From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(66)

“Blue Bess, a friend of mine. She is our savior here trust me. Korv wouldn’t dare cross her,” Valor explained as he tugged on her hand for her to follow.

Jala stole a last look at the bear as it backed away from them and disappeared into the blizzard, then scanned the area until she spotted Marrow’s form as he returned to her side. “Thank you,” she whispered as she ducked her head from the worst of the wind and followed blindly after Valor.

The wind continued its ferocious assault for several more feet, and then dropped abruptly. Jala looked up in shock and stared at the immense wooden wall before her and the dark trails of chimney smoke beyond it. They had been within ten feet of a village and she hadn’t even realized it.

“If you truly are who you claim to be, you will have no trouble proving it to me.” The woman’s voice came again and Jala looked around until she located the speaker perched above the gate. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. Long silver hair tumbled down across her shoulders, the ends tipped in a snowy white. She wore an elaborate vest of velvet and brocade sewn in green and gold that was cut short enough to reveal her flat well-muscled stomach. The matching pants and thigh-high boots were of the same quality and the first impression she gave was truly breathtaking.

Blue’s dark eyes were filled with amusement as she regarded Jala’s slack-jawed stare and Jala quickly looked away, only to glance back once again when the woman turned her attention back to Valor. It wasn’t so much the magnificent clothing or the woman’s natural beauty that held Jala captivated, as it was the tracery of small blue runes that covered the woman from her neck down on every surface of skin visible. There was obvious magic in the markings but Jala couldn’t tell exactly what their purpose was without a scrutiny she was sure the woman wouldn’t appreciate.

“My Lady Merrodin, may I present Blue Bess, acclaimed bard of Glis as well as Arovan and Herald for High Lord Blackwolf,” Valor said with a formality she was unaccustomed to from him. He bowed slightly to the woman and smiled at her. “Tell me how to prove it and I will, Blue,” he said as he stood straight once more and then smiled roguishly. “By the way, did you mean to make that rhyme or have you been a bard for so many years you can no longer speak without spewing out verses?”

“I never spew words,” Blue snapped, her voice still beautiful to the ears but filled with obvious offense. Leaning forward, she wrapped delicate long fingered hands around two beams and used them to swing down, landing gracefully before the gate. Drawing one hand before her she stretched a lean leg out in front and bowed to Jala formally at the waist. “If you truly are High Lady Merrodin, it is an honor to have you grace our humble dwelling. If you are not truly the High Lady then you will make a very pretty meal for Korv,” Blue said as she stood once more and tilted her delicate chin upwards to survey Valor more closely.

“Not while I draw breath,” Valor warned, his hand dropping on reflex to where his sword normally hung. He frowned as he found nothing but empty air and sighed heavily.

Blue watched the gesture with obvious amusement and then met his eye once more. “My, my! Did we come to the battle without our sword? The Valor I knew never would have made such a mistake. His hand was always firmly gripping his…” She paused and coughed lightly, giving him a smile. “Sword,” she added at last.

Valor cleared his throat and raised his own eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest. “The proving myself to you? Did you forget? You are getting a bit long in the tooth, vixen.”

Blue sputtered for a moment, her eyes wide as she stepped back away from him with a look of complete indignation written on her face. “Long in the tooth, he says,” she exclaimed with a gasp. “This is not Valor Hai’dia before me at all. Sweet Valor would never utter such wretched words before my ears,” she continued, her voice rising in mock pain.

“For the love of the Aspects, Blue, cut the drama,” Valor demanded as he turned back toward the forest with a wary expression on his face. “If Korv hears you say that he will have my head bitten off before you explain that you are jesting.”

Jala watched the scene, looking from Valor, then to Blue, and finally down to Marrow. “Do you know many that have a Bendazzi as a Familiar other than Lady Jala Merrodin?” she asked just loudly enough to be heard.

“Right. You are quite obviously who you say you are, given that fact. You may approach the gate, Milady,” Blue said with a smile and another bow but held a finger up to Valor as he started to move as well. “You, however, do not have a rather large cat to bear witness for you. Given your brutish nature with words I find myself still suspect as to your character.”

Valor sighed and his shoulders slumped once more. “Shall I recite a verse from your tattoos?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Blue frowned at him and shook her head slowly. “No, you never had opportunity to learn the special verses and anyone could have learned the others. Instead you will answer three questions.”

“Then please ask before Lady Merrodin gets frostbite from your holding her hostage before the gate,” Valor pressed.

Jala wrapped her arms tighter around herself and allowed her teeth to chatter audibly as the bard turned to regard her. “I’m from the south,” she offered in a quavering voice and motioned with a delicate wave of her hand for the interrogation to commence.

Melissa Myers's Books