From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(17)

“Is he busy?” Charm asked to the closest Fionaveir.

The woman blanched slightly and nodded. “Victory returned. There has been some yelling. I’m not sure what is going on, but Lutheron is not pleased at all,” she said softly as if she was afraid Lutheron could somehow overhear her words through the thick oak doors. Nervously, she brushed a stray lock of blond hair from her face and looked hopefully at Charm. “You have good news for him though? I really don’t want to make my report until he is in a better mood.”

“I’m here for assignment, not to report. I doubt he will be in a better mood from that, but I’ll do what I can, Gretchen.” Charm assured her with a smile.

She brightened a bit at the gesture and Shade had to fight the impulse to roll his eyes. It seemed as though every Fionaveir somehow believed Charm was capable of any miracle. It was even worse with the women. If the rogue so much as smiled in their direction, it was as if the Aspects themselves had arrived to offer blessings.

“Just out of curiosity, where was Victory returning from?” Charm asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Merro. From what I gather, he was supposed to bring the Merrodin girl back with him,” Gretchen answered softly.

Charm nodded and bowed his head to her slightly. “Thank you Gretchen. I’ll see what I can do to sweeten his mood.”

“You aren’t going in there now are you?” Gretchen asked, quickly grabbing his arm before he could take a single step.

“I had intended to.” Charm began slowly with another smile forming on his lips. “I’m sure it will be fine and Victory will no doubt appreciate the back up,” he assured her, patting her hand lightly before freeing himself from her grasp. “Come on Shade. He needs a new victim and you are perfect for the role.”

“Thanks so much,” Shade agreed, casting his own smile in Gretchen’s direction. It had nowhere near the same effect, he noticed. Rather than looking charmed the woman simply looked at him with pity clearly written on her face. “I begin to understand your name more,” Shade murmured to Charm as they walked. “Do you actually have some sort of enchantment you use on them?”

Charm regarded him dryly as he pulled open the first of the double doors and motioned him inside. “Yes it’s insidious. I call it manners and courtesy.” Charm whispered as Shade stepped past him.

“Smart ass,” Shade shot back quietly before turning his attention to the room’s occupants.

Lutheron stood glowering beside a table. From the expression on his face it was clear that he had not expected anyone to be foolish enough to enter without knocking. Victory sat at the table and by his expression it was clear he had been praying for someone to open the door. Across the room from them, leaning against the wall, stood Vaze, still wearing the strange black armor and not bothering to look up at the sound of the door. He was holding a glass globe in his hands and turning it over slowly, staring at it with an absorbed look in his dark eyes.

The sound of the door closing drew Lutheron’s gaze off Vaze and onto Charm. The rogue brushed past him and smiled at Lutheron whose glare softened to mild displeasure. “Sorry it took me so long to bring him back,” Charm offered and dropped down in the seat beside Victory.

“It would seem things have changed a bit more than I had expected. I had planned for you to help the Fionaveir in another way but that apparently can’t happen,” Lutheron began, his voice close to a growl.

“Oh, really? How so?” Charm asked, his tone bright as if everything was perfect in the world.

“It’s true, here they are,” Vaze spoke up, his voice sounding monotone and distant. Lutheron’s eyes snapped that direction and he crossed the room quickly and leaned over the other man’s shoulder to peer into the dark glass.

“What the hell?” Shade whispered to Charm who shrugged and looked to Victory for answer.

“Jala has gone to the Darklands to retrieve Finn’s soul,” Victory said softly, his voice filled with misery. “Lutheron sent me to bring her back to the city. Merrodin isn’t strong enough to stand on its own, but she was already gone.”

“Bloody, buggering hell.” Lutheron growled, his face turning a darker shade of red and one vein standing out on his forehead. “Is that Troyelle’s boy with her?” He snarled.

Vaze nodded slowly, apparently unfazed by Lutheron’s display of temper. “It is, though I don’t know the Darklands well enough to tell exactly where they are. I believe they may be near the Forgotten. It’s impressive that they are still alive thus far.” His voice was slowly regaining its usual pitch.

“It’s true then, and not some line of bullshit as I had hoped.” Lutheron let out a long sigh and paced back to the table. Plucking a bottle from the center he opened it and began to pour a drink as he locked his gaze on the three men across from him. “This knowledge does not leave this room. Is that understood?” He spoke in a flat voice that brooked no argument, but Shade could see Victory squirm in his chair.

“I will have to tell Havoc. She is his family.” Victory began but fell silent as Lutheron’s dark gaze locked on him once more.

“You will not tell that hot-headed fool a thing.” Lutheron growled slamming the decanter back down on the table. Silence fell across the room once more as Lutheron raised the glass to his lips.

Melissa Myers's Books