Gypsy Moon (All The Pretty Monsters #4)(48)

Damien snorts, casting me a wry look, before going back to the driver’s seat. Violet comes out with another small duffel thrown over her shoulder, along with a backpack.

“Luckily, I’d already found my passport,” she says, causing Damien’s smile to grow again.

I quickly toss the massive suitcase into the back, and reach around for Violet’s things. However, she’s busy putting her stuff in the front, where she’s climbing in beside Damien.

“This is the worst fucking day,” I mutter as I slam the back hatch shut.



Emit is out of the car and opening my door for me when I step out, feeling like we’re fancy people or something. There’s a large jet on a very nice, private runway strip somewhere on Vance’s massive compound, apparently.

I spent two days in his basement, never once noticing he had a hangar, a jet, and a mini-airport of sorts. I’m not sure where I show my passport. I’ve never been on a plane or to any sort of airport, especially not a private one.

I didn’t know there were private airports.

Men armed with a lot of silver weapons, crossbows, and actual guns are surrounding the brightly lit area.

Swallowing against the knot in my throat, I allow myself to feel the tiniest bit na?ve.

He’s the head of the Van Helsing family; obviously that means he’s special, so I have no idea why this is surprising.

Wordlessly, I step out of the vehicle, waiting on Damien to lead the way, as I nervously adjust my backpack on my shoulder.

“Got the bags, wolf?” Damien calls out, grinning as his arm drops around my shoulders.

He starts guiding me toward the sleek, very intimidating jet.

Emit is muttering something I miss, but it causes Damien’s grin to grow again. I follow Damien onto the sleek jet, hearing Vance talking, just as a man I don’t know emerges in tactical gear.

The older man gives me a quick nod, completely ignores Damien, and steps off like he’s in a hurry.

My eyes quickly land on Vance, and I feel my grin spreading before I can stop myself, taking in the navy slacks and tie that contrast sharply with the crisp, white shirt.

“You’re going to fly the plane?” I ask incredulously, eyes dipping to the set of wings clipped to him.

Arion comes out of the cockpit, just as Vance smirks.

“I take it back. I want to fly one of these before I learn to drive,” Arion notes. “I’ll settle for riding co-pilot today,” he adds.

I get queasy.

“He won’t be flying anything,” Vance assures me, and then glances to Arion, who is already poking and prodding at a panel beside us, his free arm brushing mine. “And Violet’s going to ride up front with me,” he adds.

Arion’s mouth opens like he’s about to argue, but I pat the side of his arm, while shaking my head at Vance.

“Arion’s been underground for a century—”

“The bloody century where all the fun things get created,” Arion unhelpfully adds in an antagonistic tone, gesturing around at the plane.

“I’m sure he’ll probably appreciate the shotgun seat more than I will,” I tell Vance, drawing a grin from Arion, as the vampire leans over and kisses the top of my head.

Vance rolls his eyes. “Fine,” he relents as Arion strolls toward the cockpit.

No one seems overly concerned with Idun’s early rising, so I try to keep my cool as well, not overthinking it.


They didn’t ever really react to Arion rising early either. Not in comparison to all the dread that always accompanied the mention of his name before he was back.

I blow out a breath of relief that I don’t have to ride up front, and I quickly grab an empty seat and buckle myself in. Then I shut the window thingy and tighten the seatbelt.

Damien gives me a knowing look as he lowers himself to the seat next to me. Vance has already disappeared back into the front, as Emit boards and comes to sit in the seat facing us.

“First time flying?” Damien asks.

“Tell Vance, and I will stop speaking to you,” I caution, only making his smile grow.

Vance’s voice comes over the intercom as the plane gets louder and louder, but I can’t understand a damn thing he’s saying.

“What? What’d he—” My words end on a slight squeal when the plane starts moving.

“He said we’re preparing for takeoff,” Damien says with a wry grin as I clutch his hand very hard.

Emit makes some noise, looking frustrated as he shuts his window, saving me from seeing the ground moving.

“You okay?” I ask him, happy for the distraction when I feel the plane start ascending in a mostly smooth motion.

Do things always move along this quickly? Can’t help but feel like people complain an awful lot about all the waiting around where flying is concerned. I wouldn’t have minded waiting around. I could have had more time to mentally prepare myself.

“Yeah, Emit,” Damien drawls. “Can’t help but notice you’re still shirtless and growly.”

I wish Damien hadn’t called to attention Emit’s body. Especially not while I’m desperate for any distraction to keep my mind off the fact we’re getting higher and higher…and we’re probably going fast.

Kristy Cunning's Books