Empire of Sin(Empire #2)(64)

“I suspected it, yes.” Kirill smirks, throwing the menu on the table. “I must admit you did a great job, but it wasn’t perfect enough to fool me. Besides, your mannerisms will always give you away, Anastasia.”

I never wanted to hear my name pronounced the Russian way again. It feels like I’m back in the confinements of that prison, unable to use my fairy wings that I always dreamed would let me fly.

“The Pakhan, Rai, and dear Vladimir said you were continuing your studies in Russia. So it didn’t make sense for you to be roaming the streets of New York as an unflattering version of yourself.” Kirill tilts his head to the side. “Am I right?”

My lips part, my mind stuck on the bit of information he just revealed.

The fact that Papa, my cousin, Rai, who’s the head of the Bratva’s legal front, V Corp, and Vladimir, who’s always been like a big brother to me, said I was in Russia.

I obviously wasn’t. They had no idea where I was, except for the note I left saying, “I’m sorry.”

But they…covered up for me?

My eyes fill with unwanted tears at that thought, the fact that they protected me from everyone else. That they didn’t let me take the fall, even though I was prepared for that.

Even though I should’ve taken it.

I’ve been part of the brotherhood for fifteen years, and I know better than anyone that any betrayal’s punishment is death.

No matter who or what you are.

Papa, Rai, and Vladimir didn’t allow that. Despite being the strictest people when it comes to the Bratva’s code, they bent it for me.

“Am I right?” Kirill repeats, raising a brow.

Since I have no clue what Papa, Rai, and Vladimir said, I choose to stay quiet. I’d rather pay with my life than betray my family.

A hand nudges me forward, rattling my whole body. Aleksander. “He asked you a question. Answer it.”

Kirill tsks. “No violence, Sasha.”

I hear what resembles a scoff from Aleksander, but he doesn’t touch me again.

“It’s fine if she doesn’t answer, because I am right. The whole situation reeks of lies and manipulation, and I’m not a fan of those.” Kirill smirks, sliding his glasses up his nose. “Unless I’m the one inflicting them, of course. So, to rectify things, I had a little chat with my number one source of intel, Adrian. Color me surprised when he revealed that you weren’t in Russia. In fact, no one—your father, Rai, and Vladimir included—knew where you were. So I teamed up with this one here to find you, even though I’m still wounded he kept information from me.”

Adrian doesn’t acknowledge Kirill or anyone in the room and continues to type away.

And for a moment, I can’t look away from him. Just what is he searching for? I never keep incriminating information on my laptops, ever.

I always delete everything before I go to bed and make sure to clean any traces. But this is Adrian.

What if he’s able to restore some data?

I’m distracted from him because Kirill keeps watching me with that slight tilt of his head. As if he’s waiting for a bomb to drop.

Just what else has he told Adrian?

Hell, how did he find out that Papa and the others covered for me?

Kirill taps his mouth in a contemplative move. “Now, the real question is, why were you running, Anastasia?”

My gaze strays to Adrian and for the first time, he raises his head. I always thought he was beautiful in a dangerous type of way. He has a rugged type of beauty with his dark hair, sharp cheekbones, and massive build. I swallow when his harsh yet seemingly calm gray eyes fixate on me.

Kirill doesn’t know the reason.

Adrian doesn’t have to say it for me to catch the memo. I’m sure he has his reasons behind not revealing it and he’ll probably use it against me at some point, but that doesn’t matter.

If I can at least have Kirill off my back, it’s worth it.

“I just wanted to get away from it all,” I whisper.

“You don’t get away from the Bratva, little princess. You’re cute to think there’s a way out other than death.”

My muscles lock together and my first thought is Babushka. If I’m gone, no one will be able to take care of her. Hell, if they found me, they might be able to track her down and make her join me and Mom.

“You’ll come back with us,” Kirill announces.


“You don’t have a say in it. The Pakhan’s daughter won’t be roaming the streets as a nerdy tech at a law firm.”

“I don’t want to.”

“What you want doesn’t matter. Either you come willingly or Sasha will be given free rein to use force.”

“I’m not going back. I don’t care what you’ll do.”

Kirill stands, sliding his glasses up his nose with his middle finger. It’s crazy how he can make that single motion appear threatening. When I adjust my glasses, it looks anxious at best. “You don’t want me to act on my threats. I could, and would, put your father’s position in jeopardy. The choice of going back is the only courtesy I’ll offer you.”

My fist clenches and I can feel the bulging of the tendons in my neck. When I made this decision, I thought Papa wouldn’t care, as usual. I thought he’d definitely choose the brotherhood over me.

Rina Kent's Books