Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(92)

“Ready,” I said.

We followed her down a short hallway. A photographer snapped photos while we lined up for our entrance. This was it. I was about to get married.

Riley gave me a quick hug before she got in place in front of me. I had to take a few deep breaths so I wouldn’t tear up.

When we were ready, Zoe opened the doors.

Our family and friends were seated in rows. To my surprise, my mother had decided to come, along with her husband. My father and his wife were also here—seated with Jensen on the other side of the room.

My new work colleagues had come, as well as a few friends I’d kept from my days with Glamour Gal. Corban sat next to Shepherd and Cox. Shepherd held Ella and Cox cradled his new baby girl, Isabel.

The rest of the room was filled with Dex’s family.

There were Gillian and Joel, of course, beaming at me down the aisle. Dallas and Tori. Angie and Mike. Maggie—pregnant with the newest member of the clan—and Jordan. And a mess of nieces and nephews, most of whom looked like they’d kept their nice clothes clean.

So far. We’d have to get pictures with them quickly. It was only a matter of time before one of them spilled something.

But it wasn’t the group of guests who caught my attention and held it.

Dex stood at the front, and for the second time since I’d known him, he wore a tux. And he looked every bit as delicious as the first time.

Sleek and handsome, with the peek of his tattoos giving him an edge.

I loved him so much.

Before I knew it, the girls were walking up the aisle, one by one. His brother and brothers-in-law took their places at the front with him and soon it was Riley’s turn. Dex smiled at her, full of fatherly love and pride. When she got to the front, she hugged him and stepped to the side.

My turn.

Holding my bouquet, I walked slowly up the aisle. The guests all stood and there was probably music—we’d planned for it—but I didn’t hear it. All that existed was the man waiting for me at the front.

The best man I’d ever known. I was so lucky he was mine.

Our ceremony was short but beautiful. And when it was finished, and we were pronounced man and wife, I didn’t marvel over how unlikely it was that I’d just gotten married. I simply sank into his kiss while our guests applauded, hoping this feeling of perfect bliss would blaze in my memory for the rest of my life.

Who would have thought a woman like me would have fallen for a single dad and his daughter? I hadn’t seen it coming. But now that we were a family, I knew I had what I’d always been missing. A love that would last forever.

Are you dying to know what’s next for Nora and Dex? Read their special bonus epilogue to find out!


Need help choosing your next read? How about a fun, sexy, small-town romance series? Check out The Miles Family!

Turn the page for a preview of book one, Broken Miles…



All your shit’s gone, and I’m just trying to figure out what the hell happened.

~Text from Roland, four years ago

They wanted a damn miracle. I looked over the email again, already formulating a strategy. What my boss was asking for was tough. But, as the saying went, that was why they paid me the big bucks. I was the youngest CFO in Dimension, Inc.’s history for a reason.

I was a goddamn miracle worker.

Glancing at the time, I had to do a double take. It was already after nine. I hadn’t realized it was so late. But I worked late most nights, and it wasn’t like there was anyone around to bitch at me about it. I didn’t have plans with Farrah tonight; she was out of town. And even when we did have plans, she got it. She worked as much as I did, and she understood what it took to make it at this level. I never had to worry about that with her.

My cell buzzed, vibrating on the desk next to my laptop. Looking down, I winced. My parents’ number. Their business number, to be specific. Which meant it could be either one of them calling. I didn’t particularly want to take the call, but if I didn’t answer, I’d have to call them back. Better to get it over with.

I picked up the phone and answered. “Yeah.”

“Hey, it’s Leo.”

That was odd. My younger brother never called. An occasional text, maybe, but it wasn’t like we were close. This probably meant bad news.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You need to come out here.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Mom and Dad are on the verge of losing the winery,” he said. “It’s a mess.”

I sat back in my chair and pinched the bridge of my nose. You’ve got to be kidding me. “What do you mean, lose the winery?”

“The business is in debt up to its eyeballs,” he said. “Dad’s been hiding shit. It’s bad.”

“What do you expect me to do about it?”

“Don’t be an asshole,” Leo said. “Do you think I would have called you if it wasn’t a big deal? This is serious. You need to come home.”

Fuck. Home? That was the last place I wanted to go.

“Now?” I asked. “I can’t just drop everything. I’m sure Dad will figure it out.”

Claire Kingsley's Books