Forgiving Paris: A Novel(80)

As you close the cover on this book, do me a favor. Think about who you can share this with. A friend or a sister. Your mother or a co-worker. The librarian at your local high school. Someone struggling to make sense of a loss or someone who needs to believe they can find life again. Maybe just a person who loves to read. Please… give this book away when you finish it.

Remember, a story dies if it is left on the shelf. So please pass this one on.

By now you may have heard about the TV series—The Baxters. This was something I only dreamed about back when God gave me those very special characters. The series has the material to go on for a very long time, so look for it. I know you’ll love it like the rest of us do.

To find out more about The Baxters on TV or any of my other books, television series or movies, visit my website, There you can enter your email address to sign up for my free weekly newsletter. I make my big announcements in my newsletter first! These emails come straight to you and include free short pieces and devotions written by me, also news about my events. And always a little something to encourage you.

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At my website, you can also find out how to stay encouraged with me on social media or how to attend one of my Karen Kingsbury Virtual Conference events.

Finally, if you are seeking a faith like Jack and Eliza’s, find a Bible-believing church and get connected. There is a reason you came across this book. God is always at work connecting, speaking, helping us see Him and hear Him. Maybe reading this book was that moment for you.

Until next time. Love you all!




1 Jack’s life changed in a single moment, the instant he saw Eliza drowning out in the ocean. Have you ever taken part in a sudden rescue? Or have you ever been rescued by a stranger? Talk about that time. How did it change you?

2 Sex trafficking can look a lot of different ways. It happens to children and adults, male and female. If you ran the world, what would you do to solve this problem?

3 What advice would you give parents of children, so their sons and daughters wouldn’t ever become victims? If you or someone you know has ever been trafficked, what are three things you would teach all children to protect them?

4 Eliza thought she saw God at the far edge of the ocean. Where do you most easily see or feel God’s presence? Share about that.

5 With much loss comes much testing of one’s faith. Talk about a loss you or someone you know has gone through. How did that event change or affect your faith?

6 Jack’s parents were loving and kind, but they were too busy to spend time with their boys. Share about a season when you or someone you know let work take away from family time. What was the outcome?

7 Jack was one of the best undercover agents at the FBI because he wasn’t afraid to die. But he also wasn’t interested in truly living. Are you afraid of death? Why or why not?

8 Do you think the life you’re living now is one where you are truly living? Why or why not? What would you like to change about your life? Be specific.

9 Ike Armstrong never gave up hope that his family was still alive. His adamancy was one of the reasons Jack never gave up looking for Susan and Daniel James. What is something you’ve prayed a long time for? Talk about that situation.

10 The Army, Navy and FBI all worked together with local Belizean police to pull off the raid on the Palace. Which is your favorite branch of the military, or favorite division of law enforcement? If you have personal experience, share that.

11 When Eliza is rescued and taken to San Antonio, she finds herself with little food and no place to live. Many rescued victims return to their traffickers because they cannot make it on their own. How does this make you feel? What can be done about this?

12 Eliza is a victim because she was held against her will at the Palace. But she is also a fighter. How have you made good out of bad or troublesome situations in your life? What would you still like to do to find purpose in your past pain?

13 When Eliza realized she could help take down trafficking rings, she gave up everything to make that happen. How have you volunteered for a cause or helped your community in some way? Did that change your perspective on life? Explain.

14 After losing first his brother, Shane, and then his parents, Jack was determined never to love again. What were some things that worked to change his mind?

15 Imagine how Jack felt when he realized that Eliza was the same girl he had rescued from the beach a decade ago. Talk about some great and mysterious coincidence or circumstance in your life or the life of someone you know. How did it affect you or them?

16 Eliza had never known love or kindness from a man. In what ways did Jack show her both of these? Share your favorite moments from the story.

17 With her hatred toward men, Eliza was certain she would never marry or fall in love. How did her feelings change? Why did they change?

18 Have you or someone you know ever been sure you weren’t going to fall in love or like a specific person only to be wrong? Talk about that.

19 Jack quoted Romans 8:28 in one important conversation with Eliza. And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. How have you seen this truth play out in your life? Be specific.

Karen Kingsbury's Books