IRL: In Real Life (After Oscar, #1)(58)

The questions sounded strange and awkward on his tongue. Like he wasn’t used to asking but more to taking.

“You. In charge. No deciding,” I gasped.

His eyes met mine with blown pupils in a fierce stare. “Bedroom. Now.”

I glanced at the windows. “But I… I thought you wanted…”

“No one sees you but me. Get in there and take off your clothes.”

He nodded his head back toward the front door where I’d remembered seeing a hallway off to the left. I hurried in that direction, tugging at my clothes, but I only got to the dark hallway before Wells caught up with me and pulled me hard back against his body.

“Want you so fucking much,” he grumbled in my ear before kissing down into my collar. His hands took over from mine on the buttons of my shirt. I tried walking forward, but every step I took made his hard cock brush against my ass. “So sexy. So sweet. The noises you make… you’re going to make me come before we get to the bedroom.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around Wells Grange, multimillionaire CEO of one of the world’s most powerful biomedical companies, wanting me. He could probably have any hot piece of ass in the city tonight. Yet he wanted me. I wondered if it was because I’d been easy, already right there in the bar and putty in his hands.

I froze midstep at the thought and felt Wells bump against my back.


“Why me?” I asked, turning to face him. “Am I just convenient?”

Shut up, Conor. Does it fucking matter? Let the man give you pleasure. Stop questioning it.

Wells’s confusion was clear on his face. “Convenient?”

“Yeah. I was there already, at the bar. You didn’t have to call or swipe an app. You could just—mpfh!”

He shoved me hard against the wall of the corridor, knocking a painting off-kilter and bunching the rug under his feet. His face dropped to mine and I could make out his usual intensity in the dim light from the front hall. His forearm crossed my chest as he held me against the wall.

“You listen to me, Conor Newell. I’ve wanted you from the moment you stepped into my conference room with your nervous stomach and your little nerdy Dalek tie. I walked behind you to the elevator that day imagining all the things I could do with that sweet, tight ass and that hot mouth of yours. But I tried my best to ignore those feelings because I didn’t want you to think I was using you. Didn’t want you to think this had anything to do with the deal on the table. But don’t for one second think bringing you to my apartment was convenient. I don’t bring people here. No one gets to come into my bedroom. Do you understand? But I can’t fucking stop thinking of you, and I can’t fucking stop imagining what it will feel like to press you down into my mattress and make you cry out in pleasure. It’s taken every ounce of my self-control not to come on to you these past two days, and even now I know this is a tremendous mistake. But I can’t stay away from you. I can’t stop needing you. Trust me when I say you are the opposite of convenient.”

I stared dumbfounded at him, all the blood having left my brain for warmer climes.

“Then fuck me already,” I choked out. “What the hell are you waiting for?”

My feet didn’t touch the ground until my half-naked ass was chucked unceremoniously in the center of his large bed.

“Don’t make me tell you again to get your damned clothes off,” Wells commanded. “Or your ass will have a nice rosy glow on it when I fuck into it.”



This was so wrong. Warning bells were clanging telling me to stop going down this treacherous path. I’d never felt so out of control as I did with Conor Newell in my home. In my bed.

“I want you on your hands and knees,” I growled. “Ass in the air.”

As Conor scrambled to finish undressing, I struggled to calm my breathing. If I wasn’t careful, I’d make a fool of myself before I even got my pants off.

His button-down shirt was already off, and I noticed the T-shirt he wore underneath had the words “Achievement Unlocked” written across the front. I quirked an eyebrow at it. His cheeks flushed. “Xbox reference,” he explained. “It’s uh… my lucky shirt.”

“And are you feeling lucky tonight?” I asked.

“Oh yes,” he breathed.

I grinned as I unbuttoned my own shirt in record time and flung it down before ripping my undershirt off and reaching for the buckle of my belt. When a needy sound came from the direction of the bed, I caught Conor staring at me. He’d done exactly as I’d said and his pale, smooth bottom beckoned me from the center of the bed. My bed.

“Good boy,” I murmured. “So beautiful like that.”

I’d expected him to prickle at the moniker, but he didn’t. Instead, he seemed to almost purr in contentment. His face lay sideways on the backs of his hands, and his skin was smooth with relaxation.

As I pulled the belt from my belt loops, his eyes widened and his tongue came out to pass over his lips.

“Do you like to be spanked, Conor?” I asked in a low voice.

His eyes turned from interested to nervous, so I quickly amended my question. “Not now, but maybe in your fantasies?”

Lucy Lennox & Molly's Books