From the Ashes (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #3)(117)

“Seth said they lived. Beyond that I don’t know and I don’t think I can contact them from here. Not with the amount of magic I have left anyway. I believe a mental link across that distance would be quite draining,” Jala said with a frown of her own. Carefully she lifted her son into her arms and rested her chin gently on the top of his head. “I can’t believe how much I missed him,” she sighed. Her worries and frustration seemed to fade a bit just from the contact with the child. Legacy stirred in her arms and her frown changed to a faint smile.

“I’d give just about anything to see that look on your face all the time,” Valor said softly as he leaned back against the bedpost watching her as she rocked her son in her arms.

“I’d love to be able to tell you that I would smile more often, Val, but Legacy is about the only thing I have to smile about,” Jala sighed and felt the weariness of the past few days wash over her once more. “I believe I will take your advice, Val, and sleep while I can. Thank you for checking on me.”

“Always,” Valor said softly as he turned for the door.

“Maybe one day I will find more to smile about,” Jala said softly as he opened the door. She wasn’t sure exactly why she had spoken the words. Maybe it was to reassure him, or maybe it was simply wishful thinking. Life had to improve. Surely it couldn’t always be filled with frustration and sorrow. Wrapping her arms tighter around her son she exhaled softly, her breath stirring the wispy strands of his red hair.

“I’ll wait patiently for that day then, Jala. Goodnight,” Valor replied as he stepped into the hall.

“Goodnight, Val,” Jala replied despite the fact that he was already gone. Carefully she set her son back down on the bed and moved to close the window. “Good morning rather,” she sighed as she stared at the lightening sky. “One day, no one will be trying to kill us. War will not be looming. The entire world will not be in chaos and we will get a full night’s sleep every night,” Jala whispered to her son as she climbed into the bed beside him. “I promise,” she added through a yawn and pulled him close to her side.

Chapter 23


Pain lanced through her body as her eyes slowly flickered open. Morning sunlight shone brightly through the window, blinding her momentarily. Blinking slowly, Emily tried to sit up, but only managed to flop over on the floor as her body refused to respond to the commands she gave it. The coppery tang of blood was still thick in her mouth and no matter how hard she tried to summon the memories of the night before, they eluded her. Aside from Seth. That, she could remember with painful clarity.

“What the hell are we going to tell Jala?” Wisp demanded from somewhere nearby. Emily tried to speak but her mouth refused to form the words and all she managed was a guttural mumble that not even she could understand.

“She’s awake,” Jail hissed. The Mind mage moved with exaggerated slowness as he crossed the room toward her. Emily watched him with growing concern, trying desperately to remember what she had done. Jail never showed this much caution around her. He had respect for her, that was true, but this seemed more like fear.

“Can you understand me, Emily?” Jail asked in a soft soothing voice. He held both hands out before him as if he were trying to calm a spooked horse.

“Jail, don’t get too close,” Wisp pleaded as she moved swiftly behind Jail and clutched his massive arm in her delicate hands. “She didn’t know us last night. There is a good chance she won’t today,” the Fae added, her voice shaky. Both of them wore clothes that were bloody and torn and Emily could see bandages covering a good portion of Jail.

“She is calmer today and badly wounded,” Jail assured Wisp as he carefully pried the Fae’s hands from him. “It will be OK, Wisp,” he promised.

What are you both babbling about? Emily demanded in Jail’s mind. Her mouth still refused to form words to speak aloud.

“Emily, look at yourself,” Jail said firmly.

Struggling to sit once more, Emily gazed down at herself and gaped in complete shock at the dark fur that covered her skin. Eyes wide, she ceased her struggles to rise and stared in growing wonder at the thick limb ending in razor sharp talons that should have been her arm. It wasn’t even remotely human in shape.

“Congratulations, Emily. You are the first of the shifter blood to find an affinity with the Bendazzi,” Jail said cautiously, his eyes still watching her every move.

Bendazzi. The word filled Emily’s mind and her heartbeat increased. I’m a Bendazzi. The thought brought such elation to her mind that she felt dizzy for a moment. Her eyes poured over her new form from the thick black fur to the tuft on the end of her tail. A tail! The idea was so unbelievable that she would have laughed had she the energy for it. Simply moving as much as she had was sending small waves of agony through her.

“Careful how much you move right now, Emily. The Assassins had Tevrae coating their blades. That’s a poison that halts regeneration. You aren’t healing as you should and you are badly wounded,” Jail warned her as he began to approach again.

“Jail, don’t get too close,” Wisp hissed, her bright green eyes as wide as saucers.

“She is fine now, Wisp,” Jail assured her once more.

“She wasn’t fine last night,” Wisp snapped as she took a step away.

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