From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(60)

“Imagine that, a visit from Neph and he will no longer talk to us,” Valor said sarcastically and earned a rude gesture from Neph.

“You try keeping this place in order for a while, Valor. I’ll lay a heavy wager that in one week with you in control we would have utter chaos, no food, and you would be too drunk to notice,” Neph snapped.

“Give me time to think on this. In two days we will have another discussion on the matter. That should give me plenty of time to regain my strength,” Jala said with a nod, her eyes flicking back and forth between Neph and Valor. The knight had turned back to the window once more and Neph was watching her again. So she let the comments slide without any words of her own on the matter. In truth, she wasn’t really sure what to think about it at any rate. In the Darklands, Valor had been the picture of quiet competence and had barely drunk any wine. Here in the sunlit world things were apparently different, however.

“Fair enough,” Sovann agreed and nodded toward the door. “Let’s allow her to speak with Valor and rest. There is plenty of time to discuss everything later.”

Wisp nodded and gave Jala one last hug before rising from the bed. With a smile she moved to Sovann’s side and they quietly left the room. Jala watched them go and tried to ignore the twinge inside her chest. Sovann looked so much like his brother it was difficult to see him without thinking of Finn.

“Don’t keep her awake long, Valor,” Neph warned and nodded farewell to Jala as he moved to the door and quietly closed it behind him.

Jala watched the door for a long moment and then turned to look back at Valor. The knight was leaning against the window frame watching her with a cautious expression. “Why do you look nervous?” she asked as she threw the blankets back from her legs and swung them over the side of the bed. Frowning, she looked down at the short linen shift she wore and searched the room for any sign of her clothing.

“I was curious as to what you wished to speak with me alone about and now I’m simply wondering what in the hell you think you are doing,” Valor said, his voice incredulous.

“Oh, there are several things I’d like to talk to you about but they can wait. For now, we have to get to Glis,” Jala replied as she stood shakily and moved to the trunk at the foot of the bed.

“What?” Valor demanded, moving to her side and trying to guide her back to the bed. “Jala you shouldn’t even be standing,” he scolded, his eyes flicking to the door once more.

Jala looked at him with a raised eyebrow but didn’t allow herself to be moved an inch. Reaching up she took his chin in her hand and forced him to meet her eyes. “Valor, listen,” she ordered. “Death is a petty vindictive bitch and your brother-in-law is near death. I severed the ties she held on him for now, but once she recovers she will kill him. If I can get there before she does I can heal him. I know I hurt her badly this time but I am not fool enough to think I killed her. So stop wasting time and find my boots.”

“So you had the others leave because you knew they would stop you from doing this and you kept me because I go along with everything,” Valor sighed.

“Yes, they would stop me and I kept you to stop the Shifters from ripping my face off when we appear out of nowhere. They know you. They do not know me,” Jala explained as she lifted the trunk lid and sorted through her clothing quickly. “Valor,” she said as she stood back up clutching a tunic and breeches.

“Hmm?” Valor raised an eyebrow at her and dropped her boots down in front of the bed.

“There is actually something I do need to talk with you about before we go. Do you know what they did with my old grey cloak?” Jala began slowly, her eyes searching the room for any sign of the ruined garment.

“Neph burned it, but the things you had inside it are on your dresser,” Valor replied with a look of faint confusion.

Jala nodded and chewed on her lower lip. After the disaster with Finn’s spirit stone she wasn’t sure she wanted to walk down this path, but Valor had a right to know. Silently she moved to the dresser and sat her clothes on the edge before picking up the gold coin. Turning it over in her hands she stared down at the imprint of the black swords and then the badger before finally looking back to him. “Do you remember when Vaze took us out of Death’s palace and he mentioned not being able to find Chastity?” she asked quietly.

A pained look crossed Valor’s face and he nodded faintly. Guilt showed clearly in his blue eyes and he let out a slow breath. “I do, and I have no idea how to tell Sebastian about it or even if I should tell him.”

Jala crossed the short distance between them and took his hand. With another glance down at the coin she placed it carefully in his waiting palm and closed his fingers over it. “Vaze couldn’t find her because my last spell was placing her soul in this. I didn’t have another gem to use, but Ash said it only required an item of value. To others, that coin may look like a simple gold piece but to me it is worth more than any gem. Chastity’s soul is there, but after what happened with Finn,” she let her words trail off and released his hand, moving back to pick up her clothing once more.

“You barely knew Chas. You had only met her once and you used the last of your strength to save her from that place rather than striking another blow at Death?” Valor asked softly as he turned the coin over in his hand and then looked up to her, his eyes searching.

Melissa Myers's Books