Do You Remember(74)

I blink at him. Of all the things he’s said, this is the only one that gets through. He knows my biggest fear. And he did try to help me.

“This is bullshit,” Harry spits at him. “She’s not going to give you her company after what you’ve done. Right, Tess?”

I open my mouth to answer him, but my throat is too dry to get any words out. Maybe it’s a side effect of the medication. Harry and Lucy are both watching me with equally worried expressions on their faces.

“I’ll take care of your company, Tess,” Graham pleads with me. “Just sign those papers and I’ll keep it going for you. And then you can do whatever you want with your boyfriend here for the last few months of your life. You don’t ever have to hear from me again.” There’s a mildly threatening edge to his voice as he adds, “You don’t want to drag this out in court, do you?”

He knows I don’t want that. I don’t want to spend my remaining time fighting this man. If I sign the papers now, it will be done. You don’t ever have to hear from me again.

Graham holds out the papers to me. I could sign those papers. I don’t want to give him my company, but I also don’t want to spend the last months of my life fighting him. And I can tell from the look in his eyes that he will fight me until I’m dead. What’s the difference if he gets the company? I won’t be around to see it, anyway.

“Don’t do this, Tess,” Harry says.

I take the contract from Graham’s hand. It’s still open to the page that has the X, waiting for my signature. He holds out the pen and I take it from him.

“You’re doing the right thing,” Graham says.

“I know I am,” I say.

I take the contract and I rip it in half. I let the pieces flutter to the floor.

Chapter 44


Harry is helping me pack.

I don’t recognize most of the stuff in the closet—it’s all designer outfits that don’t feel like me. My inclination is to leave it all behind. We’ve got plenty of money in my bank account. I can buy clothing and anything I need when we arrive at our destination.

We’re leaving tomorrow morning. I can’t wait.

“You should bring a few things,” Harry points out. “I mean, you don’t want to wake up tomorrow and have nothing to wear.”

I don’t care if I wake up tomorrow and have nothing to wear. As long as I remember yesterday. This morning when I woke up next to Harry, I could still remember the day before. And the day before that. My memories are still patchy, but they’re all coming back to me little by little, like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place.

“I’m not worried,” I say.

I rifle through the top drawer of my dresser. I tossed that cracked photograph of me and Graham on our wedding day into the garbage a week ago. I never want to look at his smug face again.

Of course, it’s unlikely I’ll get my wish. Graham might not be inheriting my company, but I will definitely see him again since I’m pressing charges against him for embezzlement. He’s out on bail right now. And obviously, I have filed for divorce. All of this means we may have to cut our trip short. But that’s okay. It’s worth it to make sure he gets what he deserves.

In the meantime, Harry and I are going to enjoy ourselves. Tomorrow morning, we’re hopping on a plane to someplace warm. With lots of beaches.

Harry grins at me and holds up a flowered bikini top to his chest. “This one is great.”

I return the grin. “That would look so sexy on you.”

“I was thinking exactly the same thing.”

I yank the bikini top away from him and he grabs my hand. He pulls me closer until his lips press against mine. For the last week, we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other—we are making up for lost time. I cling to him, feeling the heat of his body, not wanting to let go. Even to finish packing.

When the memory of catching Lucy with Harry came back to me, Lucy confessed Graham had put her up to it. There was no affair. Harry never came on to her. It was all staged so I would break off my engagement with Harry, and Graham would have a shot with me. I will never forgive Lucy for that one. But she’s trying. She’s even going to be testifying against Graham. And she’s offered to look after Ziggy for a few weeks until I get back from my trip with Harry.

All those years I was with the wrong guy—I was with a man who lied and cheated and stole from me. I’m so stupid. How could I have believed Harry would ever cheat on me? He has been nothing but devoted.

So much wasted time—I’m filled with regret. It makes me even more determined not to waste another moment of the time I have left.

When our lips finally separate, I’m almost floating. But then out of nowhere, a wave of sadness hits me. Despite the anti-depressant pills I started taking again, it’s been difficult to accept my situation. I’m not going to have the happy ending I dreamed of. It’s off the table for me.

“You know,” I say, “I saw what happened to my mother. I might have six months left, but it doesn’t mean those six months are all going to be good.”

The smile drops off Harry’s face. “Look, you know I think we should try to get another opinion. Maybe there’s a doctor who could—”

Freida McFadden's Books