Finale (Caraval #3)(52)

Julian. Julian. Julian.

Thinking Julian’s name as she turned the key was the fastest decision she’d ever made. If he was alive she needed—

Her thought was cut short as she stepped through the door and found herself standing beneath a rickety wooden loft, staring at a sea of straw and hay, with one tired and beautiful boy in the center of it all.

His jacket was gone, his shirtsleeves were rolled up, his pants were ripped, and her heart leaped into her throat the instant she saw him.

Julian’s amber eyes flared at the sight of her, and probably at the sight of her dress, which had transformed into a glittering ball gown, with a full skirt covered in rubies. It was difficult to run in, but it didn’t stop Scarlett from flinging forward and throwing her arms around him.

He smelled like dirt and tears and perfection. And she decided then that she was never, ever letting go of him. She wished there was a way to tether her heart to his, so that even when they were apart they would still be attached. There were things in this world to be truly afraid of, but loving Julian was not one of them. “I’m so glad you’re alive! When I heard what happened to Legend, I was terrified that you’d been hurt as well.”

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” Julian held her tighter, as if he never wanted to let go either. “I’ve just been worried about you. How did you get here?”

“I used the key.” Scarlett pulled away, just enough to see his eyes. “I had to find you.”

Before Julian could respond, she leaned back in and kissed him with everything she had.

As soon as Scarlett’s lips found his, his fingers knotted in her hair, and his tongue swept into her mouth, taking over every inch of it.

He was usually sweet when he kissed, all worshipping lips and gently exploring hands. But there was nothing sweet about this kiss. It was desperate and devouring. A kiss with teeth and claws, as if they needed to hold on to each other with more than just their hands. The back of her dress vanished, and then Julian’s hands were there, branding her bare skin.

She knew there were other important things that probably needed to be discussed, but nothing felt more critical than this. If the last few days had proved anything, it was how painfully quick the world could tilt and shift. People died. People were taken. People turned out to be far different from how Scarlett imagined they’d be.

But Scarlett knew who Julian was. He was flawed and imperfect, rash and impulsive. But he was also passionate and loyal and loving—and he was who she wanted. His hand was the hand that she wanted to hold. His voice was the sound she wanted to hear, and his smile wasn’t just something she wanted to see; she wanted to be the reason for it.

He’d never be perfect; he’d told her that. But she didn’t want perfect—she only wanted him. Her hands went to the buttons of his shirt.

“Hold on, Crimson—” Julian gently grabbed at her wrists. “As much as I’m enjoying this, we need to pause.”

He carefully removed her hands from his shirt. There was a flash of red on his arm as he moved, where his bandage had been. It was gone now, and in its place, on the underside of his arm, was a tattooed star filled in with a strong shade of red ink.

Tears instantly pricked at the corners of her eyes. “It’s scarlet,” she gasped.

Julian gave her a timid smile. “It’s actually crimson.”

“But—but—” She stammered over what to say. He’d done this when they hadn’t even been speaking and he had no assurance they’d be together.

“I didn’t want to wait,” he said, easily reading her thoughts on her face. “I knew that if I came back and things didn’t work out, I’d regret losing you, but I’d never regret having a reminder of you.”

“I love you, Julian.”

His smile could have saved the world. “Thank the dead saints— I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.” His mouth crashed against hers, consuming her once again.

“I should have told you sooner,” she said, speaking the words in between kisses, unable to hold the rest back. “I should have told you the minute we left Nicolas’s estate and I realized the game I’d made up was a mistake. I choose you, Julian, and I promise I will always choose you, and I will always love you. I will love you with every bone in my body, so that even after my heart stops beating, a part of me will remain to forever love you.”

Julian kissed her again, sweeter this time, lips attentive and soft as he whispered words against her lips. “I’ve loved you since that night you showed up on the beach back on Trisda, thinking you could bribe me to run away without you. I could see how terrified you were when I showed up but you didn’t back down.”

“And then you kidnapped me.”

His grin turned wolfish. “That was your sister. But I have been trying to steal you ever since.” His hands kneaded her lower back as he pulled her close for another kiss.

But Scarlett startled at a noise from above.

Abruptly she looked up to see Tella staring down from the hayloft. She looked as if she’d just woken up from a very unsatisfying sleep. Her hair was full of hay, her eyes were red, and her lips were turned down.



Tella looked the way Scarlett felt right after she’d been taken by the Fallen Star. Exhausted and broken and not entirely certain what to do next.

Stephanie Garber's Books