Frayed (Connections, #4)(115)

I moved into Ben’s house two weeks ago. It was the week after we got back together. He kept his promise, doing everything he could to make things with my family comfortable. And moving day couldn’t have been a bigger testament to his desire to make things work. It was definitely a family move. My whole family insisted on helping and so did Ben’s. My mom and Jack were of course really easygoing and more than welcoming toward Ben, but I already knew they would be. River, well, he and Ben didn’t actually speak to each other, but they didn’t fight either. And Ben and I both agreed we could live with that. At least they proved they could be in the same room together without killing each other. I even think I heard River mumble, “Nice place, cool tree,” under his breath when Ben was in his proximity. I got a laugh out of that. They’ll come around with each other; I know they will—someday.

Once we finally leave the bed, we spend the day out. We meet my mom and Jack at the Farmer’s Market where we buy a few things for the house as well as some groceries. Once we get home and get our bags unloaded, I turn on the music, pour two glasses of sparkling water, slice a lemon, and suck on a wedge. I notice Ben’s stare as I do and a wave of relentless desire sweeps through me. I can feel my pulse racing and my breath quicken with every move around the kitchen he makes. He can feel it too, I can tell.

I lean back to watch Ben make dinner—stir-fry. He finally convinced me to try it, but it wasn’t that difficult. I’ve had a weird need to eat carrots. It’s as if I’m Bugs Bunny lately. I would never admit it to Ben, though, because if he knew I wanted to eat vegetables, God knows what he’d have me eating. So instead I wrinkled my nose at the idea and hesitantly agreed. But first he had to promise a few sexual favors in return. That part was fun. And since Ben’s always telling me what a whiz with a wok he is, I really did want to see him in action.

I stand back with my arms against the counter watching him as he dices the onions, chops the peppers, and juliennes the carrots.

“Show-off,” I mutter as he slices perfect rectangle wedges out of the last orange stick.

I take a sip of my drink and move closer. “I think you need an apron,” I whisper in his ear, and then nibble on it.

“I have to concentrate and with you doing that, it’s hard.”

I giggle.

He picks up the cutting board and pours all the perfectly cut vegetables into a bowl. I lean over and grab a carrot, popping it in my mouth.

He turns and looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

I shrug. “They look edible the way you cut them.”

He shakes his head.

I squeeze his butt. “Don’t you want to know why I think you need an apron?”

“Sure, I’m dying to know.”

I let my hand trail between his legs to that spot I know he likes me to touch.

He sets the knife down and turns. He grabs my wrists and lets his tongue slip out of his mouth, wetting his lip. I’m getting wet just thinking about what I want him to do with that tongue.

“I thought you were hungry and you wanted to eat,” he growls in my ear.

“I am and I do. I just wanted to say you might want to wear an apron the next time you cook because I think you should be naked and this”—I rub myself against the erection I saw bloom the minute I sucked on the lemon—“might stand out.”

He grins, unashamed. “You noticed, did you?”


He walks me backward away from the island and toward the bank of cabinets behind me. His hands go first to my waist, then my hips, and farther down. I wish I wasn’t wearing jeans. “Next time we cook together, you’re going to be wearing one of those little black-and-white maid outfits.”

“I don’t have anything that resembles an outfit like that.”

“You will,” he says with a sexy smile that sends tingles all the way down to my toes.

He kisses me a few times, on my mouth, my chin, my ear—a taste here and there.


He doesn’t stop. My shoulder, my collarbone, my other shoulder. “Hmm?”

“You have to finish dinner,” I manage to say.

We have been taking turns cooking and sometimes we cook together. The problem with cooking together is we usually end up eating cold meals because we have a hard time concentrating on the food, like right now.

His mouth quirks up. “Okay, but you distracted me with the whole apron thing. And I know you just really want to wear one.”

I scoff. “How do you manage to always turn things around?”

He looks over at me, his eyes heavy lidded. God, what he can do to me with one look. I draw in a breath, squeezing my thighs together to control the pulsing.

He moves back to the island and turns the stove on. I want to tell him let’s skip dinner, but I’m also starving. He avoids making eye contact as he moves around. I’ve figured him out—it’s the only way to accomplish his task without distraction. I go about my own business. Back to the cutting board, where I continue slicing lemons.

When he looks up he sees me holding a lemon under my nose. His stare grows curious. “Okay, spill it.”

I give him a smile. “What?”

“Why are you smelling the lemon?”

I breathe it in again, but this time the smell I’ve always loved hits me in a sour way and almost makes me want to gag. The oil crackles from the wok and he momentarily drops his gaze and lowers the heat so he doesn’t notice. When he looks back up I outstretch my hand. “Here, smell it?”

Kim Karr's Books