Fall of Angels (The Saga of Recluce #6)(47)

Hissl takes a deep breath and wipes more water out of his eyes. Jissek just puffs along after Terek. Behind them follow a half squad of armed troopers, also creeping through the damp grass and darkness.

"Is this close enough?" asks Koric as he pauses and glances toward the watch fires that are little more than a hundred cubits away, their flames flickering in the light but steady wind out of the west that brings with it the smell of wood fires, probably from wood ferried downstream from the headwaters of the West Fork. Mixed with the wood smoke is the odor of cooking grease.

Hissl licks his lips, trying to ignore the growling in his guts.

"Close enough," admits Terek, "even for Jissek."

"You start when you're ready," orders Koric. "The others will watch for the fires."

"The center building is mostly wood," offers Hissl in a low voice.

"Thank you, Master Hissl," responds Terek.

"Stop it, you two," mumbles Jissek. "Let's get on with it."

"You also, Master Jissek," hisses Terek. "I'll do the first, then Hissl, and then you, Jissek. Take your time, and hit something."


The first firebolt arcs out of the grass and drops into the fort- slamming into the side of a building where flames lick at the rough-dressed log wall.

Clang! Clang!

The Jeranyi warning bell echoes through the fort.

More fireballs arc out of the darkness and fall across the buildings within the earthen walls.

The bell clamors more, then falls silent as the sound of voices and muffled orders fill the once-still evening.

".. . mount up and fall in!"

"Archers! . .. Where are the frigging archers?"

"Fire! Water for the cook hall! Fire!"

Three additional fireballs, the first the largest, drop in succession into the fort.

"Aeeeeiiii!" A scream tells that at least one has struck more than wood.

The crackling of flames joins the chorus of orders and the whuffing and whinnying of hastily saddled mounts. The night air lightens with the growing flames from the buildings in the fort, with burning canvas, and the smell of smoke thickens as it drifts toward the wizards.

Another round of fireballs flares eastward. After his fourth firebolt, Jissek drops to his knees and holds his head. Terek snorts and flings another ball of fire toward the fort, and so does Hissl, who ignores the sweat beading on his forehead despite the cool night wind.

The flames continue to build, and the cool wind becomes warm, then hot, and the Jeranyi redoubt blazes with the light of a second sun.

Terek grunts as he lets go a last firebolt. "Can't do much more here."

"All right. Let's move back. Keep low until we're out of the light."

As all three wizards stumble after the surefooted Koric, the fort's gates open, and the Jeranyi horse ride quickly down the road toward the ford, in rough ranks, blades glittering in the light of dozens of fires.

The whirring of arrows, like soft-winged birds, is lost in the clatter and thump of hooves, in the low-voiced orders, and the crackling of the fire. The bodies slumping in saddles are not.

"Charge the river!" orders a strong tenor voice.

"The river!" adds a second, deeper voice.

The column straightens, and the Jeranyi forces gallop downhill, hooves thudding on the damp-packed clay of the road, before splashing through the water and heading into the darkness that leads to Jerans.

More soft-winged arrows fly out of the darkness into the backlighted horse troopers, and more bodies fall from saddles. Some few wounded riders are fortunate enough and strong enough to hang on and keep riding into the safety of the western darkness.

Shortly, the road is empty, except for more than two dozen bodies and two riderless horses.

Behind the empty road, the pillar of fire that had been a Jeranyi outpost slowly subsides, consuming as it does all that can burn, and filling Clynya, kays downwind, and the barracks there, with the odor of smoke and burned meat.

Later, much later, in the small upper room of the barracks, Sillek smiles. "That should give Ildyrom something to think about."

Koric nods slowly. "This time. What if he rebuilds?"

"This time, the wizards will watch. One of them will stay here with a detachment."

The three wizards exchange glances.

Koric nods slowly. "Might I?"

"If that would please you, Captain." Sillek turns to Terek. "I would appreciate it if Master Hissl might serve my captain Koric here."

"I am most certain that Master Hissl would be pleased," answers Terek.

"Indeed, I would be pleased, Your Grace," responds Hissl. His voice is low, only a shade more animated than if it were absolutely flat.

In the corner, Jissek wipes his forehead.


HIGH HAZY CLOUDS hovered above Freyja, moving slowly eastward, and behind them, to the west, lurked a hint of darkness.

Nylan cleared his throat and checked over his equipment, from the worn gauntlets and the scratched goggles never designed for such intensive use down to the crude trough of water and hydraulic fluid.

He ran his fingers over the blade he was using as a model once more before picking up another of the endurasteel braces from the landers. His senses, now more practiced, studied the metal, checking the imperfections hidden within.

L. E. Modesitt's Books