Chilled (Bone Secrets, #2)(64)

She touched Ryan’s forehead and flinched. He was hot. When he woke up, she’d see if he could keep down some ibuprofen. It wasn’t the fastest for bringing down fevers, but it was all she had. Hopefully, his stomach had settled. She’d watched him carefully last night. He’d only nibbled at the bar she gave him.

Thomas had been awake when she stepped back in the plane. He’d nodded to her and vanished out the door, surprisingly with Kiana at his heels. Usually the dog kept some distance from Thomas. She glanced at her watch. Those two had been gone about five minutes.

She sighed.

They needed to head out today. She wished they had a more accurate idea of how far off the railroad trestle was. She didn’t know if Ryan could go. And the plane was so comfortable compared to the tents. Tent, she corrected. All five of them and Kiana would be in one tent if they had to camp another night. Not good.

Maybe some of them should stay behind.

She bit her lip. Jim would hate to split the team. But with Ryan ill, they might have no choice. She’d stay behind with Ryan. Wait for a helicopter or better weather for him to hike out. Jim and Thomas moving together could travel fast and tell Collins exactly where to find them. And Alex…

She didn’t know what she wanted Alex to do. He was probably strong enough to move out with Thomas and Jim. But it’d be nice to have one more person if she needed help with Ryan. Plus he was armed. She shivered. Ever since Alex had said Besand’s name, she just hadn’t felt secure.

Alex made her feel safe.

More than Ryan or Jim or Thomas and all their guns. She stared at Ryan awkwardly sleeping upright in the seat. She’d known him for years and Jim for even longer. Why did a deputy marshal that she’d known for two days rate higher than her friends?

She cleared her thoughts, uncomfortable with their direction.

Ryan was going to have a stiff neck when he woke. It was tight, uncomfortable quarters for everybody. No one could stand up straight in the tiny plane.

Jim had stretched his legs as he and Brynn sat in the comfy chairs and talked while everyone drifted off last night. Alex had fallen asleep in the cargo area. He’d said he couldn’t sleep in a chair.

“I’m so tired I can’t see straight,” Jim had muttered.

“It’s been a hell of a day. We all need some rest.” She’d glanced at Ryan.

“How’s he doing?”

“We’ll see in the morning.”

“Think he’ll be up to hiking out?”

Brynn had shrugged.

“You feeling OK?” His tone was too light.

She’d narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m worn out like everyone else. I already told you I’m not pregnant.” He’d looked down at his hands.


He’d waited. “Besides what?”

“It’s nothing,” she’d mumbled, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut.

“What is it? What’s going on with Liam?” Jim knew her too well.

“It’s over.”

“You guys are over? You broke up?” He’d looked horrified. Jim had always thought Liam was the best guy she’d ever dated. Jim had always been on the lookout for someone he thought could “take care of her.” Of course, looking over her dating history, Liam did look pretty good. But that didn’t mean she had to settle.

“He’s been living with Tyrone for over a month.”

“What? I had no idea. Does Anna know about this?”

Brynn had shaken her head. “We haven’t told anyone yet. He keeps saying we can work things out. But I know it’s over. We just don’t want the same things.”

“He’s crazy about you, Brynn. He’d do anything for you.”

She’d turned to him earnestly. “That’s what I mean. He absolutely smothers me. I had to sneak out for this job because we’d had a fight about my volunteer rescue work. He didn’t want me going on any more missions.”

“He’s worried for your safety. After last time—”

“That could’ve happened to anyone. You know me, Jim. You know I can’t walk away from this kind of work. It’s a part of me. I have to do this stuff. To ask me—let me correct that—to tell me I can’t go on any more missions simply shows me how much he doesn’t know about me. How could you tell someone you love and respect that they’re not allowed to do what they love?”

Jim had blinked hard and started to speak several times, but he’d finally given up. He’d slumped in his seat. “You’re right. I just didn’t want to see it. Even Anna thought he was too controlling for you. But some women like that.”

She’d raised a brow and wrinkled her nose. “Do you honestly see me as one of those women?”

“Hell, no. But I saw how worried Anna was when you got hurt last year. I guess I’d hoped Liam could protect you better.”

“Liam needs a little woman at home to greet him with a freshly baked apple pie as he comes in the door.”

Jim had grinned. “He would love that, wouldn’t he? But God, he’ll be bored to death. As much as he hates your risk taking, I think it was part of what attracted him to you in the first place. You guys are a lot alike in that manner.”

“He wants to get married,” Brynn had whispered, her eyes staring into the night.

Kendra Elliot's Books