From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(156)

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Valor,” Bridgette said as she turned to leave. “Goodnight, Milady,” Bridgette added politely as moved passed her to leave the tent.

“Goodnight,” Jala muttered with a faint nod. She wasn’t sure what to say in light of her entrance. It was difficult to begin a serious conversation after making yourself look like a fool.

Valor continued to watch Jala as he raised a glass slowly to his lips and took a drink, obviously waiting for an explanation. “Have you grown shy about gambling?” Valor asked when the silence stretched between them.

“I didn’t realize it was cards that kept you both entertained each night,” Jala mumbled as she inwardly cursed Jail. She knew the Mind mage had known the truth of the situation and she was sure beyond a shadow of doubt he also knew what she had assumed. He had set her up for this and she had stumbled headlong into it.

Valor nodded slowly and waved a hand toward Bridgette’s vacant chair. Her cheeks flaming with embarrassment, Jala crossed the tent and sat quietly. “So what is it that you need to speak with me about so badly?” Valor asked as he raised his glass to his lips once more.

Jala closed her eyes and settled more comfortably into the chair. Jail apparently wanted her to settle things with Valor, and she had to admit it was past time that she did so. She had meant to bring the topic up sooner, but it wasn’t something that was easy to speak about.

“The night I came back from the dead, actually,” Jala said and motioned toward his glass. “Have you got another of those?” she asked.

“It’s been two weeks and suddenly you are frantic to speak of it?” Valor said as he poured a second glass and slid it across the table to her.

“Yes, and no,” Jala began hesitantly. Pausing, she took a small sip from the brandy and glanced up at him. “Are you really wearing a black amulet, Valor?” she asked quietly.

Valor shifted in his chair and nodded, his expression never changing.

“Why?” Jala asked, her gaze forcing him to meet her eyes.

“Can I lie and say it’s because I don’t want to end up like the poor bastard that won’t stop crying that prompted us to start the process of amulets?” Valor asked dryly.

“No,” Jala replied simply.

Valor frowned and pushed his glass back and forth between his hands. “Then I suppose I will be truthful and admit it’s because I don’t want to be here when Finn returns. I know that makes me sound like a bastard, but if he wasn’t dead then he should have been here for you. I have watched you live in misery without him and I was utterly helpless to do anything to help you. I can’t face him, and I…” His voice trailed off as he lifted the glass and took another healthy swallow. “And I don’t want to see the two of you together,” he admitted quietly as he sat the glass down once more.

“You will see him before me with that amulet on, Valor,” Jala said softly. She waited until he looked up at her and smiled sadly. “I tried to tell you that night, but you left before I could finish. I saw him in the Darklands, Valor. He has taken the place of the Dark Lady,” she explained and watched as the realization of what she had said that night registered in his mind.

“Did you plan to take your own life to return to him?” Valor asked his expression horrified at the thought.

Jala shook her head quickly and sighed. “I was feeling so much…” She paused and shook her head again in frustration as she searched for the correct word. “I was feeling so much of everything that night, Valor. Pain, grief, sadness, anger, and my words were morbid. I was being melodramatic I suppose, but no, suicide never crossed my mind,” She stared down into the amber depths of her brandy for a long moment before speaking again. “It was all the enchantment for Finn. I asked him directly when I stood before him and he answered me with blunt honesty. He never loved me at all, Val,” she said. The pain was still there, but it was less than it had been.

“Then he was a bigger fool than I thought,” Valor replied quietly.

Standing, Jala moved around the table and stopped just in front of him. Silently she raised her hands to his neck and pulled the cord of the necklace from under his shirt. She glanced up to find him watching her as she carefully unfastened the clasp and lifted the amulet free of his neck. Her thumb traced along the edge of the black coin as she stared down at the skull imprinted deeply in the metal. She watched him as she sat the amulet down softly onto the table. “Please, Valor. I need you to help me finish this. The thought of you not being there beside me when we finally ride home…” Her voice trailed off as her throat tightened.

Leaning forward, Valor took her hands gently in his and smiled up at her. “I’m sorry, Jala. I didn’t understand. I will always stand beside you, as long as you want me there.”

“Promise me you won’t put that back on,” Jala whispered, her eyes flicking to the amulet.

“You have my word. Should I die on the field, bring me back as quickly as you can. I have no desire to ever see Fiona Veirasha again,” Valor smiled as he spoke the words and slowly released her hands. “It’s almost over, Jala. Another few weeks at the most and you will have your dream. We can return to Merro and put all this behind us.”

“Almost,” Jala agreed quietly, though she knew Merro was still more than a few weeks off. They would deal with the Avanti soon, that was true. The Blights were another matter though. Sanctuary wouldn’t be safe until all of the threats were dealt with. Now was not the time to mention that, though. It could wait.

Melissa Myers's Books