Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(36)

Then he asked the question I’d been hoping he’d avoid.

“How’s your mother? Has she been by to see your house?”

I took a bite so I could collect my thoughts before answering. My relationship with my mother was complicated.

“No. She hasn’t.” I poked at my food a few times. “That’s probably because she doesn’t know I moved.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Any reason for keeping her in the dark?”

“Her scathing judgment of all my life choices comes to mind.”

“You don’t think she’ll be happy for you?”

I sighed. “My mother doesn’t understand me. She can’t fathom why I’m not already on my third marriage, trading up each time so I get the benefits of a divorce settlement and a wealthier man. She’s going to look at my house as a sign of failure.”

“What husband is she on now? Fifth? Sixth?”

I laughed. “Fourth.”

“Oh well, that practically makes her a saint.”

“She’d say it makes her smart. I’m surprised she’s kept this one around for so long. It’s been ten years, I think.”

“My guess? A jolly prenup.”

“I’m sure. He’s a smart man. He’d know better than to marry her without one.” I took a sip of my wine. “She’s also currently in Greece, I believe, so it’s not like she’s around for a housewarming party.”

“If it helps, my mother has no idea what to do with me.”

“I don’t think anyone knows what to do with you.”

He grinned.

“How is your mother?” I asked.

“She’s well,” he said with a slight shrug, as if there wasn’t much to tell. “Apparently she’s taken up gardening. Loves flowers. Dad hired a professional to design a proper English garden. He did always love indulging her.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

I’d spent a few weeks every summer with my father and stepmother. I wouldn’t have called us close, but we’d always gotten along. She’d at least been kind to me and spending time with them had been a counterpoint to the venom my mother spewed about both of them. Granted, my father had been cheating—cheating on both of them, essentially. There was a reason Jensen and I were only a month apart in age, and it wasn’t because my father had been a faithful husband or lover to either of them.

I had complicated feelings toward my father because of his infidelity. I had complicated feelings toward my mother as well. But I’d made peace with it. I wasn’t close with either of my parents and I never would be. We didn’t have that sort of family.

So I’d made my own family instead.

When we’d finished our dinner, Jensen put his cloth napkin on his plate. “I have to admit, this was ace.”

“It was.” I did the same. “Thanks for dinner.”

“My pleasure, love. It’s good to catch up.”

It was nice to catch up. And nice to be reminded that there was a good man under all Jensen’s bravado.

True to his promise to treat me to dinner, he paid the bill. By the time we drove back to my place, the sun had gone down. Streetlights winked to life and clouds had rolled in, adding a chill to the evening air.

He parked in my driveway and still playing the part of the gentleman, opened my door and walked me up to the front step. Wrapping his arms around me, he gave me a big hug.

“Take care, love,” he said.

“Thanks. You too.”

He went back to his car and I couldn’t help but glance at Dex’s house. His car was out front and his porch light on. The curtains were shut but I could tell he was home. I hoped he hadn’t taken out any of his misguided anger on Riley. Although he’d always seemed soft with her. I couldn’t imagine him yelling at his daughter, regardless of how upset he was.

Still, I’d make a point to check in on her tomorrow. Particularly if I could catch her when Dex wasn’t around.

I let out a long breath and went inside. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I didn’t care what Dex thought of me, the truth was, I did. I wanted him to trust me to be friendly with his daughter.

More than that, I wanted him to like me.

Caring what a man thought—especially a man who’d already rejected me—was so unlike me. I didn’t understand where this urge was coming from. It scared me a little, probably because I’d felt it before. And that relationship had been an absolute disaster.

So perhaps it was best that Dex had blown up at me. I couldn’t go down that road because I knew exactly where it led. Heartbreak. I’d promised myself never again. And I was going to keep that promise.



A car pulled up outside Nora’s house. The same car she’d left in with the same motherfucker who’d taken her out. I parted the curtains just a crack and watched him open her car door. She took his arm and he walked her to her front door.

Don’t you dare go inside.

I was fully aware that I had no right to be angry that Nora had a date. What the hell did I expect? She’d offered, I’d said no. What was she supposed to do, take a vow of chastity because even though I couldn’t, I didn’t want anyone else to have her either?

Claire Kingsley's Books