From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(93)

“Ash has twenty-eight rings,” Jala added quietly.

“You are going to marry Ash?” Neph choked the words and stared openly at Ash who simply smiled in return.

“Once you make the proper arrangements for me,” Jala agreed with a nod. “As I said, we have discussed it. As it turns out it is quite beneficial to both of us. Ash cannot gain more status in his lands due to the fact that the current High Lord fears him. So he needs a land other than Seravae to call home. I have land and he will have soldiers. We will both win in this.”

“And I understand that Jala is grieving and I expect nothing from her in the ways of a wife. I simply see our marriage contract as a way for both of us to attain our goals. I will be free of my father’s rule and she will have the army she needs,” Ash said with a faint smile.

Neph looked between them once more and leaned back in his seat, rubbing his chin thoughtfully with one hand. “You know Arovan despises Seravae, right? And you have three hundred Arovan knights living here.”

“I’ve considered that. Ash assures me that there are different factions in his land and the one that he is allied with are not raiders. I’m hoping that fact might reduce the pending hostility a bit,” Jala said with a sigh and shrugged. “It is the best option I see, Neph. I regret that there will be difficulties from it, but it is better than losing to Avanti.”

“When do you plan to do this?” Neph asked still skeptical.

“As soon as the curse on Goswin is lifted,” Jala answered softly. “When we go to Goswin, you will leave for Seravae if you agree to help.”

“I can’t believe you are sending me instead of Jail for this,” Neph said, shaking his head slightly. “I am scarcely a diplomat, Jala,” he objected mildly.

“I trust you, Neph,” Jala said bluntly and searched his face for some sign of his answer.

Neph let out his breath in a heavy sigh and rubbed his face. “I don’t like this. I know a few of the laws from Seravae. Wives are property there, Jala. If it was anyone but Ash, I would be trying to shake some sense into you right now.” Neph stared at Ash for a long moment and sighed again. “He has shown honor, though, so I will do as you ask. I’m not responsible for anyone I might kill while playing ambassador, though. If they annoy me, I will get rid of them,” he warned her.

“Speaking of killing. That was Death magic you used earlier wasn’t it,” Jala said with a faint smile.

Neph nodded slowly and his frown deepened. “I don’t think I would admit that to anyone else. Death magic is forbidden in every land and simply having the knowledge of those spells is enough reason for execution in places,” Neph said cautiously.

“I always wondered why you kept your room so dark when you read and now I finally understand. If anyone actually does manage to scry on you they can’t read what you are studying between the darkness and the glow from the light runes you have on your walls,” Jala said and nodded slowly. “Clever, Neph, and you know I won’t tell anyone. I do however expect you to teach me.”

Neph shook his head at her slowly and smiled. “You don’t want much do you, Jala? Ambassador and teacher of forbidden arts,” he grumbled.

“And that is just the beginning, Neph,” Jala promised him with a bitter smile as she stood from the table. “Thank you for agreeing to help,” Jala added and nodded to Emily then Ash. “I’m going to go spend time with my son now. I think my time for simply relaxing is coming swiftly to an end and I want as much time with Legacy as I can manage,” she said as she crossed the room and slowly opened the door.

“Jala,” Neph called before she could step through the door. Turning she looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you planning to tell Valor what you are going to do?” he asked softly.

“I am. I’m simply trying to figure out how to do it,” Jala assured him. She knew quite well how much Valor despised Seravae and had absolutely no idea how to tell him her plans. The fact that she was keeping the secret from him was bad enough, but the thought of telling him the truth was even worse. It was a topic she would have to broach very soon, but not today.

Chapter 17


Snow covered the landscape in a pristine white blanket for as far as she could see. Jala turned slowly in a full circle, looking over the tree covered hills with a sense of wonder. Not even animal tracks disrupted the perfect beauty. It was completely untouched aside from the small patch of ground her group stood upon. “It’s beautiful,” she said softly.

“And cold,” Sovann added as he watched his breath fog in the air. “I prefer our lands by far.” The mage rubbed his hands together briskly and then tucked them under his arms as he studied the area. It had been his magic that had brought them here, despite his reservations about the fluxes in the magic.

“Should we inform Anthe that we are here?” Valor asked quietly. He stood to her left, fully clad in the shining armor he had been working on for days. Jala watched him for a moment, her eyes lingering on the engraved Bendazzi that stood proudly on the dark purple breastplate. The colors of Merro suited him well and he was an impressive sight.

“I believe she knows we are here,” Jala replied and turned her attention to the large trees that marked the beginning of the Tolanteer forest. There was no sign of movement there yet, but her gut instincts told her the witches of the forest knew what was happening.

Melissa Myers's Books