Margo LaPierre gave invaluable direction and insight as I was writing this book, as did Leslie Wells on the early draft. My novel-writing group—Benilde Little, Alice Elliot Dark, and Emily Rosenblum—were encouraging and creatively helpful. Emily is an early and deeply valued reader, as are other cherished friends Toni Martin, Martha Kolko, and Julia Martin. Melinda Rooney did an extraordinary read of a late draft. My sister Donna Lico provided early resources and happily accompanied me on Salem research excursions. Laura Morowitz and Lisa Amoroso are creative souls and artists whose friendships give me joy and sustenance. To the Pandemic Firepit Squad, thank you! Pickleball Squad, what would I do without you? My Montclair fiction-writing group—Nancy Star, Christina Baker Kline, Anne Burt, Marina Budhos, and Alice Elliot Dark—are amazing allies. I am thankful for the sister-writer friends I’m still making along the way, especially the gracious and deeply talented Sarah Penner and Fiona Davis.
Thank you to my family, near and far. I love you. My daughter, Melissa, read endless pages in draft—she is a constant ally and a treasure in my life. My son, John, never stops encouraging and believing in me and I am so proud of him. Their partners, Kirk Luo and Claudia Krasnow, also read the manuscript, for which I thank them since they could have said no to their mother-in-law, but instead they were excited.
Frank Albanese—husband, lover, friend, and fearless fellow adventurer—listens tirelessly to first drafts of scenes and chapters (I usually offer wine first), and his insights and enthusiasm are invaluable. We fell in love over words and books, and that has not changed. He is at the center of my heart.