Gypsy Moon (All The Pretty Monsters #4)(61)

Damien says nothing as he drags me away from Arion, and my legs immediately wrap around the illusionist’s waist when he lifts me, kissing me even harder.

“It’s a little wrong for you to do this right now, as well, Damien,” Vance points out dryly, but the sexual deviant starts carrying me away when I reach down to start undoing the front of his pants.

“If he gets to touch her right now, then I shouldn’t be stopped either,” Arion argues.

A very familiar, sharp growl has Damien tearing his lips away from mine, breathing heavily, as I struggle with his zipper…but finally succeed at last.

I don’t even care about the unknown beast right now. They can handle it. I just want to be—

“Ahhh… She was talking about Blue. I idly wondered as much,” Vance states.

“I forgot about the eyes,” Arion murmurs thoughtfully.

I have no idea what they’re talking about, nor do I care.

Damien stills my busy hands with just one of his, his breaths rasp and shallow, and the fog slowly lifts from my mind. A small chill settles in, raking over all the glorious heat Damien’s powers apparently provide when he’s using his darker gifts.

“Definitely not Idun,” he assures them, though they seem to already be convinced.

Wanting the heat back, I drag him down and start kissing him again, causing him to groan as he shoves me against a wall.

In an annoyed tone, Arion says, “Bloody fucking hell. She was in my arms, and he literally took her from me when I was—”

A shriek bubbles out of me, and I break the kiss, leaping off Damien, because I hear that growl again, and this time I’m not too distracted.

I end up whirling around to see the glowing yellow eyes peering out from under a wall’s crack.

“What is that?” I hiss, backing into Damien now.

“Blue,” they all three say at once, like it’s no big deal there’s a yellow-eyed demon staring at us from under the crack of the wall.

“He must have spent all this time hiding in the creases,” Damien adds with the same conversational tone, kissing the side of my neck, as his hands start moving under the coat. “Don’t work me up and leave me hanging, sweet Violet,” he murmurs.

“There’s a homicidal maniac on the other side of that wall, and you’re all calling him Blue like he’s a harmless Chihuahua. I’ve seen its teeth. And you used your sex deviant mojo on me to get me worked up that first go around,” I remind him, patting his arm and pointing to the creepy demon eyes.

“Are we going to end up in a ball of flames on the ceiling? Because I think I’ve seen that in a movie or something involving yellow-eyed demons,” I add like it’s really crucial, because it is.

Burning sucks. It takes forever to heal. At least a day or two.

It certainly takes a lot longer heal from than it took Damien to heal from the broken leg I think he had earlier.

“Anyone have any idea what she’s talking about? I’ve been underground too long to catch half her meanings,” Arion says on a frustrated breath.

“Liar. You’re more current than everyone, aside from possibly Emit,” I argue absently, as the unidentifiable beast snorts under the wall. “Any chance Blue’s sharp teeth are misleading and he’s secretly a vegan?”

“I’m not entirely sure what he eats. I doubt he’d settle for kibble,” Vance states as he brushes by me and whistles like he’s calling a dog.

The beast snarls and growls a few seconds before it lunges at the wall, and barks like a feral sadist thirsty for blood.

An embarrassing, shrill sound escapes me, and somehow I end up tucked next to Arion’s side.

“Easy, love,” Arion says like he’s amused. “He’s already scared. Don’t terrify the poor hound.”

I stare up at him like he’s lost his damn mind.

Vance’s flashlight is bigger and much better than mine was. He shines it around the wall’s edges.

“What are you doing?” I snap as he starts searching the wall like he’s trying to look for a secret panel or something.

“I was going to get him out of here. I feel bad knowing he’s been left here for a thousand years, forgotten.”

“Now? Now you elect to grow a conscience? Do you have any idea how terrifying that thing is? It tried to eat my face!”

Blue snaps, and I end up wrapped around Arion. Somehow.

My legs and arms are tightly twined around his waist and neck. Cautiously, I peer back over my shoulder and crack one eye open.

“I’m a little worried that Blue’s scaring you,” Arion says next to my ear, as he easily holds me to him.

“Why wouldn’t a crazed, feral monster scare me?” I snap, feeling him grin next to my cheek.

“You’re curled around one far worse than Blue, love,” he dutifully informs me.

“Try to eat my face, and I promise I won’t be coiled around you,” I assure him, tightening my grip when Vance studies an odd stone for far too long.

“Says the girl who’s been eaten by the monster she’s clinging to. Twice,” Damien says, holding up two fingers.

“Says the monster who’s fed off her far more than I,” Arion chides.

“Are you trying to talk me out of liking you?” I cut in, just as the stone pops, and Blue comes racing out of the wall in front of me instead of the one I was expecting.

Kristy Cunning's Books