Glitch (Next Level #1)(49)

There’s so much going on, I’m not sure if he’s booting up a laptop or a launching goddamn space shuttle.

Glitch opens another sleeker laptop and does something else with that one. Suddenly all this code shows up on the screens.

“Will you take me to his house?” He asks while clicking away. Five screens are now going at once, all with different codes and shit. I can’t make sense of any of it.

“I don’t know where he lives anymore.” That’s the truth. “He was supposed to relocate to Alabama for his job, but I’m not sure what happened. He’s still around, but… not at his old place anymore. I saw a for sale sign on it a while back saying it was sold.”


That’s all he says. Okay. Like it’s no big deal. Not a problem. Totally fine.

His fingers fly across two keyboards at once. Jason’s photo shows up on the far-right screen. It’s from his work badge. Oh my God, did Glitch just hack into Jason’s company’s database? All these other thumbnails start to pop up on another, but I don’t look at them.

I hug myself and turn away. I can’t stomach seeing that asshole’s face, even in a photo.

“Jesus.” Glitch shoots up from his seat so fast, he knocks his chair over. His fingers fly faster across the keyboards. It sounds frantic and chaotic.

And methodical.

I keep my back turned. My palms are so sweaty. I don’t know what he’s found, but it’s set him off. I can feel the tension roll off Glitch, but I don’t make a peep. And I’m too scared to look.

More clicking.

“He put a program on your laptop,” Glitch says calmly. “It records even when the screen is off.” He clicks more buttons. Types more things. Cusses a lot more.

“He gave me that laptop,” I explain. “After he kicked my gaming computer and broke it, he gave me the laptop as an ‘I’m sorry’ present.”

Glitch’s shoulders tense, but he doesn’t stop typing. I can’t bring myself to look at the monitors, so I focus on Glitch. His eyes dart from one screen to the next, his face glowing from the different screens flashing.

It’s scary and hot seeing him work like this. I suddenly don’t care what he’s doing, I just don’t want him to get caught. Because I’m not going a day without this man, mark my motherfucking words.

He shoves back from the desk and slams my laptop closed. The monitors all turn off. “Let’s go.”

I follow him. “You found where he lives?”


“And we’re going to go there?”

“Yeah.” Glitch stops. “Unless you don’t want to come with me? But until I get a security system on your doors and windows and in your studio, I really don’t want you at either place alone.”

This can’t be happening. Cool night air hits my face as we step outside. Glitch hadn’t parked in his garage. He parked in the driveway this time. I’m almost to the car when my phone rings. I pull it out of my back pocket as dread coils in my gut. Unknown number.

Glitch’s deep voice shoots confidence down my spine. “Answer it.”

I refuse to give Jason my fear. Or my pain. I refuse to give that jackass one more ounce of my energy. I hit the answer button and say, “Go fuck yourself, Jason.”

“Ara, listen to me, baby. I won’t post the video, I swear. I just sent it to you so you’d answer your phone and talk to me. I miss you so much, I’m dying inside.”

“You’re sick. You’re a sick, twisted—”

“Jason,” Glitch says after taking the phone from me. “It’s nice to finally talk to the man who ruined his chances with my Ara.”

My heart’s in my throat. I’m dizzy and frazzled.

“Thank you for the video compilation. My girl’s fire, isn’t she? She’s fucking hot when she touches herself.”

I hear a door slam on the street. Next thing I know, Jason’s storming across the cul-de-sac, cell phone still up to his ear.

Oh my God, he must have put a tracking program on my laptop too!

I’m going to be sick.

Glitch hangs up my phone. The smile he’s wearing is nothing short of feral. He’s not at all shocked to see Jason here.

“Ara,” Jason barks, looking half-crazed. Dressed in a suit, his tie loose around his neck, shirt untucked, he stalks closer. “I need you, baby.”

I step back. “Jason, you need to leave me alone.”

His face contorts with anger. “You need to do as you’re told and get the fuck over here.”

Glitch steps between us. “Come near her,” he warns, “and I’ll tear your goddamn face off.”

Jason’s got this awful, smug, shit-eating grin on his face as he strides over to us, raises his fist, and swings at Glitch.

I’m so stunned, I can’t move.

Glitch doesn’t block the hit. Doesn’t duck. Doesn’t even rock back when Jason clocks him in the face. “She’s mine.” Jason barrels into him, roaring like a maniac, driving Glitch backwards. He swings out again, only this time Glitch doesn’t give him another freebie. He blocks the punch with one hand, and cold cocks Jason in the jaw with a hard left hook.

Jason drops instantly. His head hits the ground, skull smacking on the cement.

Briana Michaels's Books