Just the Nicest Couple(96)
Thank you to Erika Imranyi and Rachael Dillon Fried for your constant reassurance and the many brainstorming sessions. Your patience, understanding and your confidence in me were paramount to getting this book written, and I’m so grateful for that and for you.
Thank you to Nicole Luongo, Randy Chan, Heather Foy, Amy Jones, Rachel Haller, Lindsey Reeder, Reka Rubin and the rest of the incredibly hardworking and dedicated Park Row Books team for the feedback and support, copyediting, proofreading and stunning cover art. Thank you to my amazing publicists, Emer Flounders and Kathleen Carter, for helping bring my books into the world. Thanks to the many booksellers, librarians, Bookstagrammers, BookTokers and bloggers who are constantly championing my books; their success is because of you and all that you do! Thanks to Shari Smiley and Scott E. Schwimer for always imagining a place for my books on TV or on the big screen, and to Michelle Brower for your enthusiasm in being a part of the team!
Last, but certainly not least, thank you to my family and friends, especially Pete, Addison and Aidan, for your patience and your willingness to talk about this book—and all the false starts that came before it—again and again (and again) at length, and to my sister Michelle for the brilliant suggestion. I couldn’t have done this without any of you!