Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(77)

And there was nowhere else in the world I wanted to be.



The shop was busy today. Every station was full and Kari had a steady stream of walk-ins wanting consultations. My last client had been a lot of fun. She’d wanted something to symbolize her love of books and reading. The vine sprouting books like flowers I’d come up with had turned out great. She’d been ecstatic, which was the most important thing.

I cleaned up my station and sanitized everything amid the buzz of tattoo machines and the low hum of chatter. Just as I was finishing up, I got a phone call from my sister, Maggie. I stepped into the back office to take it.

“Hey, Mags. What’s up?”

“Hey. I need a small favor. And by that I mean a big favor that’s going to inconvenience you.”

“At least you’re honest. What do you need?”

“Could you pick up my kids from day camp once or twice next month? I’ll send you the dates. I’m just trying to make sure Mom doesn’t do everything.”

“I’m sure I can make that work.”

“Thank you so much. How’s Ry? Excited for summer?”

“She’s good. Yeah, I think she’s looking forward to the freedom. And the lack of a morning alarm.”

“How’s Nora? Are you guys still seeing each other?”

There was a hint of something in her voice. Doubt, maybe? “Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know, her latest article made me wonder. But I guess if you’re fine with it, it’s not a big deal.”

“What about her latest article?”

“Oh…” She hesitated. “You didn’t read it?”


“She had to have told you about it at least, even if she didn’t have you read it ahead of time.”

“Maggie, what are you talking about?”

“It’s just that it’s obviously about you. She didn’t ask you first?”

I had no idea what she was talking about. I’d read Nora’s column but I didn’t keep up with it on a weekly basis. What could she have written about me that had Maggie so concerned?

“I haven’t read the latest one but I’ll take a look.”

“Yeah, good idea. Sorry, I hope I didn’t make things weird.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Bye, Dex.”

I ended the call with a strange sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Nora had written an article about me? Maybe Maggie was jumping to conclusions. It couldn’t be that bad. After all, Nora’s boss had agreed to let her expand her range of topics outside of sex. It wasn’t as if she’d publish an autobiographical play by play of our bedroom activities. And even if she had, how the hell would Maggie have known?

Still, I was curious as to what had bothered my sister.

I found Nora’s column and the headline for her newest article hit me like a punch to the gut.

A hot fling with a single dad

Okay, I could see why Maggie thought that was about me. And I was surprised Nora hadn’t mentioned it. Even if she hadn’t used my name—which I was sure she hadn’t—wouldn’t she have at least told me before the article went live?

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this.

When I started reading, the feeling got worse.

Not only was the article about me, it characterized our relationship as a meaningless no-strings fling. It gave her readers tips, based on her recent experience, of how to seduce a single dad while keeping the fling light and fun with absolutely zero commitment.

…If he’s not your usual type, even better. A fling—always temporary in nature—is a great way to try out a man you wouldn’t usually date…

…Try befriending him first to see if you might be compatible. Friendship won’t tell you everything you need to know about how he’ll perform in the bedroom, but it will give you a basis for getting what you want from him…

…If he’s still reluctant, tease him. Don’t be afraid to use your assets to show him what he’s missing…

…Let’s be honest, ladies, single dads are the holy grail of hot flings…

…If he lives close, you’re in luck. Convenience is one of the biggest advantages of neighbors-with-benefits. You can be in and out—happily satisfied—and back to your own life without any fuss…

…What is a girl to do when he wants commitment and you’re happy with the arrangement as is? In my experience, you can let him think what he wants until the fling naturally runs its course…

…Intimidated by his kids? Don’t be! The quickest way to a single dad’s bed is through his kids. Befriend them, you won’t regret it…

What the fuck?

Even if the article hadn’t been about me, it would have been shitty. Befriend a single dad’s kids to get him to sleep with you? Let him think what he wants until the fling runs its course?

But it was about me. It was about us.

Was this what she really thought? Was this all we were?

Claire Kingsley's Books