Fake It 'Til You Break It(57)

I shouldn’t.

Should I?

The light shuffle of Nico’s feet should have been expected, he won’t accept my holding back. The hairs on the base of my neck stand as my was-steady hand begins to wobble against the remote.

Am I seriously this pent up?

Nico’s fingers wrap around mine and he gently takes it from me.

He makes no other move, his breath purposefully cascading over the exposed skin on my shoulders, so I attempt to settle myself and spin to face him.

It must be what he wanted, my attention fully and completely on him – my fake boyfriend I almost real kissed.

He wastes no time, instantly stepping in until the heels of my feet meet the entertainment center.

His hair falls into his eyes, blocking the smallest bit of his face from me.

For some reason, I’m not at all okay with that.

I pull my lips between my teeth, reaching up to brush it away, but my touch is too hesitant for his liking, so he helps apply some pressure, keeping his fingers on mine as he leads them to his neck, dragging them around to trail over his throat where he releases me, allowing my hand to fall to my side.

“You’re my girl, right?” he rasps.

“That’s what we agreed to...”

His glare is quick and he pauses. “The answer is yes, Demi, and since the answer is yes, that means when you touch me, you mean it.”

My pulse beats heavy in my throat and I think I nod.

“Know what else it means?” He shuffles closer, one dark brow jacking up. “You can touch me anytime you want, however you want, and I won’t stop you.”

I free my lips from between my teeth and his eyes darken.

“Because of our arrangement?”

Nico’s soft chuckle fans across my mouth and he steps back, tossing the remote to the couch. “No, D. I won’t stop you because I’m not a fool... or a saint.” He shrugs unapologetically.

“Does this mean it’s the same for you? You can touch me whenever you want... how you want?” My chin lowers, but my eyes stay on his.

He licks his full lips. “You tell me.”

What’s it mean if the answer feels a lot like a ‘yes’?

This is bad, right? I’m not prepared for Nico’s hands to have free rein of my body.

Who am I kidding... there is no preparing for a guy like him.

Fake feelings or not.

The hint of his grin further proves he’s in my head more than he should be. “’Night, D. Keep these doors locked.”

“Yes, Dad.”

His smirk is slow, and I laugh, pushing him away.

I’m more than happy to end the night on a lighter note.

He starts across the yard, and a question pops in my head.

One I shouldn’t ask but can’t handle not knowing the answer to.

“Hey, Neek!”

His feet pause in the grass and he glances over his shoulder, nodding his chin.

“Will you make me want it first?” I ask, not spelling out what ‘it’ could mean.

Knowing him, there’s a long list of answers to be named.

Nico’s brows jump, but a knowing look quickly replaces his surprise, and in true Nico fashion, he calls me out on my obvious physical response to all that is him.

The corner of his mouth tips up, half his face blanketed by darkness. “As opposed to you, what, D, not wanting it?”

And then he’s gone.

But the heat in my abdomen isn’t.

I’ve been lying in bed for over an hour, and sleep is the furthest thing from my mind.

Straight up, I’m in fucking trouble.

I’m not sure what I expected when I flipped the fuck out and threw this idea of faking us on her.

Once it was out, there was no taking it back, and the second Hammons saw us together, going easy wasn’t an option.

The part had to be played and played well.

I knew people would believe it, that it wouldn’t take much effort, but what I didn’t anticipate was how easily she’d accept me as hers.

Accept the lie.

I was being real when I told Trent I think she likes this. I told him she was bored, but now I’m realizing it’s more than that.

The girl’s not only bored, but lonely as hell and that’s fucked up.

She’s a gorgeous, smart, talented – single – girl, with good friends and a lively personality.

People don’t get it, how someone with popularity and looks and a gifted ability, loved by many and envied by more can stand before hundreds and feel completely fucking invisible.

I get it.

I was able to read her today with unmistakable, relatable precision.

The starved look in her eyes, the need in her touch, the plea from her body.

She wanted to feel something and decided quickly, I was it.

Had Trent and Krista not interrupted, I’d have let her take what she wanted, giving twice as much in return.

I’ve imagined what her body would feel like against mine more than I care to admit, how soft her thick, dancer’s thighs would be, how quick her heated breaths would come. How quick she would come.

I groan, and before I realize it, I’m gripping my dick in my hand, squeezing in an attempt to alleviate the ache.

I scoot up to my headboard, my head falling against it as I begin to stroke myself, the quiet pants from her mouth replaying in my ears. I slide my hand from base to tip, groaning lightly, remembering the greedy way she pulled me to her, and the strength of her legs locked around my body, begging for me to come closer.

Meagan Brandy's Books