Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(88)

I nodded, backing away from his pretend bed. “Yes…you’re with me.” He grinned more, rushing towards me to cup my cheeks, pulling me in for an intense kiss.

I stumbled as my heel hit the stairs. I nearly fell, but Kellan grabbed me and kept me upright. He chuckled while I clung to him. “Quiet,” he whispered.

I nodded, giggling a little, then I found his lips again. We somehow managed to get up the stairs without waking up anybody…or everybody. Our breaths were fast between our rarely parting lips. I felt every curve of his mouth, the warmth of his tongue. I’d imagined kissing him for weeks, but it was nothing—nothing—like the real thing. I supposed that was one plus side to Kellan being so provocative in his youth…he was good at what he did. No, he was amazing at it. There wasn’t one inch of my body that wasn’t on fire by the time I opened the door to my bedroom.

Already having removed my jacket on the way up the stairs, Kellan blindly tossed it into the room. I silently closed the door, taking a 245

moment to press him into it. He sucked in a quick breath as my body compressed against his. “I missed you,” he whispered.

I moaned some sort of answer, my alive-again fingers tangling into his thick hair. His hands traveled down my back, over my bottom. Squatting slightly, he grabbed my thighs and lifted me up as he took a step from the door.

Our mouths never parting, he walked me to my bed. Nervous, excited energy flooded into me. I’d never so directly gone against my dad. He would be fuming if he knew Kellan was in here with me, about to…well, make me a woman, since in my dad’s eyes I was probably still a virgin.

When Kellan bumped his legs into my bed, he leaned over and deposited me onto it. Holding his head to me, I scooted up the mattress so he could join me. Crawling on his hands and knees, he followed me until we were in the center. Then, with a quietly content groan, he laid on top of me. We both stopped breathing and broke apart.

Brunching his brows, Kellan looked down at my bed. Propping himself up so that most of his weight was in his hands, he pushed down against the mattress. It squeaked…loudly. I bit my lip. I’d never noticed that my bed did that. Of course, I’d never had a boy in it while my dad was asleep in the next room. Kellan frowned as he did it again. The noise cut through the night…it was an unmistakable sound. It practically screamed— Hey, listen to us, we’re having sex!

Looking down at me, Kellan raised an eyebrow. “Did your dad buy you the squeakiest bed in the world on purpose?” Cringing, I sighed. “Yeah, probably.” Damn overprotective father.

Where he couldn’t stop us with a watchful eye, he’d managed to stop us with outdated technology.

I squirmed under Kellan’s hips, wishing I could do more, but even that slight movement made a sharp sound. Now that my mind was clearer, even our crawling into the bed had been noisy. I immediately stopped moving, afraid that we’d already woken my dad up.


Kellan shook his head, his lip curving into a delicious smile; it made me ache. “Well, your dad obviously doesn’t know me very well, if he thinks that’s going to be a big enough deterrent.” Slipping off of me, the bed squealing in protest, he stood at the back of it. With a finger, he motioned for me to get up. I did, curious. Once standing, he grabbed all of my blankets and laid them on the floor on the other side of the bed. Next, he laid down some pillows, so we’d be sort of comfortable. Standing back, he smiled and spread his arms out. “Your love nest awaits.”

I cocked an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, amused.

Kellan bit his lip then walked over to me. Grabbing my hand, he led me to the other side of my squeaky bed. My heart accelerated with every step we took towards the spot he’d laid out for us.

Pulling me into his body once we were standing before the blankets, he murmured, “Kiera?” He leaned down to place a light kiss upon my neck, just under my ear. I couldn’t answer him, I started trembling. He didn’t wait for my response. Placing a feather-light kiss below the first, he asked, “Will you…?” He paused to kiss farther down my neck. I tilted my head and closed my eyes, feeling like I was dazed, like my head was spinning. He laid a final kiss in the electric spot right by my collar bone, then ran his nose up my neck to my ear. Once there, he finished his question. “…Make love to me?”

I think I may have actually melted.

I kissed him hard, my breath back to pant-mode. Quickly, but quietly, we stripped off the multiple layers of clothing between us. When we were both bare, his fingers on my skin searing me, we laid down on my quilt covered in daisies. Bringing the heavy, down comforter over the top of us, we melded together.

His skin, hot against mine, made my body feel like satin as we naturally entwined. His lips left warm, wet trails over that silky skin and I felt sensual, seductive, worshipped. He let out a soft groan in my ear as my fingers traveled down the most sensitive, private area of him. Desire shot through me, mixing with love and the residual loneliness of our forced separation.


Careful to keep as quiet as possible, I pulled on his hips, urging him to take me. He locked gazes with me, his breath fast through his parted lips. I reached up and sucked on one and his eyes fluttered closed. As we broke apart, I nodded, squirming my hips under his. I wanted this.

His eyes, dark in my dark room, skimmed over my features as his hand trailed down my body, to my knee. Slightly pulling my leg up and around his hip, he settled himself over me. My heart raced with the anticipation of it. Resting his forehead against mine, he lightly breathed on me for a moment, pressing against me but not moving inside yet. His smell overwhelmed me this close, made me even more ready for him, for us, for this.

S.C. Stephens's Books