Flirting with Forever: A Hot Romantic Comedy(27)

She pointed toward the bounce house but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I wanted to lick the sweat off her neck.

Better yet, off those unbelievable tits.

No, I didn’t. I was not getting involved with Nora Lakes.

I tore my gaze away and glanced over my shoulder. “It’s a bounce house. My mom ordered it.”

“Of course, big family barbecue. I can’t wait.”

“Look, you don’t have to come. My family is pretty obnoxious.”

“Are you uncomfortable with me being there?”

“No.” I crossed my arms. “No, it’s not that at all. You don’t make me uncomfortable.”

She smiled and despite the fact that she hadn’t moved an inch, it felt like she kept getting closer. “Good. I wouldn’t want that.”

“I just wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“You don’t make me uncomfortable, Dex.” She batted her eyelashes, just once.

God, she was good, her sex appeal somehow simultaneously subtle and right in my face. A woman like Aimee Bachman would have been running her fingers through her cleavage sweat to pull my attention to her boobs or licking her lips while eying my crotch. Nora did none of those things. It was like she wasn’t even trying to be the sexiest fucking woman on the planet. She just was.

“Nora!” Riley came running out the back door, still in her pajamas. “Hi.”

“Hi, beautiful.” Nora beamed at my daughter and it just about broke me. “Don’t hug me, I’m all sweaty.”

“I don’t care.” Riley barreled into her and flung her arms around her. “Can you still come tonight?”

“Of course I can.”

Riley stepped back and tucked her hair behind her ears. “Good. I haven’t seen you so I thought maybe you forgot and made other plans.”

“Not a single plan in sight. And come visit anytime, sweetie. I missed you this week.”

She gazed at Nora, as starry eyed as if her favorite rock star had just offered her a back stage pass. “You did? I missed you too. Um, that sounded weird. Sorry. I’m going to go upstairs and figure out what to wear.”

“See you tonight.” Nora wiggled her fingers in a wave.

“Bye.” Riley’s cheeks flushed and she almost ran into the sliding glass door trying to get back in the house.

“She is the cutest,” Nora said.

“I know, she really is.” I let my eyes linger on Nora for a second while she was still watching the back door.

So damn sexy.

Maybe I was an idiot.

“I’ll let you get back to your preparations,” she said. “Can I bring anything?”

“No, we’ll have enough food to feed my entire family for a week. It’s how these things go.”

“Let me at least bring a bottle of wine. I want to contribute.”

“Won’t say no to that.”

“Great.” Her eyes sparkled and the corners of her mouth twitched in the barest hint of a smile. “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye.” I did my best to keep my eyes on her face instead of her deliciously sweaty body as she turned and walked toward her house.

Of course, once she turned, I couldn’t take my eyes off her ass.

I’m only human.

She paused, glancing over her shoulder, an amused smile crossing her lips.


With an annoyed growl, I stomped my way back inside.

That woman was going to be the death of me.



I didn’t know if Dex had been avoiding me or if it was a coincidence that I hadn’t seen him all week. No lawn mowing. No yard work. I hadn’t even caught a glimpse of him going to or from his car.

Couldn’t the man at least have the decency to let me torture him a little?

I went inside to get some water, pleased with myself for opting to run in my sports bra and a pair of tiny shorts. To be fair, it was unseasonably warm for April and I’d decided on a longer, hence sweatier, run. The outfit had been comfortable and appropriate for my workout. Truthfully, I hadn’t even put it on for Dex’s benefit.

Running into him outside had been a happy accident.

It had also confirmed what I already knew. Dex was interested. Very interested.

He could deny it all he wanted. I saw the way he looked at me.

I went upstairs to shower and ponder what to wear this afternoon. Nothing too provocative. I wasn’t going over there to throw myself at him. But girl next door wasn’t really my look either. I needed something classy, yet approachable.

In the end, I picked a ruffly white tank top, ankle length jeans, and wedge sandals. Big gold hoop earrings would add a little flair.


As I got into the shower, I nursed a pang of regret for not offering to help Riley pick out her outfit too.

I’d been under the impression that the barbecue was a dinner function, but the noise began around two. I glanced out my bedroom window into Dex’s backyard. The bounce house was inflated and there seemed to be kids everywhere. Adults were putting food out on tables and setting up chairs, and I recognized Gillian, talking with another woman, both with drinks in their hands.

Claire Kingsley's Books