Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(73)

Dante was pale, and I didn’t like the sweaty brow he was sporting. “Is there something you need to tell me?” I asked him, giving him this one chance to confess. I wasn’t sure what I would do if I found out Dante was involved in this world somehow.

“I don’t have anything to tell you, Riles,” he said, visibly calming. “It was just … you know … a hangover from Beck before.”

I probably would have pressed him a little harder, because there was something there, only an idiot wouldn’t see it, but a large shove in the back distracted me before I could say anything else.

Spinning around, I glared at Katelyn, who stood in a tiny white dress, her long blonde hair dead straight and gleaming.

“Whoops,” she said, smirking at me. “Didn’t see you there. You blend right into the floor with that outfit on.”

I had on a black shirt and skinny jeans. Nothing fancy, that was for sure, but I hardly looked as bad as her expression implied.

“This party is off limits to Huntley trash,” Eddy snapped, stepping in close to me. “How the fuck did you even get in here?”

Katelyn leveled a glare on her. “Edith,” she spat. “I keep hoping to read about your untimely death, but you somehow keep kicking.”

Eddy smirked. “You’ll probably be dead before me, bitch. Remember who’s an heir here. No one gains anything by killing me.”

I looked around then wondering if we should be having this sort of conversation in public. Luckily, most people hadn’t noticed the fight going down in their midst, but that quickly changed when Katelyn snarled and reached out to grab Eddy’s hair. She yanked it hard, and my friend started cursing and throwing punches in an attempt to dislodge her.

“Girl fight!” Some dickhead nearby yelled, and the crowds closed in around us, effectively blocking Dylan, Evan, and Jasper, who had been heading in our direction. In an attempt to help Eddy, I got smacked in the face by a flailing arm, and with a chuckle, Dante reached out one of his long arms, and yanked Katelyn up and off Eddy. There was a shriek as more than a little of Eddy’s hair went with her, but Dante didn’t care. He just held Katelyn up, practically by her throat.

“Stay the fuck away from Eddy and Riley,” he snarled, all humor lost. “If I catch you near either of them again, I promise that you won’t have to worry about a little hair pulling. You have no idea who I am, bitch, and it’s best you don’t find out.”

She snarled, swinging at him. “I will kill you, you piece of shit ganger.”

Dante’s laugh was dark, cold. “You should be more careful who you threaten. You have no idea what I can do to you,” he said, his voice thundering with anger. “I would end you without a second fucking thought.”

Then he basically threw her ass across to where some of her minions waited, and they managed to catch her before she slammed into the ground. People started shouting and cheering, and Dante got a few dark looks, but no one stepped in because he was tall, scary, and obviously well known as a member of the Jersey gang world. “Thanks,” Eddy said, and I stepped closer to help her fix her hair. “She has quite the grip on her.”

Dante shrugged. “Yeah, no big deal.” He ran a hand over his shaved head, the tattoos flashing in the low light. I was struck by how many times I’d seen him do that same move. It was so familiar, and everything inside hurt, because there was a divide between us. It had slowly been forming ever since I lost my parents, and it was breaking my heart.

“I need some air,” Dante muttered, and he turned and pushed through the crowd. I went to go after him but Jasper got to me first. “You okay, Riles?” he asked, using his bulk to stop me from getting knocked around.

“What about me, asshole?” Eddy said, smacking him. “I’m the one who got half my hair ripped out.”

He ruffled her hair, and she shot him the darkest look ever. “You’re always fine, little sister.”

Eddy flipped him off before she stormed off toward the bar.

“I’m okay,” I said, smiling as Evan and Dylan made it to my side. “Just a little cat fight.”

Dylan’s face was thunderous. “That stupid bitch needs to be taken down. She’s been in our territory for too long.”

“I don’t understand why Huntley is here at all. I mean, how come Delta hasn’t kicked them out.”

“It’s the vote,” Jasper bit out. “All rules are off until this fucking vote is over.”

“How long until this vote again?” I asked.

Evan sounded tired. “One month. One more fucking month of that stupid bitch, and Graeme Huntley around town.”

I hadn’t seen her father at all, but it sounded like he was here as well.

“I’m going to find Dante,” I said, meeting their eyes. “Check he’s okay … maybe ask him what the fuck is going on.”

Dylan wrapped his hand around my wrist. “Do you think it’s safe to be alone with him?”

For the first time I hesitated before answering. “Dante would never hurt me.” At least not physically anyway. Emotionally was another story.

“Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do?” Jasper said, not moving to let me past. “At least let us stay in sight.”

I finally agreed, and the four of us walked around the party while I tried to spot Dante. I finally saw him at the end of the long driveway. “You wait here,” I said to them. “He won’t talk to me unless we’re alone.”

Tate James & Jaymin's Books