From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(145)

The Greenwild

Rain poured down from the sky in steady waves. Glancing to her side, Jala gave Valor a suspicious look. The knight was drenched from head to toe, his fine cloak hanging from his back like a wet rag, and yet he had a smile on his face. He had been a steady companion of hers since the first battle, and that had been days ago. Now, finally, they had the Avanti forces pinned down again and Valor was in the best mood she had seen since before Finn’s death. She wasn’t entirely sure why, either. It was pouring down rain and the Avanti had the higher ground.

“It’s not me,” Valor said casually as she continued to watch him. He didn’t bother to look her way. She had been giving him glances all morning and he knew well enough she was wondering if the weather was his doing.

“Well, can you at least stop it?” Neph demanded from her other side. The Delvay was doubtless more uncomfortable than either of them considering his leather armor and lack of a cloak.

“Does leather armor shrink when it’s wet, like boots do, Neph?” Valor asked in a voice that was far too innocent.

“I would guess Neph’s is enchanted, isn’t it, Neph? Oh, wait, that’s right, the Delvay put the wards of protection on themselves, not their gear,” Jala said slowly as she grinned at Valor.

“I’m not amused,” Neph grumbled, his gaze shifting past them to where Jexon and his officers were discussing the pending attack on the Avanti. “Think he is actually going to fight this time?” Neph asked with a sigh, his gaze slowly moving to the hillside where the Avanti waited.

“In this weather, I doubt he attacks today. Only a fool would rush uphill in a rain storm to attack enemy forces. The footing alone would guarantee defeat,” Valor said with a sigh.

“Maybe you could do something about the weather then!” Neph snapped, a bit sharper this time.

“It’s not a weather spell I can simply break, Neph. This is a natural storm. If I alter the weather it is going to be a major casting on my part and I’d rather not waste the energy until we know what is going to happen with the Avanti,” Valor replied with a sigh.

“It looks like they’ve finally decided something,” her father said from behind her and Jala looked up to see Jexon riding toward their group.

“He is smiling. That isn’t a good sign,” Jala muttered sourly. She had done her best to avoid Jexon over the past few days, but in the evenings it was impossible. For the first few days after the battle she couldn’t even bluff him with a threat of magic. Everyone in the entire army knew how drained she was after raising the dead. It had taken her wearing the veil once more to hide the bruises and keep her friends from killing the bastard. She couldn’t afford for Jexon to die now though. She needed his soldiers and she wasn’t sure if Ash had strong enough loyalty to take control of the forces entirely.

It hadn’t been until the rain had started that she had finally abandoned the veil once more. There was nothing to ruin a good mood quite like being slapped in the face with wet silk every time your horse took a step. Fortunately, her energy was strong enough once more that a quick healing had eliminated the possibility of problems.

“We will attack today. I don’t want to risk their getting reinforcements while we wait for the weather to improve,” Jexon announced as he stopped his horse beside her own. “My Soulblades will be useless afoot on this ground for the first engagement, as will the Archers. Valor, you will get a chance to prove your name today. Take the hill and hold it until our remaining forces can join the battle,” Jexon said with a smile.

“You want him to lead a mounted charge up a muddy hill?” Badger demanded, sounding as furious as Jala felt.

Valor shifted in his saddle and looked at the hill before glancing back at Jala. His eyes met hers for a long moment before shifting back to Jexon. “I don’t follow your orders, Spook,” he said softly then looked back to Jala once more. “Do you want the hill, Jala?” he asked.

Jala searched Valor’s face for any sign of doubt before shrugging lightly. “I don’t have much use for a hill, Valor. I would like their commander and their banner though,” she said with a confidence she didn’t feel at all.

“Didn’t you just say the footing alone would guarantee a defeat?” Neph asked dryly.

“For Jexon. Not me,” Valor returned with a smile and dismounted. Tossing his reins lightly to Badger he pulled his signet ring off his finger and dropped it down into the muddy ground. “Valorous, come,” he commanded and the air above the signet began to coalesce at once.

The last time Jala had seen the Arovanni, his coat had been the grey of snow clouds. This time when the horse formed, his coat was as dark as the spring storm clouds above them. Snorting loudly, Valorous danced back as Valor retrieved his signet from the ground. Standing once more he bowed his head to Jala.

“One banner and commander coming up, Milady,” Valor said as he swung into his saddle and turned his horse toward his waiting knights.

Jala watched him ride off and then turned to Jexon, her eyes locked on his face. She kept her expression neutral, though the hatred she felt at the sight of him was difficult to hide. “Once again you manage to avoid fighting. How exactly did you attain your position as Lord Reaver?” Her voice was as cold as the rain.

“By leadership,” Jexon replied sharply and gave her a disgusted look. “A General does not fight among the commons. He leads from the back where he can see every move that must be made.”

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