Gentleman Sinner(110)

Chapter 27

I knew I wouldn’t be allowed in the X-ray and scan rooms, but I still followed the porters as they pushed Theo’s bed through the corridors of the hospital, a nurse tagging along with his files. I waited outside while he was X-rayed and scanned, and then I followed them up to ICU, where nurses were awaiting his arrival.

After I’ve sent Callum a message telling him where to find us, I sit in the corner of the private room and watch as they hook all the machinery back up, the nurse from Triage doing handover to the ward sister. I smile when she advises them of Theo’s moving habit, and the sister laughs, like the nurse currently handing over the paperwork is joking. She can laugh now. He’s unconscious and unable to attack. She wouldn’t be laughing if he were fit, healthy, and awake with his palms wrapped around her throat.

I look to the door at the sound of an urgent voice from outside the room and jump up, finding Jess is at the desk asking where I am. ‘Hey,’ I call.

She pivots around, lots of air leaving her mouth. ‘Izzy!’ She runs to the room and throws her arms around me. ‘I’ve been so worried. What’s happened to him?’

The firmness of her hug is blissful. So needed. ‘I think he put himself in a fight to lose.’

‘Why would he do that?’ She releases me and guides me over to a chair, letting me sit. She must feel my exhaustion. Approaching Theo quietly, being sure not to get in the nurse’s way, she hovers over the bed, shaking her head in despair at the sight of him.

‘Guilt,’ I breathe. Resting back, I prop my elbow on the chair’s arm and let my head use it for support.

‘He looks terrible.’ She states the obvious, probably not knowing what else to say. ‘What have the doctors said?’

‘It’s touch-and-go. They’ve X-rayed and scanned him. We’re waiting for the results.’

The door bursts open, and Judy appears, deranged with worry. ‘Oh my goodness, Theo.’ She throws herself across the room to the bed, and Callum follows, his steps hesitating as he gets his first glimpse of his friend. A haunted look passes across his face, followed quickly by one of rage. He stops in the middle of the room and stares, taking in the mess that is Theo’s body.

Judy’s hand clamps over her mouth in shock before reaching and retracting a few times, her red lips quivering. ‘Look at him,’ she murmurs, devastated. ‘What did that bastard do to him?’

‘Nothing Theo didn’t ask him to,’ Callum says, pointing to Theo’s wrists. ‘He restrained himself.’

I’m up from my chair in an instant, moving closer to get a better look. He’s right. Theo’s wrists are a horrid sight of welts and lacerations, evidence of being bound. I neglected to notice them among the endless other injuries. ‘Why?’ I ask without thinking. Of course I know why, but my mind is struggling to comprehend the extent of Theo’s actions.

‘The stupid bastard made it easy to beat him. He needed to stop his ability to react when he was touched.’

I decide here and now that as soon as Theo is back to health, I’m going to kick his arse. I grit my teeth and turn to Judy, her sobs showing no signs of receding. ‘He’s going to be okay,’ I tell her, taking her hands and doing what she’s been doing for me since Theo left.

‘How can he be?’ she asks, looking at his mangled body and wincing. ‘All of this damage.’

I slip my hand into hers and squeeze. ‘I’ll fix him,’ I assure her. ‘I promise.’ I’ve never made a more sincere vow. I’ve already decided that I’m quitting my job. Theo’s recovery is going to be long and gruelling, and I plan on being there every step of the way. I won’t leave his side. Not ever again.

‘Are you thirsty?’ Jess asks. She looks mildly uncomfortable. She wants something to do, to be busy and useful.

‘Tea would be good,’ I reply, guiding Judy away from the bed and sitting her in the chair. ‘Get Judy one, too, please.’

‘Got it.’ Jess heads for the door, and Callum follows.

‘I’ll help.’ He doesn’t acknowledge Jess’s startled face as they go, leaving me alone with Judy.

I pull a chair over to join her, her hands fiddling in her lap, her eyes never leaving her son. But my arse doesn’t make it to the seat, because a mild gurgling sound splinters the quiet, making me bolt back upright, Judy joining me a second later. Theo moans painfully and tries to move, pulling at the wires attached to him.

‘Theo.’ I take his hand and constrict my hold, my palm going to his sticky forehead and brushing back his long hair. ‘Theo, can you hear me?’ I turn back to Judy. ‘Get the doctor.’ I could press the call button, but she needs something to do, and Theo isn’t in immediate medical danger. He’s just agitated. She’s gone like a rocket, and I return to Theo’s squirming form. ‘You need to keep still. You have broken ribs.’

The moans come and come, his eyes now clenched shut rather than resting closed. ‘Too much,’ he mumbles, those two simple words making me so fucking happy.

‘You’re hooked up to morphine,’ I explain. ‘You need something else?’

‘Izzy.’ His head thrashes a few times, his movements becoming dangerously erratic. ‘Izzy.’

‘Theo, I’m here.’

Jodi Ellen Malpas's Books