Breath of Scandal(117)

Breath of Scandal


"No!" She made a jabbing motion toward his belly with the letter opener.

"Christ. "

She was obviously still asleep, or so disoriented that she didn't realize what she was doing. Before one or both of them got hurt, he lunged across the desk and grabbed her hands. The telephone crashed to the floor. Paperwork scattered like autumn leaves in a high wind. Jade screamed. They fought for control of the letter opener. She fell against the wall behind her, knocking a calendar off its hook.

He twisted her hands, but she wouldn't release her grip on the letter opener. Even though she seemed to be imbued with superhuman strength, he knew he must be hurting her. He would apologize later. First, he had to keep her ftom ripping a hole in his gut.

He finally got a firm grip on both her wrists and swung them up above her head. He slammed his body into hers, pinning her between himself and the wall. She slung her head wildly from side to side.

"You'll have to kill me first." "Jade. 11

"I won't let you. You'll have to kill me." "Jade!"

It was as though he had entered her nightmare and slapped her awake. She ceased struggling instantly. Her head became still. Her breasts rose and fell drastically against his chest.

"Who is it?9'

He could feel her rapid breath on his face. "It's Dillon. "Dillon?"

4'That's right." "Dillon.

6'Yes. "

Exhausted, he bent his head over hers, resting it on her forehead while he sucked in drafts of a1r. He released her wrists. When he did, her arms fell lifelessly to her skles.

"Are you okay?" he asked hoarsely.


Sandra Brown

She nodded. He stepped away from her and clicked on the lamp. The letter opener still in her hand had a serrated blade. It could have been deadly.

"Jesus," he swore. "What the hell were you trying to do with that damn thing?"

Jade dropped the letter opener onto the desk and simultaneously collapsed into her chair. "Protect myself." . She was pale, trembling, and breathless, but otherwise

seemed no worse for wear. Seeing that she was all right, Dillon allowed himself to get mad. "You damn near gutted me.-

Jade propped her elbow on her desk and pushed a handful of hair out of her face. "You shouldn't have sneaked up on me."

"I didn't sneak. I made a hell of a racket outside. I called your name twice."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" "I didn't want to startle you."

"Oh. so you just leaned over me like you were going to smother me."

He let loose a string of curses.

"What are you doing here anyway? What time is it?" she asked, apparently still confused from being awakened so abruptly.

"Not that late," he replied. "Just after eleven."

"Oh, lord. " She picked the telephone off the floor. While she placed a call to her house, Dillon stood at the edge of her desk, glaring down at her. "I'm glad you arrived when you did," she said as she replaced the receiver. "Cathy was worried, but said she hated to call and interrupt me while I was working."

"What the hell were you thinking of to stay out here by yourself after dark?" he asked angrily. "You're lucky it was me who came through that door."

"The door was locked."

"As though that would stop anybody who wanted in badly enough."

"Well, nothing tragic happened, so let's just forget it, shall we?"

Breath of Scandal


That belittling tone of hers never failed to set his teeth on edge. As she came around her desk, he blocked her path. "We'll forget it when I say it's time to forget it. It's not safe for a woman to be out here alone, miles from town, after dark. Don't do it again."

"May I remind you that you're not in a position of authority over me?"

"Dammit, forget our positions. This has nothing to do with work. Besides, the only time you pull rank on me is when you know you're wrong."

Her eyes blazed up at him. "If it had been anybody but you, Loner would have barked to alert me of danger." Dillon lowered his head closer to hers. "is that right?" "That's right."

"Well, for your information, Loner wasn't here,'9 he said softly. "He was out looking to get laid. If he had gotten lucky, he probably wouldn't have been back before daylight. "

Irritated and embarrassed, she glanced away. "I appreciate your concern for my safety. "

. "Don't flatter yourself. I'm not all that concerned. I'm just trying to talk a little common sense into somebody who obviously has shit for brains."

Her head came back around swiftly. "I'm glad you used that particular turn of phrase. It reminds me to tell you not to use foul language in front of my son."

"Have you been eavesdropping on my conversations with Graham?"

"Certainly not. He quotes you. He thinks you're bloody marvelous. "

That gave him a warm rush of pleasure. "Really?" "Really. So watch what you say around him."

"I haven't said anything he doesn't hear on cable TV, and probably in his classroom at school."

Sandra Brown's Books