Glitch (Next Level #1)(43)
I pull my shirt back from my skin and frown down at it. It’s covered in paint only because I got dressed while I was still wet. And I hadn’t wiped much off with that towel she’d given me. “It’s an improvement.”
It’s a wreck. I love it.
Ara dumps her brushes into a jar and adjusts her messy bun. “What did you take a pic of your leg for?”
My grin goes a mile wide. “A secret project.”
She flips me the bird and saunters to the door. I follow her. Flick off the lights. Let her lock up.
“You ready to meet my family now?”
Ara frowns. “I wanted to shower and change first.”
“Nope. We’re going together, just like this.”
Chapter 21
We pull up to the most adorable little house with blue siding, a papasan chair on the tiny front porch, a half-dead plant that’s only got a few blooms left, and a wind chime made with feathers, sticks and I think bamboo shoots.
I’m nervous. Meeting family is a big deal. I haven’t gone this far with any boyfriend since high school and that doesn’t count. Everyone knew me back then and I’m far from home now.
Glitch grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. I swear whenever I feel uneasy, he picks up on it and does something subtle to reassure me. Like now, when he gives my hand a squeeze. I can’t believe how natural we are with each other. Annnnd I can’t believe I’m about to walk into his sister’s house covered in paint, with no underwear on.
Glitch insisted on keeping them at his house, so I’ve been commando all damn day. It was nice, until now.
“Relax.” He jiggles my arm. “She won’t bite. I promise.”
“What if she doesn’t think I’m good enough for you?” The words tumble out as we stand on Erin’s porch. Glitch turns me to face him. “Never think that about yourself, Ara.”
But I do. I always have. I’ve never felt good enough, not until the day I got my first commission on my own and that’s been a while. My insecurities keep trying to land on my shoulder and whisper bullshit in my ear. However, when Glitch glowers—and I do mean glowers at me—my system resets because I know better. I do, damnit. I’ve made it on my own. I’ve gotten this far. I’m pretty awesome, actually. I’ve got a concept I’m working on at the studio, and I have the hottest boyfriend in the universe.
“There it is.” He winks at me. “There’s my Kitty.”
I blow out a breath that’s only half a laugh.
“Mmm hmm.”
The door opens before Glitch touches the doorknob.
“Uncle Glitch!” A boy grabs his hand and drags him inside first. “Mom said I could get my games back right when you got here, so get in here!”
Glitch gets pulled along by the kid and I’m pulled in by Glitch.
“Erin, come get your unruly demon spawn!”
“Beetle! Lay off! Give your uncle a minute to get through the damn door!”
I’m dragged into a home that’s pure chaos. It’s the best thing ever. Toys, Pokémon cards, and Nerf gun bullets are scattered everywhere.
“Did you burn the tortillas?” Glitch says, as we cut into the kitchen.
Erin’s fanning the smoke detector and the place smells like burnt corn. “Only one.”
Glitch lets go of my hand and opens a window and then marches over to the back sliding glass door to open that too.
I stay out of the way, unsure of what I should do. Looking around, I bite my bottom lip. The furniture here is old and well worn. The rooms are cozy and cramped. I absolutely love this house.
“I’m Erin,” says a beautiful woman with Glitch’s same eye color and big smile. It’s easy to see they’re related. “That’s Beetle.”
Beetle waves from the TV, a controller in his hand.
“I’m shocked you’re giving him playing rights tonight.” Glitch strolls back to the kitchen where he left me.
“I figured this was a good way to keep him occupied so we can actually talk about things other than Pokémon for a change.” Erin looks at me and shrugs. “He’s only allowed a half-hour of screen time a day if he has good grades, so this is a super big deal to him.”
What kid wouldn’t be psyched for unlimited game plays for a night? I can hardly blame him.
“But it’s for AFTER HE EATS ALL HIS DINNER!” she yells.
“I willllllllll!” Beetle yells back.
My God, they’re loud. As someone who spends most of her days and nights alone, it’s a shock to my system. It’s nice.
“Okay!” Erin claps her hands. “Glitch, make the guac. Ara?”
“Get busy on the margaritas.”
Glitch plucks three avocados from a bowl and starts juggling them. Two fall on the floor almost immediately.
Erin rubs her temples. “Oh my God, this dinner is going to be awful. Stop bruising the food, asshole.”
“I’m just trying to keep the bar as low as you do, Erin. Can’t eat perfectly good guac with burnt ass tortillas.”
She throws a jalapeno at him. He tosses it back at her.
“Welcome to family dinner, Ara.” Erin flashes me a big smile. I can’t lie, she’s making it easy to like her. A lot.