Broken Hill High (Broken Hill High #1)(5)

I pull my phone out and quickly check the time. 12:37 am. Hmm, I hadn’t realized just how quickly the night was going. Mom is expecting me and Brooke home soon.

I find myself a dark corner and lean up against the brick wall of the house when a set of arms wrap around my waist. I gasp and look up into Josh’s hazel eyes. “I knew you’d come looking for me,” he murmurs into my ear as his hand travels down to grab my ass.

Just like before, I hardly have a chance to take a breath before he seals his lips to mine with his tongue invading my mouth. Inside, I could mostly handle it as I had the party vibe going on, but right now, I’m tired and I have a headache, and having some guy’s tongue halfway down my throat just isn’t cutting it.

I turn my head away and he aims his lips for my neck. I mean, this is definitely a much better situation. The way his lips move against my neck has a slight moan slipping out of me. “Yeah, I knew you’d like that,” he says as he presses himself against me, letting me feel just how turned on he is. “Why don’t we go upstairs for a little more privacy?”

I consider it for the briefest moment before realizing that I don’t want to give up my V-card at a party to the drunk quarterback who wouldn’t remember it in the morning. Most girls at this party would say I’m insane to pass this up, after all, he’s the most popular guy in school, being with him right now would mean setting myself up as Queen B for the whole senior year. I mean, every girl in the school wants to be in my position, and I’m hating myself for not feeling it.

Why can’t I just be a whore for one night? Just lose all my morals and have a good time?

I groan before letting him down, hoping this doesn’t ruin my chances for another night. “I can’t. I have to go.”

His hands on my ass tighten as he gets a good squeeze. “Come on, babe,” he says. “I’ll make it quick.”

Ahhhhhhh…. Nah. My first time is not going to be a quick, meaningless screw.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I really have to go. Rain check?” Or maybe an actual date and a little effort on your part before you try to get in my pants?

Josh goes to reply when screams coming from behind us steal both our attention. Josh whips around as I twist to look around him, trying to figure out what has people so freaked out.

It only takes a second for me to work it out as Nate’s matte black Camaro comes tearing through the back yard with his best friend, Parker, hanging out the passenger window, banging on the side of the car and egging Nate on. People duck and dodge as they try to get out of his way while others, like me, stand there gawking at the sight.

“Fuck,” Josh grunts as his hands ball into fists at his side. As he watches Nate, it’s clear he’s not impressed, especially as Nate heads for the bonfire, but we all know, there’s nothing that can be done. If it was anyone else, this shit would have been dealt with, but not with Nate.

Nate Ryder does whatever the fuck he wants to do and the way that he doesn’t give a shit about the consequences is what makes him so dangerous.

Nate drives like a maniac but it’s clear he knows exactly what he’s doing behind the wheel, especially when he reaches the bonfire and starts tearing up the grass as he does donuts around it.

People laugh and cheer at his recklessness while Josh turns bright red with anger. It’s no secret that Nate and Josh have never gotten along. Josh is the golden boy while Nate is the complete opposite. Josh goes to step forward, probably to do damage control before he steps back, choosing not to intervene. I have to admit, that one little move by Josh finally proves that maybe he does have a brain inside that head after all. He’d be a fool to try to stop Nate. He’s just going to have to wait him out and hope he and his friends leave before they do any permanent damage.

Nate’s car finally comes to a stop and I cringe at the state of the grass, I mean, there’s hardly any left. Josh is going to have to get this shit sorted before his parents return from wherever it is they’ve gone this week.

Parker stumbles out of the car first and raises both hands in the air before screaming out and putting on a show for all his adoring fans. He brings his beer bottle to his mouth, finishes what’s left, and tosses the bottle towards the fire, though he misses and it smashes against a rock.

Nate, however, gets out of the car, deciding to leave it right there in the middle of the yard. He leans up against the side of it and pulls a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket before pulling one out and lighting it up.

He throws the packet through the open window of his car and walks forward. His eyes lock onto Josh and then down at me before he smirks as Josh turns and disappears inside.

He walks straight past me and I hold my breath, hoping he keeps going, but I’m not that lucky. Nate stops and steps back before smirking down at me. He takes a step forward as he sucks on the end of his cigarette and blows out a puff of smoke, though, I have to give him credit for not blowing it into my face like he did a few weeks ago.

My instincts take over and I step back which puts me right up against the brick wall of the house. Nate follows and pushes right into my personal space with that wicked smirk of his. He lowers his hands to my waist and I pull back as far as the wall will allow.

“Looks like Josh isn’t that interested in you after all,” he says with a nasty sparkle in his eye as he leans in and presses his body right up against mine. “But don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to scratch that itch for you.”

Sheridan Anne's Books