Into the Tide (Cottonwood Cove #1)(76)

My mouth gaped open. Holy shit balls. I had no idea how deep this all ran with him.

“A chance at a good life? I have a good life, Travis. And it doesn’t matter whether I’m in Chicago or home. That doesn’t change things. I have my degree. This is a summer break after graduating because I’ve never had one in all my years in college because I was always training. And I’m really freaking happy being home and seeing my friends and the people that I’ve missed. It’s the most relaxed I’ve been in a long time. There’s no pressure to accomplish anything, no intense schedule, nothing to prove.” I swiped at the tears running down my cheeks. “The only person that I can’t seem to please is you, Travis. It’s never enough. And I can’t feel guilty for loving our father just because you don’t. That’s not fair.”

“Because you’re all good, Lila. You always have been. And that man has been threatening to take you down with him since you were a little girl. You just can’t see it because you want to fix everyone. And you’re wrong about not pleasing me. There is no one in this world that I am prouder of than you. But that’s why I don’t like you being home. Look what happened when you first got here. You got hit in the face by some asshole that our father runs with. If Hugh hadn’t been there, who knows what would have happened,” he hissed, and then looked away and shook his head. “The sooner you get back to your real life, the better.”

I didn’t even know what my real life was anymore, because in all honesty, I didn’t think I’d ever really stopped long enough to think about what I wanted out of life. What would make me happy.

I shrugged. “And I’ll just see my niece or nephew once or twice a year because you don’t like having me around?”

“Lila,” he said, leaning forward again, his eyes full of empathy now. “If I could move Shay and me to Chicago to live near you, I would do it today. But I started this business years ago, and now there are a lot of people who rely on me. But I’m thinking maybe we’ll get a condo in the city near you so we can spend a few weeks a year there. I’ve seen how much you’ve helped Hugh with his business, so Shay and I are talking about hiring someone to do the same for me so we can leave more often, and I won’t have to work so much.”

He’d started his construction company after he graduated from college while I was in high school. Most kids his age were out having fun, but Travis had grown up fast, and that had all been for me.

I nodded. “I think that’s a great idea.”

“So, have you talked to your new boss? Did you find out anything more about the corporate housing they’re offering you the first year?”

“Yep. I’ll be heading up a new department, which is insane and exciting and also super scary.” I chuckled, even though this conversation had my chest feeling like there was a heavy weight sitting there. “And they sent me some photos of the housing, and it looks really nice. There’s plenty of room for you and Shay and the baby to come stay with me. It’s walking distance to work, so it’ll be really good, Trav. I don’t want you to worry about me. I’ll go back and bury myself in work, and I’ll barely have time to come home for visits.” A sarcastic chuckle left my lips, and I didn’t care. It stung that he wanted me to leave so badly.

He sighed. “Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket with Dad, okay? That’s all I ask. And you haven’t answered me about paying for this program. Where is the money coming from?”

“They gave him a break on the price, and they are going to finance the payments,” I said, reaching for my tea. It wasn’t a complete lie, just an extension of the truth.

“I’ll take care of those. I don’t want you bogged down with that.”

“This was my choice, and I have no regrets. Can you just do one thing for me, please?”

“What?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Come to one of the family meetings to see how Dad’s doing.”

“He won’t make it that long, so sure. I’ll agree to come at the end of the program if he’s still there. And will you do one thing for me?”

I raised a brow. “What?”

“Just don’t get too attached to being home, because your life is back in Chicago, Lila. Promise me you will stick with the plan.”

“Yes, Travis. I will stick to your plan, just like I always have.” I rolled my eyes because this was ridiculous. He may have good reason to be angry and to want to protect me, but being an overbearing asshole was not necessary.

“That’s all I needed to hear. And how is working for Hugh?”

Spending my nights in his bed. Showering with the man every day. The endless orgasms. The laughter and the fun. The Sunday night family dinners with the Reynolds. Which thing specifically was he talking about?

“It’s been great. I like working there, and I’ve been spending a lot of time with his family. I love them. You know that.”

He smiled. “There’s no one better than Hugh and his family. Although, if you asked the female population of Cottonwood Cove, they may not agree. Hugh’s left a wake of broken hearts behind him.” He barked out a laugh, and I didn’t like it.

“I haven’t seen him with any woman since I’ve been home, but obviously, I’m staying in the casita, so I don’t know what he does at night.” I kept my voice even.

Laura Pavlov's Books