Fall of Angels (The Saga of Recluce #6)(176)

Sillek purses his lips. "That would mean that the longer we wait, the better the forces they will have?"

"You would know that better than I, ser." Terek shrugs. "I can tell that the mage is also getting stronger. He is also building something else, it appears to be a mill of some sort. Their smithy is largely complete, and they seem to have more livestock."

"Demons!" Sillek looks at the blank glass and then at Terek. His voice softens slightly. "I am not angry at you, Terek."

"I understand, ser. This situation is not... what it might be."

"No. It's not." Sillek offers a head bow. "Thank you."

After he. leaves the tower room, Sillek adjusts the heavy green ceremonial tunic and heads for the Great Hall.

By the side entrance, Genglois waits for him. "You have a moment, ser?"

"I suppose so. Do we know what this envoy of Karthanos wants?"

Genglois shrugs, and his jowls wobble as his shoulders fall. "It is said he has brought a heavy chest with him."

"That's not good. It's either a veiled threat or a bribe. Or both, which would be even worse." The Lord of Lornth stands for a moment, motionless, then opens the door and steps into the hall, where he walks to the dais and sits on the green cushion-the only soft part of the dark wooden high-backed chair that dates nearly to the founding of Lornth. He gestures.

A trumpet sounds, and the end doors open.

"Ser Viendros of Gallos, envoy from Lord Karthanos, Liege Lord of Gallos and Protector of the Plains." The voice of the young armsman - in - training almost cracks.

As Viendros marches in followed by two husky and weaponless armsmen carrying a small but heavy chest, Sillek stands and waits for the swarthy envoy to reach the dais.

Viendros offers a deep bow, not shallow enough to be insulting nor deep enough to be mocking, then straightens. "Your Lordship."

"Welcome, Ser Viendros. Welcome." Sillek gestures to the chair beside his. As he does, the armsman behind him turns his heavy chair. "Please be seated. You have had a long journey."

Viendros offers a head bow. "My thanks, Lord Sillek." He sits without further ceremony, as does Sillek.

"What brings you to Lornth?"

"My lord Karthanos would wish to ensure that you do not misunderstand the events of earlier this summer. I was sent to convey both his deepest apologies, and his regrets, and his tokens of apology."

Sillek forces his face to remain polite, his voice even. "Misunderstandings do occur, and we are more than willing to help resolve them."

Viendros glances around the Great Hall, then lowers his voice slightly. "I am not an envoy by choice, My Lord. I do not know the fancy words. I was sent because I am an armsman from a long family of those who have served Gallos."

"Gallos has been well served by those who bear its blades," Sillek agrees.

"Lord Karthanos was-how can I say it?-surprised by the unfortunate occurrence which befell your sire on the Roof of the World. He was further . . . upset, if I might be frank, that you chose to do nothing about that occurrence, especially when it became clear that the evil angels were luring women from Lornth to the Roof of the World. With the best of intentions, that of assisting you in regaining control of that portion of your realm, he dispatched a small force, well armed." Viendros takes a deep breath. "My brother was the chief armsman of that force. He did not return."

"I understand few returned," Sillek says quietly.

"Lord Karthanos also understands that a force led by one of your wizards recently traveled to the Roof of the World and failed to return."

"That is true," Sillek admits. "Although I must point out that while that effort had my blessing, it was not backed by my coin or men."

Viendros swallows. "This is difficult, you understand. I know that your sire and Lord Karthanos had other . .. misunderstandings in the past, but such ... misunderstandings should be put aside, if possible."

"What does your lord have in mind?" asks Sillek.

Viendros holds up his right hand. "A few words more, first, if you please." He clears his throat. "Lord Karthanos was fortunate to have a wizard, not so powerful as yours, but one skilled with the glass, and thus Lord Karthanos saw a portion of the battle. I would call it a slaughter myself," added Viendros. "Now, after seeing that fight, he understands the cruel position in which fate has placed you. He also understands the reasons for your ignoring the Roof of the World while reclaiming the ancient right to the river to the Northern Ocean."

Sillek nods and waits.

"Lornth is respected, most respected, and Lord Karthanos has been most impressed with the manner in which you have conducted your armsmen. Yet you have refrained from attacking the Roof of the World until your borders were more secure to the west and the north. Again, this appears most wise, especially considering the might of arms of the angels. Yet my lord Karthanos is greatly concerned-"

"As am I," interjects Sillek. "You may understand, however, that it will take a considerable force to subdue the angels, and one removed a great distance from Lornth itself."

"Yes. This also occurred to Lord Karthanos." Viendros turned to the armsmen who stand by the chest. "The chest contains a thousand golds for your use in reclaiming the Roof of the World." Viendros withdraws a scroll and extends it. "I am also bid to tell you that Lord Karthanos will place score forty armsmen under your orders for this campaign. All will be paid from his treasury. They will be under my command, and subject to your orders."

L. E. Modesitt's Books