Faking Forever (First Wives #4)(73)

Heads turned as they made their way into the outer reception room. Waiters dressed in black-and-white uniforms were serving wine and champagne, and soft music played in the background.

“It’s not my cardiovascular health I’m worried about. It’s the other men that are bound to capture your attention. I have a feeling I’m not going to be able to go to the bathroom for fear of someone hitting on you.”

Victor took two glasses of bubbly from a passing waiter and handed her one.

“They can try, but I came here with you and I’m leaving with you.”

“Amen for that.”

“Victor?” A voice from behind had them both turning around.

“We were starting to wonder if you were coming.”

It was Shannon’s turn for shell shock.

In front of them was Justin, standing next to a gorgeous petite redhead with big brown eyes. Beside them was a couple Shannon least expected.

Victor’s parents.

She shivered, suddenly very aware of how little she wore and how bad impressions were everything.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Victor had to nudge Shannon twice to get her feet to move.

“I’m going to kill you,” Shannon whispered from the side of her mouth before they reached his parents.

Victor shook his brother’s hand. “Justin, you remember Shannon.”

“How could I forget the woman who pegged you for an asshole before she knew your name.”

Justin’s words broke some of the ice. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Wonderful to see you again. This is my girlfriend, Deirdre. Hon, this is Shannon.”

She extended a hand. “Lovely to meet you. I’ve heard all about you.”

“I’m a little afraid of what that might imply.”

“Nothing bad, I assure you,” Deirdre said.

Victor placed a hand back on the base of Shannon’s spine and directed her to his parents. “I’m not sure if you were ever properly introduced. This is my mom, Renee, and my father, Scott.”

Renee shook Shannon’s hand first. “We spoke briefly at the . . . in Tulum.” When posing for the preceremony pictures.

“I remember.”

Renee looked Shannon up and down. “Might I say, that is a stunning dress.”

Shannon placed a nervous hand over the exposed skin between her breasts. “Victor failed to tell me you were all going to be here, or I might have worn something a little less . . .” She searched for the right words.

“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Victor said, teasing.

She wanted to stomp on his foot. “A little more conservative,” Shannon said between her teeth.

“Good heavens, why?” Renee asked. “If I could wear that, you bet I would.”

Both Victor and Justin looked at their mother.

“No,” Justin said first.

Victor shook his head.

Scott kissed his wife’s cheek. “Only for me, hon.”

Victor’s dad shook her hand, placed a second one over hers. “I’m glad Victor brought you. You add class to my son’s arm.”

Heat warmed her face. “Thank you for your kind words.”

Victor squeezed her waist. “Now that we’re done with that, I need to find a real drink. I have a feeling I’m going to need it to fend off the men in the room,” he told his family.

“There’s an idea I can endorse,” Justin said, leading the way to the bar.

Shannon took the opportunity to whisper in Victor’s ear. “Oldest client, huh?”

He shrugged. “Not a lie. I learned to buy and sell scraps starting with my father. He gave me my first loan.”

She held him back a few steps, looked down at her dress. “This dress is practically glued in place. If anything pops out, you had better tell me.”

His eyes traveled down, he wiggled his eyebrows.

She slapped his arm. “Victor.”

“I will.”


“I promise.”

They started walking again. He leaned close. “Is it bad that I want something to pop out?”

“Victor!” she warned between clenched teeth.

“Okay, that’s bad. Got it.”

His parents . . . good God, his parents. “You could have told me your parents were coming.”

“I somehow think me asking you to a family dinner this early would have ended up being a no go.”

“You’d have been right.”

“Then this worked out.”

“For you.”

He brought her hand up to his, kissed the back of it. “For both of us. You’ll see.”

For his sake, she hoped he was right. Or that condom was going to remain in its wrapper for a very long time.

Victor was keenly aware of the men watching his date. He couldn’t blame them. He’d been in several states of arousal ever since she revealed her dress at the door. Good thing she didn’t do it at her house, or he might have skipped the event altogether.

Now he had no choice but to stay by her side and move in anytime he saw someone stepping in too close. And when the photographer came around, Victor was right there to smile for the camera. For the event page of the charity website, they were told. Of course, once they were public, there was no telling where the images would end up.

Catherine Bybee's Books