Fall of Angels (The Saga of Recluce #6)(74)

"Is that your new bow?" Istril rode up to Nylan as he neared the causeway. "Could I try it?"

Nylan shrugged and handed it to her. "Gerlich wasn't impressed. He said it wasn't strong enough."

Istril laughed. "Brute strength isn't everything." She tried the draw. "It seems as heavy as his." She looked at Nylan. "We've got a target range up near the corral canyon. Do you want to see how it works?"

Nylan glanced to the west, where the sun hung just above the peaks. He wasn't going to get much more done before supper anyway. "All right."

"Climb up behind me," invited the marine. "Benja can carry double for a short ways, and it's faster."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

Nylan clambered up awkwardly behind the slim marine.

"You're going to have to put an arm around me, ser, or you'll get bounced off after four steps."

Nylan flushed, but complied, and Istril flicked the reins. Nylan still bounced, but Istril seemed welded to her saddle, able even to open and close the crude gate without dismounting. When they reached the corral area, Nylan slid down gratefully into the shadows. "Thank you. I think I do better in the saddle than behind it."

"Most people do, ser." Istril slid down and unsaddled Benja. "You won't mind if I rub her down?"

"Of course not." As she worked on her mount, Nylan walked up the canyon to where he had cut the stone. The brickwork for the stables was almost finished, and rough fir timbers were stacked beside the walls. He ducked through what would be the door and studied the interior.

The rafters wouldn't be that far above his head, but the horses would have shelter at least. He walked outside. Braaawwwk. . . awwwkkkk . . . awwkk. From the smaller and more crudely bricked space where Nylan had tried to quarry more stones, before finding the rock fractured, came the sound-and the definite odor-of chickens.

Nylan turned and headed downhill. Istril had just patted Benja on the flank, and the mare whuffed, then walked to the water trough.

"The targets are up there, on that side." Istril strode briskly uphill, and Nylan followed, marveling that the slender guard had so much energy so late in the day. She paused. "There they are."

Three man-shaped figures-sculpted from what seemed to be twisted fir limbs-stood before a backdrop of gray that flowed from the canyon wall.

"The gray stuff behind them is sand and dirt. No sense in blunting arrowheads." Istril nocked a shaft with a fluid motion and released it.

Whunk! The shaft vibrated in the target, right where an armsman's heart would have been. "Nice!" she exclaimed. "Gerlich said it wasn't strong enough."

"Friggin' idiot. Beggin' your pardon, ser, but he is." Istril nocked and released a second shaft, which appeared beside the first. "Sweet weapon, ser, and there's plenty of pull here.

I'll show you. Might cost me a shaft, but we might as well find out."

The marine walked toward the target on the far right. When she reached it, she bent down and pulled a battered breastplate from behind the target, fastening it in place. Then she walked back to Nylan.

"We'll see how it does against the local armor."

"Can you spare a shaft?"

"I'd rather lose a shaft than my neck." Istril laughed, a warm sound. "It's better to find out now instead of in a fight." She set her feet, nocked a third shaft, and let it fly.

A dull clunk followed the impact, but the shaft slammed through the metal and held. At the sound, Benja barely looked up from where she chewed off a few clumps of mostly brown grass.

"I don't know what the big idiot's talking about." Istril shook her head. "This is smaller than his monster. It's easier to carry. It aims better, and it goes through armor. What else do you need?"

"The reputation for carrying the biggest bow and blade?" suggested Nylan.

Istril laughed again. Then her face cleared. "This is a killer weapon, ser. Any of the marines-I guess we're guards, now-any of us would carry this over anything else I've seen or used. Do you have any more?"

"Five others, but I don't have strings for them."

"Five? That's a good start."

"I don't know how long the laser will last," Nylan explained, "and I didn't want to make any more unless they were good."

"Good? With this and your blades, the locals won't stand a chance."

"Please don't humor me, Istril," Nylan asked.

"I'm not humoring you, ser. I wouldn't do that. We're talking our necks and lives."

"I didn't mean-"

"I know." Istril extended the bow.

"You can keep it. I wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to use it."

The faint sound of the triangle gong announced the evening meal.

"Thank you, ser. We'd better be headed down."

They walked in silence down to the tower, ducking through the fence poles and following the path to the causeway.

"Bread smells good," said Istril as Nylan swung open the heavy front door to the tower.

"Kyseen does that well."

"I think Kadran's been helping since her shoulder was torn up."

L. E. Modesitt's Books