Daisies in the Canyon(82)

“You look like you are about to cry, and if you do and mess up your makeup that I just spent more than an hour getting perfect, I’ll shoot you like I did the coyote,” Shiloh said.

Abby forced a smile. “I’m just thinking of Mama. I’m not going to cry, I promise.”

“Well, changing the subject here, but I don’t like it that you took Martha away from Vivien and Polly. They’re lost without her,” Bonnie said.

“I would be, too,” Abby said. “Are we ready? I hear the first strands of the music and the guys will be waiting for us at the bottom of the steps.”

“Are you sad that our father won’t be giving you away?” Shiloh asked.

“No, I’m not sad. Today I’m marrying Cooper. There is nothing to be sad about. The future is beautiful. The past is gone,” Abby said.

Cooper waited at the bottom of the steps with Waylon, Travis, and his deputy. Jackson was supposed to be the fourth groomsman, but Loretta had gone into labor on the way to the wedding.

Bonnie came down the steps first and Waylon escorted her out to the yard. Thank God, it was one of those lovely spring days that don’t come along real often. A nice morning breeze moved the cool morning air and big white puffy clouds dotted the sky. Abby had sent Cooper a text that morning saying that the clouds were providing a chair for her mother so she could see the ceremony.

Shiloh was next and Travis took her arm. Then Haley started down and stopped at the bottom of the stairs to hug Cooper. “Be good to her. She’s tough as nails on the outside, but she’s fragile as glass on the inside. I’d hate to have to shoot you if you break her.”

“Never happen,” Cooper said. “I love her so much I’ll carry her around on a satin pillow.”

“Make it velvet and you might live a long life.” Haley winked.

Haley was outside when Abby appeared at the top of the stairs. Cooper’s breath caught in his chest. Her hair had been pulled up and she looked like an angel with that halo of daisies on her head. She carried a bouquet of daisies tied with blue ribbons and he could already envision all of it on the floor of their bedroom as soon as the reception was over.

Then she pulled up the front of her dress so she wouldn’t trip over it and his eyes widened out as big as saucers. Underneath all that angelic beauty, she wore her camouflage combat boots.

“Like it?” she asked.

“Love it.” He grinned. “That’s my Abby. Tough as nails, but soft at the same time.”

She looped her arm in his and rolled up on her toes to kiss him, but he shook his head.

“Not until the preacher gives me permission.” He grinned. “You wouldn’t let me see you until now, so we’re not taking any changes with jinxing the marriage. And before this all starts, Abby, you should know you’re stunning today.”

“You look pretty damn handsome yourself. Now let’s go outside and get this marriage started,” she said.

He escorted her out to the porch, down the stairs, and to the aisle they’d made by setting up folding chairs facing an arch entwined with greenery and daisies. Martha ambled along beside them with her head held high.

“I don’t think I could be any happier than I am right now,” Cooper whispered when the pianist hit the beginning chord and the friends and neighbors stood up.

“Oh, I think you could be,” Abby said softly. “Remember that fight in the Sugar Shack?”

“How could I forget it? That was the most miserable night I ever spent,” he said.

“Remember what started it,” she asked.

“Yes, I do. Are you . . .” He paused and looked at her.

“Not right now, but if we got pregnant on our honeymoon, which starts tonight right here on the Lucky Seven, by the end of the year we could have a family started.”

Cooper stopped in the middle of the aisle, right in front of the pianist playing the old-fashioned upright under the shade tree, in front of all the people attending the wedding and even in front of the Almighty. He picked her up and swung her around in a circle, showing off her combat boots to the whole crowd before he set her down and hugged her tightly.

“I love you,” he said loudly.

“I love you, Cooper,” she whispered in his ear. “But remember, no kissin’ until the preacher says it is okay.”


Dear Reader,

Thank you for coming back to visit the canyon again. As I finish this book, it’s springtime in southern Oklahoma and the Arbuckle Mountains are yellow with coreopsis. Last week I noticed the wild daisies blooming along with the red clover and buttercups. The whole area is full of beautiful color. Winter, with all its bitter winds and chilly weather, is finally gone.

Writing this book has been cathartic to me in many ways. I never knew my father very well and didn’t see him for many years before he died. As I looked into his casket, I grieved for the father I’d never known. I could feel Abby’s pain and knew all about her commitment issues and I truly hope that I’ve told her story well.

Thank you seems like such a small thing, but I do thank many people for taking this book from an idea to the finished product. First of all, thanks to my husband, for all the takeout food he’s eaten while I wrote Daisies in the Canyon. It takes a special person to be married to a writer and he’s the best. A huge thank-you to Krista Stroever, my absolutely fabulous editor, who pushed me to write a stronger book. To the entire Montlake staff, from my editors to the folks who create and design covers—y’all are the best and you have my undying gratitude for believing in me! And finally to my sister, whose spirit talks to me like Abby’s mama did to her, and continues to tell me to keep writing.

Carolyn Brown's Books