Fake It 'Til You Break It(72)

She rolls her eyes. “Your lady boner is showing so hard right now, and don’t look, but the little bit of padding your suit top has isn’t hiding the rocks poking out behind them.”

I can’t help it and a loud laugh leaves me, gaining the attention of the others climbing on the rocks to the side of us.

Carley shakes her head, shouting, “What crazy shit is she whispering to you over there, Demi?!”

I give a playful shrug, and the others smile. “Ah, nothing that isn’t true.”

Macy and I laugh, and like I knew he would, Nico jumps down off the rocks and stalks my way. Shirtless, trunks hanging nice and low over those magical hipbones.

Hipbones I have a sudden urge to trace with my fingertips.

It really is too damn bad our friends didn’t take the hint when we tried to sneak ahead of everyone to higher ground for some privacy, but no. Suddenly they were all eager to start jumping and came with.

The only person who stayed down at the bottom is Trent so he could get the barbecue going.

“Do I go or do you need me to stay and be the fire extinguisher?” she whispers.

I laugh, pushing to my feet and dust off my ass.

Nico slides up, raising an expectant brow at Macy who winks and takes the spot I vacated.

His attention shifts to me, and he moves in, planting his hands on my bare ribs.

Always touching.

“What’d I miss?” he asks.

“Oh, you know, Macy being Macy, and advising I jump into the water before I... jump on you.”

His frown is instant. “That’s some shitty advice.”

I laugh, dropping my head back, and his chest rumbles with a low growl.

“You keep giving me your neck like that, I’m gonna take it.”

I lean in. “Maybe I want you to.”

He has the tip of my ponytail in his hands in seconds, tugging, forcing my head back as far as he wants it.

“Oh, hell no!” Krista shouts. “If I can’t get Trent to run off with me, you don’t get none either.”

I turn to smile, but my eyes shoot wide.

She and Carley are rushing for us.

My hands fly from Nico just in time for them to block me in.

“Back off.”

“Jump or you’re going in.” Carley’s hands find her hips.

I look at Nico who smirks, lifting his chin.

I gape at him. “Really? No help? I’ll remember this.”

He steps forward. “See you in the water, D.”

Nico jumps off the rock ledge, penciling into the deep pool of water below.

I look over, and slowly he emerges, shaking his head to clear his hair from his face.

He smiles up at me, swimming in place as he moves over a little. “All clear down here, girls.”

I gasp and he laughs, lifting his hands quickly, beckoning me to him.

I look back to the girls. “You’re assholes.”

“And you’re the driest one here, I’ve jumped twice already! If I have to have ratty ass hair, so do you.” Krista pops her hip, smiling.

I groan, turn and glance out over the flat rocks that circle around the deep water below and jump.

Their hollers have me flipping them off over my head as I hit, quickly coming up to the top and taking a breath.

“It’s freezing!” I yell with a laugh.

Nico chuckles and I swim toward where he’s sitting on a moss-covered flat plain, half his torso out of the water, and dripping wet.

His hair is a mess on his head, so once I’m where I can put my knees on a rock, I squeeze between his legs and reach up to smooth it out.

One little curl keeps falling in his face, so I hold it back.

My chest is even with his face in this position, so he drops his chin on my breastbone and stares up at me.

“You’ve got goosebumps.” His eyes fall to my arms, hands coming up to wrap around them, sliding up and down and creating twice as many as before. “That got anything to do with the water?” he rasps.

I can’t answer him, though.

I’m stuck.

I stare at his mouth, only inches from my breasts, taking in nothing but the sensation of having so much of his skin on mine.

I could reach up and untie my top, and without direction he’d know what to do.

My nipples harden and his focus moves directly to the proof.

His grip tightens, his fingertips biting into me like I want his teeth to.

“D...” He licks his lips, reluctantly dragging his gaze back to mine.

Suddenly I’m tugged back, splashing into the water again.

I come up laughing and shove Carley away.

Krista is next to jump, popping up and swimming to the left of us to climb out the one shallow spot at the Cape.

We love this place and come here at least once a week during the summer.

Parking is down at the bottom with built-in barbecues and picnic tables, small games and things all around. It’s not very large, only around ten carloads can fit in the area, so when we come, we leave before the sun even rises.

It’s beautiful and quiet, green and clean, nothing but the sounds of people having a good time or the mini waterfalls that filter through the rocks and the small stream it all leads to.

“Yo!” Trent comes around the corner, tongs in one hand, towel for his girl in the other. He tosses it at her and she drapes it over her shoulder. “Foods ready.”

Meagan Brandy's Books