Flawless Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #2)(9)

“That was the best meal I’ve had in months. Thank you.”

Zoey laughed, “You’re welcome, but honestly it wasn’t much. You should try my French Toast, that’s heaven on earth.”

Tanner’s eyes flashed, “Was that an invitation to breakfast?” Zoey’s mouth dropped open and her heart skipped a beat, but Tanner took mercy on her and let it drop. “So tell me why you would get evicted? Because of your mom?”

“No, Carl Langley sold several of his properties to that new developer. Schmidt Properties or something like that. They are going to tear down the old houses and build new ones.” Zoey watched as Tanner stretched his thick arms up and over his head until he was bracing his neck. At that angle he looked arrogantly sexy, and she wanted to lick her way from his perfect lips down to his lean hips.

“So where does that leave you?”

“On the streets if I don’t find a new place I guess. I just found out today, so I haven’t really figured it all out yet.” Looking down, she realized Juliet had drifted off to sleep and the bottle was now just resting in the corner of her mouth, milk dribbling down her tiny chin. “I better get her into bed. Do you mind clearing away the dishes? I’ll come wash them in a minute.”

Tanner shook his head no, “Go put her to bed and then sit down in the living room. You cooked, I’ll clean up. I might just be a backwoods rancher, but I have a few manners left in me.”

She let out a laugh as she took the baby to bed, refusing to acknowledge the warmth building in her belly. Just being around him felt right, and this whole playing house scene did nothing to curb the longing she felt. She was going to have to get a grip on herself, before she got hurt again.

Once Juliet was settled, Zoey flipped on the TV and stretched out on the sofa. Tanner reappeared wiping his hands on his jeans. “Kitchen’s cleaned up. Thank you again for cooking for me.” He flopped down on one of the chairs and rested his sock covered feet up on the coffee table, making himself at home.

“Anytime,” she responded without even thinking and immediately wanted to kick herself.

“So, I was thinking, I have Dalton’s old apartment over the garage that’s empty and I’ve been planning on renting it out. I could rent it to you until you find another place.” Tanner didn’t even look at her as he spoke. His head was tipped back so he was looking up, but his eyes were closed.

Zoey didn’t know how to respond. Every instinct in her wanted to accept so she could be close to him, but her brain was rebelling. Being close to him was just asking for more rejection. He might be playing the nice guy tonight, but he hadn’t always.

“Thank you, but I’m sure I’ll find something soon. I have thirty days to figure it out.”

Tanner’s head tipped down slowly and his amber colored eyes nailed hers in place. He looked speculative and slightly disappointed but he shrugged. “Suit yourself. It’s there if you need it. You know where to find me.”

Zoey sighed with relief as he let the subject drop and they both focused on an old movie playing on TV. It was for the best, even if her heart and her libido disagreed. She had enough emotional turmoil to face between her mom being back, a new job, and house hunting. No, this was just the way it had to be. Zoey Carson needed to keep her distance from Tanner Keegan. Period.

Chapter Three

Three weeks later…

“I’m sorry, Jan, but for a moment I thought you said that my checking account was overdrawn.” Zoey closed her eyes instead of staring at her ceiling, as she spoke with Jan Kostecki at Community Bank.

The indrawn breath was measured, as though Jan was expecting Zoey to blow up, or worse yet cry, and Zoey knew instantly that she had heard her correctly. “Yes, Miss Carson. First thing this morning, a check came in for eleven hundred and eighty dollars and I was unable to clear it for the gentleman because you are overdrawn by thirty-four dollars. With the overdraft charge of twenty dollars, that will make you negative fifty-four dollars.”

“Jan, I can do the math, but I can’t figure out where the money went. I have over five thousand dollars in there. It’s money I’ve been holding onto from my last set of student loans. I planned to use it to help me get going in this new house.” Zoey was trying to hold onto the thin string of calm that she had left. Somehow every penny she had pinched was mysteriously gone. And that gentleman that Jan was talking about was Mr. Finch who was going to be Zoey’s new landlord.

“I’m sorry, Miss Carson, but it seems there is some confusion. You had three separate withdraws for fifteen hundred dollars over the last three weeks that used up the bulk of your funds.” Jan was speaking, but Zoey was no longer listening. Three weeks was exactly the length of time that her mother had been in town, and in her apartment.

Somehow Eve had managed to steal Zoey’s money right out from under her nose, and do it without ever letting on that something was amiss. “Jan, my name is Zoey, not Miss Carson. You’ve known me my whole life, please don’t talk to me like I’m just a random customer. Now, can you tell me how those funds were withdrawn?”

“Oh, well uh, the first was a check cashed at the Merc, and…oh wait, yes all three were cashed there. Three checks in the same amount cashed at the Mercantile’s guest service desk, but dear, don’t you remember writing them?” Jan sounded perplexed, and Zoey snorted as she let out a sharp laugh.

Lori King's Books