Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(70)

“This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook,” he said. “Just so we’re clear.”

“Course not.”

Over at the table, Sophie snort-laughed. Cox smiled, like he found her to be the most interesting and charming person in existence.

I kind of knew the feeling.

“How did you and Sophie meet?” I asked.

“Technically, in the fifth grade, but I don’t like to dwell on that. I was something of a twit. The next time, she was climbing down from a second story balcony in a hotel.”


“True story.” He sipped his drink. “My sugar bug has a tendency to get herself into interesting situations. But it wasn’t until we got drunk-married in Vegas that things got good. That was a hangover I’ll never forget.”

Was he kidding? I had a feeling he wasn’t. “Drunk married in Vegas and things all worked out?”

“Eventually. She’s certainly the biggest win I ever took home.”

“Nora tells me you’re having a baby. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, my friend. Never would have thought this would be me. Married, having a baby. Didn’t think that would be my life but damn, would I have missed out. Your daughter sure seems like a sweet young lady.”

That made me smile. “She’s the best. I know what you mean about almost missing out. Riley was a surprise. Totally changed my life. But I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Corban wandered over as I laid the steaks on the hot grill. “Can I just say, your tattoos are impressive. There’s a cohesiveness to the designs that you don’t always see with full-sleeves.”

“Thank you. That was intentional. I designed them to coordinate so they don’t look haphazard.”

“How far up do they go?” He adjusted his glasses and tilted his head. “To the shoulder? What about your chest?”

“Maybe you ought to buy the man a drink before you ask him to take his clothes off,” Cox said with a grin.

“I’m just curious. There’s a lot of interesting psychology behind body modification.”

“It goes up over the shoulder on the right.” I lifted my t-shirt sleeve to show them. “Just partway up the arm on the left. I like a bit of asymmetry. What about you guys? Do you have any ink?”

“None for me,” Cox said.

“I don’t have any. What about Shepherd?” Corban nodded to where Shepherd stood by himself with his whiskey. “Think he has any tattoos?”

“That guy is a mystery,” Cox said. “You never know.”

“Not very friendly, is he?” I asked.

“You get used to him,” Corban said. “At first I thought he was evil. But he grows on you.”

“Shepherd is a great guy,” Cox said. “He just doesn’t like anyone to know it.”

As if he could tell we were talking about him, he walked over to stand with us. He nodded to Corban and Cox. Glared at me.

Seemed about right.

I checked the steaks. They were nicely seared on one side, so I flipped them over. The scent of charred meat filled the air. I put the spatula down and glanced at the girls. Nora stood next to the table, holding little Ella on her hip.

My chest tightened. Damn, Nora looked good like that. It made me think about things I really shouldn’t. I didn’t know if that future was possible—if that was what she wanted.

If we were what she wanted.

Fucking feelings. Always making things complicated.

What was my problem? Nora and I were fine. There was no reason to rush. We were good together, Riley liked her, and that was all I needed.

For now.

As for the future, we’d have to cross that bridge eventually. And it was a bit disconcerting, not knowing what I’d find on the other side.



It felt good to be excited about work again. My fingers flew across my keyboard, the words coming easily. April had given me preliminary approval for several topics, so I’d chosen the one that spoke to me—dating a single dad. It wouldn’t be too personal; I’d reached out to several acquaintances to ask about their experiences dating single fathers, so I’d include their stories alongside my own. But I was in love with the topic and determined to do it justice.

It might not produce as many clicks as a sex article, but I was convinced it would put us on the road to happier readers who were even more excited to return for our content. And the fact that it gave me something totally new to research and write about was incredibly satisfying.

The morning had gone by in a blink. It was almost one, so I decided to take a break for lunch. I’d come into the office today and there was a nice café down the street that I hadn’t been to in a while. The weather was cloudy but not raining, and a walk in the fresh air sounded good. I gathered up my things and headed toward the lobby.

Tala was waiting for the elevator, dressed in an emerald green blouse and dark gray pencil skirt. “Hey, Nora. Are you getting lunch?”

“I am. Have you eaten? Do you want to join me?”

“I’d love to.” She glanced at my feet. “Those shoes are amazing. I love how you always look so put together.”

“Thank you.” I tilted one foot and admired my shoes. Simple black heels but they had a slight shimmer that caught in the light. “I love wearing these.”

Claire Kingsley's Books