Empire of Sin(Empire #2)(84)

“I didn’t make you believe something happened. You painted that whole scenario yourself. I specifically told you I didn’t come on to her, but you weren’t listening.”

“Why did she say she came on to you?”

“Hello? She obviously realized I’m a catch.”

“Daniel,” I warn.

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“Well, I’m asking you.”

“Even if I knew something, why would I spill the beans? You get fewer brownie points for being a bloody fucking wanker. Not only did you believe I would do such a thing to you, but you also brought her up. We agreed to never fucking do that.”

“What did you expect me to do? You were lying to me.”

“I was cooperating for your bloody sake, but fuck you.”

“My sake? What is that supposed to mean?”

“She said she’s doing this for you.”

“For me?”

“That’s all I’m telling you. You’ll have to find out everything else from her.”

It still feels wrong that she even went to him instead of coming to me and I want to punch him to death for that reason alone, but I suck in deep breaths to conjure some much-needed calm.

Anastasia has a lot to answer to, and a lot to learn, like the fact that she can’t take any other man’s side but mine. Or tell me it’s over.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants, but only while she’s with me.

“Where did you see her last?” I ask Daniel.

“At the firm, but I wouldn’t look there or at her flat.”

“Why the fuck not?”

He sighs, long and deep. “Because she said she’s going back to where she came from.”



When I left my father’s house two months ago, I never thought I’d ever come back.

At least, not alive.

But here I am. In front of the black metal gate, waiting for the guards to open it. I don’t have to wonder whether or not they spotted me since countless cameras and drones survey the mansion.

If someone is stupid enough to consider intruding on the Pakhan’s house, they’ll have machine guns at their temples before they can blink.

The guards recruited to specifically protect the Pakhan don’t only rely on technology, though. They own countless weapons, some smuggled from Russia, and others from the merchandise they’ve acquired from arms dealers.

I’ve just seen the weapons vault once, and only because I was passing by when they were loading new guns in it. That thing resembled an army’s arsenal waiting to wage war.

Needless to say, I never went near it again.

Like Little Miss Ostrich, I pretended none of it mattered and I had nothing to do with it. Until I couldn’t keep up the fa?ade anymore and I had to leave.

But now, I’m back.

Now, I’m sitting in front of the huge gate, staring at the blinking cameras. The guards must’ve seen me by now and told my father that the daughter who stole from the Bratva and he covered up for is back.

No clue what’s taking them so long. It couldn’t be because they don’t recognize me.

I stripped my hair and bleached it back to its original platinum blonde and I also removed the glasses and the contacts. I even wore a soft pink flowery dress and elegant high heels—the style everyone knows me by.

Just like that, Jane vanished. I snuffed her out as if she never existed.

I left my resignation letter with HR and two different letters to Gwen and Chris, apologizing for not being truthful about who I truly am and telling them that it’s better if they forget they ever met me.

Neither of them were supposed to happen in my new life, but they did, and for the first time, I realize that I’m capable of having friends.

It hurt to leave them, but it’s for their sake.

It’s for the best.

I’m back where I always belonged and foolishly thought I could leave.

And the worst part is, this isn’t the only thing I was so foolish about.

There’s also the belief that I could have a normal relationship.

My chest aches at the reminder of him, Knox, the man who showed me the world, but I left him with a bitter betrayal.

It’s been a day since he caught me with Daniel and left with that angry frown I wish I could erase. Only one day, but it feels like an eternity, like I haven’t seen him in forever.

The fact that he thinks so little of me adds insult to injury, but hopefully, with time, when he realizes why I’m doing this, he’ll understand.

The key word being hopefully.

Two guards appear behind the gate as it slowly creaks opens. They’re dressed in black suits and have assault rifles slung over their shoulders.

Then someone else walks through them, but it isn’t a guard. He’s a tall, bearded man who’s always protected me since I was a child.

It’s only been a short time since I saw him last, but he looks different, a little bit monstrous, even. Not that he’s ever been an angel, but I guess I only ever considered him a big brother. One who wouldn’t hesitate to break someone’s arm and smash another person’s face just because they touched me—even accidentally.

But that was before I turned my back on him and the brotherhood.

Rina Kent's Books