In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds, #3)(94)
“I’m not going anywhere.” Liam’s expression hardened as he shoved the bag back at his brother. “And I’m just getting started. You can’t make me go.”
Cole let out a derisive laugh, but I was the one to answer. The words sprang into my mind, filled my mouth like bile. “No, but I could.”
I saw Zu jerk her gaze from Liam to me, her lips parting in shock. It was nothing compared to the pain of seeing Liam set his jaw and blanch, his eyes burning with a terrible, silent disappointment. How dare he act like this was the real betrayal here? He’d gone behind my back for all of this. I’d sensed he was keeping some kind of secret, but nothing of this magnitude. Nothing that risked the safety and lives of every kid here.
And why? Because he was mad Cole dismissed his idea? He didn’t understand how these things worked. He’d left the League, run away. He’d checked out of training too early to understand that you fought fire with fire.
“You went behind my back,” Cole said, heat pouring off the words, “and somehow contacted Amplify when I specifically told you not to. You were stupid enough to email confidential files, risking Gray’s Internet crawlers picking them up and tracing them back to us. You clearly lied about going to meet that other group of kids and met with Amplify instead, wasting our gas and our time. You interrupted an Op in play and endangered every single kid participating in it, including yourself and the ones we rescued. And to top it off, Liam, you brought a civilian into play. I really hope it was worth it to you, because while you’re getting the hell out of here, she is staying where we can keep her secured and locked up until this is all over.”
“Excuse me?” Alice stepped up, brown eyes flashing. To Liam she muttered, “You said he’d be pissed, but this is...”
“Reality,” Cole finished, holding out his hand. “Give me your camera.”
She leaned away, pressing her hand against the device, which was now stowed away safely in her bag. “Listen to me when I say this,” she said, “because I mean it literally—over my dead body. You think I’m scared of you? I survived the D.C. bombing and covered eight major city riots, including the one in Atlanta that killed my camera guy and my fiancé. So go ahead and try it, *.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” Cole said, “you can keep your camera. May the tender, glowing light from the digital screen keep you company when we lock you in your new room and throw away the key.”
Liam held out an arm, stopping her. The woman didn’t shrink back, though, and her ivory skin didn’t lose its tinge of pink.
“You’re right,” he said. “I did go behind your back and find out how to contact Amplify. I met with Alice and her team, but only after I found Olivia and Brett, who I told not to come in until I was sure being here would guarantee a lower chance of getting killed than trying to survive alone in the wild. I downloaded files onto a flash drive to prove my story to Amplify; I never sent them. And you know why I did all of those things? Because no matter what you said in Los Angeles, this hasn’t been anything that resembles a democracy, let alone a fresh start. You’ve ignored everyone’s ideas in favor of your own and you haven’t once listened to what I’ve tried to say, even though you know nothing about our lives and what we’ve been through. You like the fight, but some of us don’t.”
“Not your best argument,” Cole said, gesturing to the team, “considering today worked out pretty damn well.”
“He’s telling the truth,” Alice insisted. “We never would have asked him to risk sending the files digitally. He only brought us printouts, and only a few to prove his affiliation with the League. Or whatever the hell it is you’re calling yourselves now.”
Liam blew out a harsh breath. “We can use the footage Alice captured today, deliver a media package to their contacts to run—a package that carries an actual message. That proves something, even if it’s just that people have nothing to fear from us kids. You don’t get it. It doesn’t matter if we get all the kids out of the camps and blast through every damn fence and wall between us and them. If we don’t change people’s minds about us, then where the hell are those kids going to go?”
Cole crossed his arms over his chest and said simply, “Bye, Liam.”
I had started to turn, intending on following Cole to the tunnel, anger making my head throb, erasing every last trace of light inside my heart, when a voice piped up. “If he has to go, then so do I.”
It was the Green girl I’d seen a few nights ago, the one who had painted the crescent moon on Liam’s helmet. That moment, when I’d questioned who “she” was, finally made sense. The symbol was how Alice identified him during their meetings.
“For any particular reason...?” Cole prompted.
“I covered for him.” She tossed her dark hair back over her shoulder. “I knew he was going to meet Alice and I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Me too,” said Lucy, wringing her hands red. “I lied about supplies he never brought in, and I don’t really want to fight, I’m sorry.”
“Ditto,” Kylie said. “Not sorry, though.”
“And me,” piped up Anna, one of the Greens who’d made it out of Los Angeles. “I’m the one that showed him how to access and download the files.”
Alexandra Bracken's Books
- The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding (The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding #1)
- Alexandra Bracken
- Passenger (Passenger, #1)
- In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds #3)
- Sparks Rise (The Darkest Minds #2.5)
- Never Fade (The Darkest Minds #2)
- In Time (The Darkest Minds #1.5)
- The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds #1)
- Brightly Woven
- In Time (The Darkest Minds, #1.5)