From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(172)

With a final glance at the Arovanni, Jala nodded and climbed the stairs. The lights of the house flickered to life as Valor walked down the hall, illuminating the countless paintings and tapestries that lined the walls. Jala stared at each one as they passed, wishing she had time to stop and admire the work. She wasn’t in Arovan to sightsee, however, and Valor was right, food and a bath did sound very good.

“I knew you were spoiled, Valor. I just never realized how spoiled,” Neph said quietly as they emerged into a vast entry hall that was lined on either side with ornate suits of armor.

Valor ignored the comment and motioned to one of the suits of armor near the front of the hall. “That’s her armor. There is a painting of her above it and a story telling a bit about her life below that. Feel free to look around. I will be in the kitchen which is down the left hall if you need me. If you would like a bath, there is a transport at the back of the hall beside the staircase. Stand in the circle of runes and touch the third rune with your foot. That will take you to the family quarters. Jala, take the room at the end of that hall. Neph, take the room to the left of hers,” Valor said as he continued to walk toward the back of the hall.

Jala watched him disappear into the hallway and moved closer to the indicated armor. The woman in the painting wore plate mail and had a fierce expression on her beautiful face. Her hands were folded around the pommel of an ornate sword and Jala’s eyes fixated on the weapon. She had seen the sword before, countless times as Valor fought back the denizens of the Darklands. The last time she had seen it was when he had handed it to her in Death’s throne room. Closing her eyes slowly she rubbed her temples as she realized the entirety of her folly when she had dropped the sword. Valor had never complained or even bothered to mention that it was a family heirloom that she had so carelessly lost. Turning, she let her gaze drop to the two Bendazzi who sat in silence behind her. “I feel like such an ass now,” Jala whispered to them, hoping Neph couldn’t overhear her

It’s a sword that you left behind. I think he was more focused on the fact that you saved his sister’s soul than concerned about the weapon, Marrow assured her.

The sound of his voice in her mind was comforting. Since Emily had discovered her Bendazzi form Marrow talked less and less directly to her. It was only when Jala was in dire need of counsel that he chose to speak up and she missed the frequent links they had once shared.

Ahh. Yes. You are so neglected by me, Marrow chided her gently, and Jala rolled her eyes in response.

With a shake of her head, Jala crossed the room toward the staircase, glancing at Neph as she walked. “Bath time for me. I haven’t had a decent hot bath since Merro and I’ve almost forgotten what warm water feels like after the countless dunks I’ve had in rivers while we marched.”

Neph nodded and turned back to study the armor, his gaze holding more interest than she would have expected from him, given the subject. The Delvay had never made any secret of how little he thought of the Knights of Arovan. Jala watched the two Bendazzi stalk from the room in the direction of Valor and the kitchens and smiled faintly. Emily and Marrow had quite a bit in common, but their love for food was foremost.

She located the rune circle Valor had described easily and stepped into the circle. Glancing down she studied the countless runes and shook her head at the thought of living in a house so large you had to use magical transport to navigate through it easily. Sliding her foot forward she pressed down on the third rune as Valor had said and felt the transport magic wash over her.

Blinking she looked up and down the wide hallway. Paintings lined these walls as well, but they were family portraits. Slowly she walked down the hall toward the last door, her eyes roving over images of the Hai’dia children at various ages. A smile still on her lips, she opened the door to her assigned room and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

The mage lights flickered on as she turned and she stared for a long moment at the sheer size of it. The bed alone was bigger than her bedroom in Merro. A large cabinet covered most of one wall and various pieces of fine furniture lined the remainder of the room. Her eyes moved from the ornate dressing table to the practical desk that sat to one side of the bed. His parent’s room, she realized as she noticed the two very different tastes that had decorated the chamber.

Within minutes of exploring she had discovered the bathtub which reminded her more of a swimming pool. To her relief the rune to summon the water was the same one used in Sanctuary. Stepping back she began to strip her armor off as the tub filled and let out a sigh. It was hard to truly enjoy the splendor of the house when she didn’t know if anyone but Valor still survived to claim it.

Opening her eyes slowly, Jala shivered and sat up in the water. Blinking, she looked around in confusion until the memory of where she was returned. The water had gone cold and she shivered as she climbed from the bathtub, silently scolding herself for being stupid enough to fall asleep. That would have been a death that would have amused Neph to no end. She survived the war, but drowned in the bathtub. The thought left her shaking her head with disgust.

Jala reached for a towel and her eyes fell on her travel stained clothes and armor. She could clean them with magic easy enough, but the thought of wearing the heavy clothes once more was not appealing. With a quick spell she summoned a robe and slipped it on. The light silk was comforting after the wool dresses Jexon had insisted on and the armor that she had taken to wearing again near the end of the campaign with Avanti.

Melissa Myers's Books