Faking Forever (First Wives #4)(92)

“You already have that.”

The world shifted and fell into place. “We’re doing this.”

He nodded. “If you ask me, it’s already done.”

And he kissed her one more time.

Epilogue One Year Later

The playroom in Shannon and Victor’s new home took up the entire basement.

Playpens were set up and being used as cribs for Lilliana—or Lilly, as Wade and Trina called their eight-month-old daughter—and Max, Avery and Liam’s nine-month-old son.

Some of Shannon’s recent photographs peppered the walls of the room.

Lori half sat, half lay on the plush sofa, her belly propped up on a pillow.

“How is that sciatica?” Trina asked as she handed her a wineglass full of milk.

“Great if I don’t lay on my right side. I swear these kids are killing me already, and they’re not even out yet. Good thing there are two of them, because I’m not doing this again.” Lori and Reed had visited a fertility clinic when their attempts to get pregnant without it failed.

“That’s what you say now,” Trina said. “You’ll change your mind.”

Lori massaged her right hip and flexed her leg. “I don’t think so.”

Shannon eased herself into the rocking chair Trina had just left after feeding Lilly and putting her down for a nap. Simon, her unborn son, kicked a rib before he started dancing on her bladder. “Victor and I are waiting a year and then doing it again. Back-to-back . . . all the diapers at once.”

Avery tipped her wineglass in the air. “I can drink to that.”

Shannon toasted with sparkling water, regretted it when she realized she would have to vacate her comfortable seat to use the bathroom . . . again. “I just realized that the last time I had alcohol was at my wedding.” A small ceremony that had taken place during their First Wives meeting at Trina and Wade’s ranch in Texas. With two of her best friends heavy in their pregnancies, Lori stood beside Shannon, and Justin took his place beside Victor.

The memory of Victor’s face when she’d walked around the corner and up the small path to exchange vows with her husband was etched in her brain forever.

They both cried, which got Trina and Avery going, and before you knew it there were sniffles rising up like a chorus from those who watched.

Angie had flown in with the promise of returning after Simon was born.

Paul announced an engagement shortly after the papers grew bored with Shannon and Victor. His future wife was young. Not Corrie young, but at least a decade separated them in age. Shannon couldn’t help but wonder if he’d found another woman to fake forever with. She was just exceptionally happy that person was no longer her.

And Corrie, she got a visit from Reed with a list of crimes he would see she was charged with if she approached Shannon again. Seems that was all it took, because Corrie stopped coming around.

“That’s what happens when you get pregnant on your honeymoon.”

Shannon shifted positions in an effort to get comfortable. The task was useless this close to her delivery date. She gave up and stood. “I have to pee again.”

Trina and Avery laughed.

“I don’t miss that,” Avery said.

Shannon left them alone with their conversation about Kegel exercises.

“Okay, Simon . . .” Shannon spoke to her son once they were alone. “I need you to give Mom a little break.” A pull along her back told her that was wishful thinking. When she stood from the toilet and looked down, she realized her blissful night of relaxing would have to wait.

She blew out a breath and looked at herself in the mirror. She used the brush to pull her hair back, tied it in a loose knot, and applied a little lip gloss.

“Let’s do this,” she said to herself with a smile.

She emerged from the bathroom and walked past her friends to the stairs.

“Going somewhere?” Lori asked as she walked by.

“My water just broke.”

Avery jumped to her feet.

Lori set her glass down and rolled off the couch.

Trina was already up the stairs.

“You have hours, you know that, right?” Avery asked after giving her a hug.

“Yeah, but I’m older than you, and the doctor wanted me at the hospital if my water broke before labor set in.” And from the cramping in her back, she wasn’t entirely sure she hadn’t been in labor most of the day.

Several sets of feet trampled down the stairs, Victor’s leading the pack.

Her husband jumped the last two steps and grasped her arm. “It’s time? Really?”

She winced through a cramp, blew out a breath. “Yup . . . pretty sure I didn’t just pee my pants.”

Wade stood beside them and made a whoo hoo sound.

Trina and Avery shushed him and pointed to the sleeping children.

Liam kissed Avery’s cheek. “I’m driving.”

“I can manage,” Victor said as he started the slow ascent up the stairs.

“Oh, no. Liam almost crashed on the way to the hospital with me. Trust me, Victor . . . you just sit in the back seat with Shannon.”

“We’ll meet you there in a couple of hours,” Wade said with a wink. “I’ll chill the champagne.”

Ten hours later, Shannon held Simon to her chest with Victor at her side.

Catherine Bybee's Books