, rubbing, until he’d reached the edge, and then he pulled.

The elastic snapped, and a bite of pain met my lower hip. I ignored it, my opened legs trembling as his fingers snuck beneath the weakened cotton and found me.

“Shit.” The word was a wheeze, his eyes shutting. His swallow was loud next to my ear, but no match for the thudding tempo of my heart. “Fuck me. Shit.”

It was all I could do to sit still as he slid his fingers through me and began rocking into my back. I never thought having someone touch me there would feel like this. That it could feel a thousand times better than doing it myself.

“Dash,” I croaked.

His gaze snapped to mine, his chest heaving, each inhalation lifting my body with it. “Do you think he was doing this?”

I nodded, then grabbed the side of his face, wanting his lips on mine. Our teeth and tongues started a slow dance in gentle torture, while his finger pressed against where I was most swollen. Sweat beaded at his temples and slicked down my spine, but we didn’t stop. I wouldn’t have let him if he’d tried.

“It’s …” I tore my mouth away, my eyes struggling to stay open. I was all but lying over him by that point, draped over him like an electric blanket about to catch fire.

“Coming?” he asked, then probed my entrance. He inserted the tip of his finger while the other ran tiny circles over me. “God, look at you.”

I took one ragged breath after another, panting as my thighs started to quake. A pitiful sound left me, and I became impossibly lax against Dash, feeling him hot and heavy against my slick back while a thousand mini earthquakes rocked through me and tossed my brain into glittering confetti.

Dash cursed, and when my eyes reopened, the world crashing in like a tidal wave, I turned as he scooted back. My saliva thickened as he undid his pants, pulling himself free.

Reality took a step back when I gazed at the bobbing, angry, thick looking steel his hand wrapped around. “You weren’t joking about the she said thing.”

He chuckled, but then the sound broke off. “Ah, fuck, I’m gonna come any second. Wanna put your mouth on it?”

I licked my swollen lips, then crawled over his legs, feeling the cool air on my bare thighs. “What do I do?”

“Lick it, suck it, deep throat it, kiss it, squeeze it, fondle it. I’m not picky.”

I laughed, and with his pained grin, I felt like there was no pressure to perform to a certain standard. Practice is practice after all.

I grabbed him, rubbing my thumb over the engorged head. “Wow.”

“You’re good for my ego.”

“Well, considering the last time I saw it, it was the size of a twink—”

“Don’t finish that sentence. Let’s start with licking.”

Laughing again, I lowered my head, swiping my tongue up the underside of his shaft. I stopped when I heard purring, and it wasn’t coming from Dash. Peeking over to the other side of his bed, I saw Church kneading the bedding, his bright yellow eyes on us. “Church is watching.”

“He’s fine. Ignore him and love my dick.”

I swiped my tongue under the head, tasting salt, and he twitched, then cursed as I pulled away. “He’s judging us, Dash.”

“Church, fuck off.” He nudged the cat. Church hissed, then plopped to the floor and stalked off toward the bathroom.

I pinched my lips, then wrapped my hand tighter around him and decided to try to put him out of his misery. My mouth took as much of him as it could fit, and then he jerked, cursing and groaning as hot liquid squirted down my throat.

I coughed, swallowing quickly to keep from vomiting, then swiped below my lip. “God. Yuck.”

Dash peeked one eye open, a satisfied curl to his upper lip. “Fucking awesome.” He dragged his hand through his hair, exhaling a rough sigh. “What’s next? I should be good in a few minutes.”

“I need to go. Mom’s probably going to be home soon.” I smacked my lips together, cringing as I crawled off the bed to fix my skirt and straighten out my shirt.

Dash sighed again. “Fine, just give me a minute.”

I smiled as I headed into his bathroom to rinse my mouth.


I raced outside as soon as Dash’s Rover pulled up with my lunch bag scrunched in my hand.

After climbing in, I stuffed it into my bag, then flipped the visor down to finish applying some mascara as he took off.

“Watch it,” I said, almost poking my eyeball out when he drove over a roundabout instead of around it.

“You don’t need that shit anyway.”

I ignored him and quickly dipped the wand in to slick some on my other lashes. “What’s that smell?” It was citrusy and woodsy at the same time.

Ella Fields's Books