Breath of Scandal(32)

"I will be the one who has to see that they pay for this. Somehow, someday, I III get restitution." Instantly her tears dried. "Why go through the legal motions when they Ire

ary through that virtually guaranteed acquittal? Why put G

misery? He'll be hurt enough when I break up with him.

-Breath -of Scandal


And in order to protect him, I'll have to break up with him," she added dully.

"By the way, Mama, we got our scholarships. The letter came yesterday. I was on my way to tell him the good news when Donna Dee's car ran out of gas." The unfairness of t was overwhelming and debilitating. She slumped against I

the drainboard.

Velta rose from her chair and briskly dusted her hands. "Well, whatever your reasons, I'm glad to hear that you plan to get on with your life. The best thing you could do is forget this ever happened. "

Jade's head snapped up. Violent energy smoldered in the depths of her blue eyes. Though she stood very still, her body was taut and quivering. When she spoke, her voice was calm and chillingly controlled. "I'll never forget it."

By second period, there were sweat rings rimming the armholes of Lamar's shirt. He was nervous, upset, and confused.

Neal and Hutch were absent from school. That alone made him feel adrift. He had considered staying at home himself, but that would have required making up an excuse for his mother. Whenever possible, he avoided having any inter-

ane, especially if it involved dissembling. action with Myraj

She could spot a lie at fifty paces.

During homeroom, the principal, Mr. Patterson, had announced to the entire student body that seniors Gary Parker and Jade Sperry had received full college scholarships. Everybody had applauded.

"I know you'll want to extend these two outstanding students your congratulations," the principal had said over the PA system. "Unfortunately, Jade is absent today, but be sure to remember to congratulate her when she returns to school."

Upon hearing that Jade was absent, Lamar had really begun to sweat. Between classes, he met Gary Parker in the hallway but pretended not to see him so he wouldn't have to speak. Could he ever face Gary again after what


Sandra Brown

he'd done to his girl friend? Last night he had harbored a secret pride in his sexual accomplishment. In the cold light of day, however, he was reminded that his success had been at Jade's expense. 3-ratulations from Seeing Gary graciously accepting cong

his classmates brought Lamar's guilt to the forefrontSwamped with shame and horror, he ducked into the nearest boys' restroom and threw up in the toilet.

He had fourth period with Donna Dee Monroe. When he entered the classroom, he was relieved to see her sitting at her desk, but his relief was short-lived. His stomach lurched threateningly when she made eye contact with him.

She knew. earching look she gave him that He could tell from the s at happened after she knew - Somehow she had found out wh

they had deserted her on the highway. The stare she leveled on him made him feel worse than he did when his mother flew into a tirade over one of his many shortcomings. He felt naked and exposed. He wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Instead, he had to endure fifty-five minutes of English class. The minutes ticked by with torturous slowness.

Who had told Donna Dee? Jade, he supposed. But when? How? The last time he had seen Jade, she had been lying on the ground with her knees drawn up to her chest- He remembered thinking that it might be best if she just died. Then there would be no one to testify to what he had done. His mother would never find out. Of course, he had buried the thought quickly, before the Lord had time to hear it and strike him down.

Apparently Jade hadn't been hurt as badly as she had looked. But how had she gotten back to town? Had she told anybody what had happened at the channel? Obviously so, because Donna Dee knew. Oh, Christ. If Donna Dee knew, then other people would find out, and eventually his mother would hear of it. There would be reprisals. No matter what Neal said, there had to be. his

By now Sheriff Jolly probably knew. Even though do son was involved, he was a man of integrity. He would what was right. Any minute now a burly deputy might come

Breath of Scandal


crashing through the door of the classroom brandishing a firearm and waving a warrant for Lamar Griffith's arrest.

Blood drained from his head so fast, he had to lay it on top of his desk to keep from fainting. His skin was clammy. He felt nauseated again.

Lamar thought seriously about running from the classroom, all the way downtown, and throwing himself on the mercy of the district attorney. Better to rat on his friends and turn state's evidence, better to have Ivan Patchett for a lifetime enemy, better to be locked up with thieves and pimps and serial killers, than to experience the wrath his mother would unleash.

As it turned out, Lamar missed his chance to make a mad dash for the door. While the pupils were supposed to be engrossed in reading Alexander Pope, Donna Dee approached the teacher's desk and whispered a request for a pass to the nurse's office.

"What's wrong?" the teacher asked.

"I don't feel well. You know." She gave the teacher that look that women exchange to signal that they're having their period.

Sandra Brown's Books