Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy(75)

Roxster: <Not even a teensy-weensy little bit?>

Me: <Well, maybe a minuscule bit only detectable to human eye using nit comb.>

Roxster: <Was it your least favourite Jonesey/Roxster outing of all time, then?>

Me: <If I say no, will you have a panic attack?>

Roxster: <Now that we’re married my panic attacks have totally disappeared.>

Me: <You see?>

Roxster: <Do you think it’s fair to say I work in Philanthropy on my CV?>

Me: <You mean by marrying me?>

Roxster: <Yes. I could say I’m working for Help the Aged.>

Me: <Bog off.>

Roxster: <Oh, Jonesey. Nighty-night, darling.>

Me: <Nighty-night, Roxster.>


Tuesday 11 June 2013

133lb, days since any communication from Roxster 2, amount of day spent worrying about lack of communication from Roxster 95%, mass emails re Sports Day chopped vegetables 76, spam emails 104, combined minutes late for school pickups 9, number of sides on a pentagon (unknown).

2 p.m. Very weird weather – is freezing cold and little white things swirling about. Cannot be snow, surely – is June. Maybe is blossom? But so much of it.

2.05 p.m. Roxster has not called or texted since Sunday night.

2.10 p.m. It is snow. But not nice snow like in the winter. Is strange snow. Presumably world about to end through global warming. Think will go to Starbucks.

Though really ought to find somewhere other than Starbucks that does ham-and-cheese paninis in protest at whole tax-avoidance thing, though maybe irrelevant as world about to end anyway.

2.30 p.m. Mmm. Feel much jollier about everything, now am in world full of people and coffee and ham-and-cheese paninis all huddling together cosy from the cold. The weird unnatural snow has stopped and everything seems normal again. Honestly! Getting in such a stew about everything. Think will text Roxster. I mean, I haven’t texted him since Sunday night either, have I?

<Did you know there are 493 calories in a Ham and Cheese panini?>

Roxster: <Busy morning, baby?>

Me: <*Types* Roxster’s beefy shoulders glistened in the dappling sunlight like, like . . . beefy shoulders.>

Roxster: <Have you turned to writing Mills & Boon, my precious?>

Me: <*Calmly continues typing* An enormous fart emerged from his bum, which quivered in the blossom-scented air. . .>

Roxster has not replied. Ooh, text.

Was Jude.

<Am on 7th date with Wildlifephotographerman. Does this mean we are going out?>

Texted back: <Yes! You’ve really earned it. You go, girl!> which wasn’t the sort of expression I usually use, but never mind.

2.55 p.m. Still Roxster has not replied. Hate this. Am so confused. And have to pick kids up in half an hour and be all cheerful. OK, have a few minutes to deal with Sports Day emails.

Sender: Nicolette Martinez

Subject: Sports Day Picnic

Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro

We need picnic items for boys/parents for our class. I’ve filled in the parents who have already volunteered. Juices: Dagmar

Sliced carrots, radishes and peppers (red and yellow): ?

Sandwiches: Atsuko Fujimoto

Crisps: Devora

Water: ???

Fruits: ??

Melon balls and strawberries: ?

Cookies (no nuts please!): Valencia

Black bin liners: Scheherazade

Let us know what you plan to bring.

Thank you.

Please let’s all bring picnic blankets if we have them.

Thanks, Nicolette

Sender: Vladlina Koutznestov

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

I’ll bring fruits – probably some berries and cut-up melons.

Sender: Anzhelika Sans Souci

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

I’ll bring sliced carrots, and radishes. Could someone else do red and yellow peppers?


PS Should someone bring paper cups?

Farzia, Bikram’s mum, just forwarded me an email she’d – in a moment of utter madness – sent to Nicolette.

Sender: Farzia Seth

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

Do you think we all need picnic blankets – won’t a few between us be fine?

And the one she’d got back from Nicolette, with a note from Farzia saying, ‘Shoot me now!’

Sender: Nicolette Martinez

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

Definitely not. We should all bring picnic blankets. With two boys at the school, I do have some experience of this!

Light-headed and devil-may-care now, I emailed Farzia ‘Watch this’ and sent:

Sender: Bridget Billymum

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

I’ll bring the vodka. We drink it neat without mixers, all agreed?

Group email came instantly back.

Sender: Nicolette Martinez

Subject: Re: Sports Day Picnic

Vodka is NOT a good idea at Sports Day, Bridget. Or cigarettes. Could you manage the red and yellow peppers? Possibly? In strips so they’ll work with the dips? It is actually quite a difficult job organizing the Sports Day Picnic.

Oh, shit. In the middle of it all suddenly saw email from Imogen at Greenlight.

Sender: Imogen Faraday, Greenlight Productions

Subject: Ambergris’s Notes

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